
Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Test the clouds.
Project Cloverleaf is common knowledge, and has been referenced in a relatively cursory matter earlier in this thread and again here. Geo-engineering is common knowledge. The people doing the spraying, the technology being used, the chemicals being used, and the presence, at MCL levels, of those chemicals found in the surface environment have been confirmed. Chemical analysis has been done by professional lab tests, of soil and water samples submitted by concerned citizens. These things have all been discussed and substantiated long before this thread was ever created.

As for cloud testing, there are only a few planes in the world that have the equipment to analyze the spray mix and can get to the CT altitudes (30,000+), clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails from the Military/DOD, and money must be raised for the minimum $22,000 per day plane rental fee. 
 So as I indicated earlier in this thread, it is unnecessary, cost prohibitive, dangerous, and in general infeasible.

Concequently, more attention and focus is being directed towards figuring out the best way to utilize the information already available.

Test the clouds.

Military Said Behind Up To Four
Different Chemtrail Programs

By Mike Blair

Just what exactly are those mysterious airplane vapor trails seen filling America's skies? A group of independent investigators may have the answer.

In a series of high-tech programs that would enthrall the most dedicated science fiction fans, the military is producing what have become known as "chemtrails" -- the thick, viscous airplane engine trails that have been poisoning the air and ground with toxic chemicals.

For two years, The SPOTLIGHT has been in contact with experts in fields ranging from medicine to nuclear energy who have been investigating the mysterious trails left by airplanes in skies all over America and in many foreign countries.

These "tracks" in the skies, believed to be left by a combination of military and civilian aircraft drawn into the massive, multi-billion dollar program, are unlike regular high-flying aircraft's vapor trails. Instead of dissipating rapidly, these so-called "chemtrails" mesh together for hours and are often mistaken for natural clouds.

The principal chemical being deposited in the air consists of various mixtures of barium salts, which were revealed in studies undertaken by a Pennsylvania-based high-tech weapons scientist. Chemicals, he said, were being utilized as part of the development of a new radar system at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. The base will be the site of a public demonstration on Saturday, June 23, starting at 1 p.m. under the sponsorship of Ohio Citizens Against Chemtrails, headed by Kim Weber, one of the citizens working on the chemtrail investigation. The rally will be attended by hundreds of people from across the nation who are concerned about these poisons being dumped out of the sky onto millions of people on the ground.

Considerable effort has been put into chemtrail research by a physicist who has been associated with Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, N.Y. The scientist, with his fellow researchers, has determined that the chemtrails are being created by efforts of the military in at least four major, but separate, projects.

The first project is an effort to block the rays of the sun from hitting the Earth, including ultra-violet radiation that will come through without an adequate layer of ozone in the upper regions above the Earth. In the event of global warming, this, it is hoped, could lower temperatures on the surface of the Earth and block ultra-violet radiation from causing skin cancer in humans. The aerosol being sprayed in this case is probably aluminum oxide or a compound that would have similar properties, and is the only one of the government programs that does not use the barium mixtures.


The second and most secret project is the Navy's Radio Frequency Mission Planner (RFMP) program, which is a system encompassing a group of computer programs. One of its supporting subprograms is know as Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation or VTRPE. This is a computer radio frequency propagation program that deals with radio waves and enables the RFMP system to visually see the terrain of a battlefield in three dimensions on a television-type screen.

The RFMP system also depends on a satellites to supplement the images of a battlefield picture obtained from the ground, thus producing the 3-dimensional images. In providing an interactive picture portraying in the radar screen, the RFMP system allows the computer operator to develop familiarity with the "environment" before a war mission occurs by playing a variety of "what if?" virtual warfare scenarios on his computer screen. Since all major modes of radio frequency propagation are modeled in his computer (the RFMP system), special, sometimes counter-intuitive, cases can be examined in detail and exploited during a battle. Initially, the VTRPE computer program only worked accurately over water and along coastal areas but not over land masses because the system's radar waves required an atmospheric condition known as "ducting," over land, to operate accurately.

This "ducting" problem was solved by releasing an aerosol, a mixture of barium salts into the atmosphere over the United States. Thus, they can make an atmospheric radio frequency "duct" with a base of barium aerosol released from aircraft.

One of the researchers, the physicist from Brookhaven, explained how the process works: The chemical and electrical characteristics of the mixture cause moisture to stay in the clouds. The aerosol sets up an electrical and chemical environmental that supports RF ducting for the RFMP/VTRPE warfare system."The mixture of barium salt from the aerosol when sprayed in a straight line will also provide a ducting path form point A to point B and will enable high frequency communications along that path, even over the curvature of the Earth, in both directions," he said. "Enemy high frequency communications can be monitored easier with the straight line A to B ducting medium."

The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the atmosphere and involves weather control. It is a project of the AIR Force and utilizes concepts of radio frequency radiation, developed originally by legendary scientist Nikola Tesla, against the ionosphere above the Earth. Known as the so-called HAARP project, it is manipulating life-support systems in the environment, testing and altering them for military advantage.

Air Force documents, obtained by the independent researchers, indicate that "the risks are high but the rewards are worth it." The mixture of barium salts, supporting moisture, is administered along the weather fronts and manipulated in a controlled fashion. It is believed that microwave energy is also utilized in the weather control program. Weather data is also a required input to the VTRPE program of the RFMP system. Perfect weather control technology will enable the military to withhold rain, cause floods, cause drought, cause storms, withhold sunshine, damage food crops, and bring any country to its knees without firing a shot.

The fourth atmospheric project is being run by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a means to detect and decontaminate enemy biological attacks. The program also utilizes a mixture of barium salts as the base vehicle in aerosol, along with special polymer fibers. The combination allows detection of biological agents. Some biological agents have actually been released into the atmosphere in trials, testing the detection and decontamination systems. It is believed that barium salt, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the atmosphere are the physical irritants that may be directly or indirectly responsible for unexplained nose bleeds, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, upper respiratory ailments and arthritis-like systems. Chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere are producing air and ground conditions that may be harmful to humans and animals, while stimulating the growth of molds and bacteria. Barium salts, an Earth metal, are toxins that absorb readily into the gastrointestinal tract which are deposited into muscles and other tissue. No case data is available on the long-term effects of barium in humans.

"The programs remain secret because the Environmental Protection Agency and state environmental agencies need 'not know' about the by-products of the metabolites of these biological, illegal and harmful agents," said one of the researchers. "It's for that reason the combined projects have been kept secret from the citizens." _____


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It is very feasible to test chemtrails. Many private jet aircraft fly well above 30k'. You don't have to rent a plane. You feature pilots in your videos. They have plenty of access to these. One of your videos featured Bill Gates. I'm sure he can find a plane.

High volume air quality testing equipment can be easily purchased. Pine can sell you one that weighs 125lbs.

Clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails from the Military/DOD. Really? If that is so then obtain the clearance. You also post that commercial airlines are doing the spraying too. Nothing stopping the flying through those chemtrails.

If the claim is that chemtrails are easily identified in the air, then it is necessary of the chemtrail community to go there and collect the evidence to these claims.
Why test something that doesn't exist? I'm sure Eric "I could park a bus in the vacuum of space between left and right ear" 2136 will have something to say about this.
Clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails from the Military/DOD. Really? If that is so then obtain the clearance.

Ok Bob, I'm not going down this road with you again, you have no idea what you are talking about, but gather your evidence together regarding the issue, if you've done any, and submit it to me here for my consideration.

Cloud testing is not going to happen for the reasons I already stated. If you naively think you have any idea what it would take to accomplish this task then you can sponsor your own study of whatever you think is relevant, using whatever means you think necessary, meanwhile, the rest of the world has moved on.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
If you naively think you have any idea what it would take to accomplish this task then you can sponsor your own study of whatever you think is relevant, using whatever means you think necessary...

I supplied you with information about aircraft that is available to do the research. I supplied you with information regarding equipment to do the research. It is the part of the chemtrail community to use these easily available recourses to prove the claim that those easily visible chemtrails contain what they claim. You should question those in the chemtrail community why they don't use these easily available resources to conduct their research.
Considering vast majorities of the USA is covered in snow right now (Eric that's that fluffy stuff that falls out of the sky in winter) why don't you just test that? Or is that just too easy?
What you provided me so far is insufficient, and just talk off the to of your head. Gather your evidence together regarding the issue in a detailed fashion with links to all of your sources, if you've done any, and submit it to me here for my consideration.

I supplied you with information about aircraft that is available to do the research. I supplied you with information regarding equipment to do the research. It is the part of the chemtrail community to use these easily available recourses to prove the claim that those easily visible chemtrails contain what they claim. You should question those in the chemtrail community why they don't use these easily available resources to conduct their research.
If you go to the 31:50 mark of the 3rd video in post #8 of this thread, you will see that professional lab testing of snow, and snow drifts, has already been done.

Considering vast majorities of the USA is covered in snow right now (Eric that's that fluffy stuff that falls out of the sky in winter) why don't you just test that? Or is that just too easy?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Rather than list every small aircraft that can cruise above 30k', here is an encyclopedia of aircraft.

Cessna has produced Citations since 1977 that cruise at a 45k' since 1977. Beechcraft has been making the King Air 200 that cruises at 35k' since 1972. The Bombardier BD-100 Challenger 300 has been in production since 2001 and cruises at 45k'.

As noted above, high volume air quality testing equipment can be easily purchased. Pine can sell you one that weighs 125lbs. Parker Hannifin has been doing this since 1918 and is a worldwide $13 billion engineering company.

There you have it. Planes readily available to fly up to 45k' and companies that can test air. Forward this to your chemtaril friends and ask them why haven't used these easily available resources to fly through their easily recognizable chemtrails to measure what is in them.
Rather than list every small aircraft that can cruise above 30k', here is an encyclopedia of aircraft.

Cessna has produced Citations since 1977 that cruise at a 45k' since 1977. Beechcraft has been making the King Air 200 that cruises at 35k' since 1972. The Bombardier BD-100 Challenger 300 has been in production since 2001 and cruises at 45k'.

As noted above, high volume air quality testing equipment can be easily purchased. Pine can sell you one that weighs 125lbs. Parker Hannifin has been doing this since 1918 and is a worldwide $13 billion engineering company.

There you have it. Planes readily available to fly up to 45k' and companies that can test air. Forward this to your chemtaril friends and ask them why haven't used these easily available resources to fly through their easily recognizable chemtrails to measure what is in them.

You answer is insufficient. Please refer to my last statement regarding the issue:

"…As for cloud testing, there are only a few planes in the world that have the equipment to analyze the spray mix and can get to the CT altitudes (30,000+), clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails from the Military/DOD, and money must be raised for the minimum $22,000 per day plane rental fee. .."

The plane has to be able cruise at the attitude of + 30,00 ft and be fitted with the specific air testing apparatus that can test and speciate the specific chemicals being sprayed. In particular, the apparatus must be able to specifically test for ALL of the following chemical compositions:

Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates

Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles
(Containing Live Biological Matter)

Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins

Your link just goes to the front page of the Parker Hannifin website. That is insufficient. You need to know what apparatus products they market which specifically test for all of the chemicals above. You need to know which planes that fly at the 30,000 plus altitude, if any, that are currently fitted with the appropriate apparatus. If said plane exists and is rentable, than you need to know the price for that. If there is no such plane, than you need to know what is the cost to fit a rentable plane with such apparatus, if possible. If said apparatus exists in a portable form, than you need to know the cost of that apparatus. Then you need to know who, if anybody, will rent you a plane of any kind for the specific investigative task that you want to engage in, and at what cost per day.

Once those initial issues are resolved, than you still need to gain the clearances necessary to directly enter and investigate the contrails and chemtrails in any particular air space where you plan to do testing. You have provided no information regarding that either.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I provided you with planes that have been built and currently still in production that have been flying to those altitudes for decades. I also provided you with providers of equipment that measure particles there and beyond those you listed. The Parker Hannifin site tells you what services and devices available. Stuff that has been available to the public for decades. Take the equipment, toss it into a plane and gather.

Simple talk here. You want a plane that can fly 30k'? They are very common. You want equipment that measures particles at high volume? They make them and can fit it for your use. Why haven't your chemtrail people put these 2 things together to make measurements for the claims that clearly visible chemtrails are different from contrails?

I could have called bullshit on your initial claim that very few airplanes can fly at 30k' a few posts ago. I took the high road to let you take the time and learn more about aircraft. I provided you with information and now you know the truth. Medium jets soar through 30k' and cruise at 45k'.
Uhhuh, just as I thought, no fucking sources, and no fucking clue what you are talking about. Your answer is insufficient. Please refer to my last statement regarding the issue:

"…As for cloud testing, there are only a few planes in the world that have the equipment to analyze the spray mix and can get to the CT altitudes (30,000+), clearance must be obtained to fly into the trails from the Military/DOD, and money must be raised for the minimum $22,000 per day plane rental fee. .."

The plane has to be able cruise at the attitude of + 30,00 ft and be fitted with the specific air testing apparatus that can test and speciate the specific chemicals being sprayed. In particular, the apparatus must be able to specifically test for ALL of the following chemical compositions:

Aluminum Oxide Particles
Bacilli and Molds
Barium Salts
Barium Titanates
Desiccated Human Red Blood Cells
Ethylene Dibromide
Enterobacter Cloacal
Human white Blood Cells-A (restrictor enzyme used in research labs to snip and combine DNA)
Methyl Aluminum
Mold Spores
Nano-Aluminum-Coated Fiberglass
Nitrogen Trifluoride
Known as CHAFF)
Polymer Fibers
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Pseudomonas Florescens
Radioactive Cesium
Radio Active Thorium
Serratia Marcscens
Sharp Titanium Shards
Sub-Micron Particles
(Containing Live Biological Matter)
Unidentified Bacteria
Yellow Fungal Mycotoxins

Your link just goes to the front page of the Parker Hannifin website. That is insufficient. You need to know what apparatus products they market which specifically test for all of the chemicals above. You need to know which planes that fly at the 30,000 plus altitude, if any, that are currently fitted with the appropriate apparatus. If said plane exists and is rentable, than you need to know the price for that. If there is no such plane, than you need to know what is the cost to fit a rentable plane with such apparatus, if possible. If said apparatus exists in a portable form, than you need to know the cost of that apparatus. Then you need to know who, if anybody, will rent you a plane of any kind for the specific investigative task that you want to engage in, and at what cost per day.

Once those initial issues are resolved, than you still need to gain the clearances necessary to directly enter and investigate the contrails and chemtrails in any particular air space where you plan to do testing. You have provided no information regarding that either.

*Let me just add that I have friends who are pilots, and the authors of the Case Orange Report were aviation scientists, who I think know a little more about the subject than you. And if you think any fucking sane pilot is going to risk his life or his business too purposely go up and fuck with a covert military operation, for one or two days worth pf pay, than you are fucking looney tunes.

Further, I do not advocate nor support in any way going up and testing chemtrails, nor do I advocate for anyone else to do so. It is completely your idea to go and test these chemtrails and not mine. I do not support this idea. If you do, than you are on your own as fas as I'm concerned.

I provided you with planes that have been built and currently still in production that have been flying to those altitudes for decades. I also provided you with providers of equipment that measure particles there and beyond those you listed. The Parker Hannifin site tells you what services and devices available. Stuff that has been available to the public for decades. Take the equipment, toss it into a plane and gather.

Simple talk here. You want a plane that can fly 30k'? They are very common. You want equipment that measures particles at high volume? They make them and can fit it for your use. Why haven't your chemtrail people put these 2 things together to make measurements for the claims that clearly visible chemtrails are different from contrails?

I could have called bullshit on your initial claim that very few airplanes can fly at 30k' a few posts ago. I took the high road to let you take the time and learn more about aircraft. I provided you with information and now you know the truth. Medium jets soar through 30k' and cruise at 45k'.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Are still denying that there is aircraft that can climb 30k' after I gave you the names of several aircraft manufacturers that have been making them since the 70's? Basic corporate jets fly beyond those altitudes everyday. Cessna has produced Citations since 1977 that cruise at a 45k' since 1977. Beechcraft has been making the King Air 200 that cruises at 35k' since 1972. The Bombardier BD-100 Challenger 300 has been in production since 2001 and cruises at 45k'. How many more aircraft do you want me to list before you will believe that there is no trouble flying above and beyond 30k'? I'll gather more from the encyclopedia of aircraft that I already provided a link to.
Your answer and you information is insufficient. Refer to the above aforementioned list of links and information specified. Information which you have yet to provide, and are now obviously desperately avoiding having to admit that you don't have. Information that that you don't have because you don't have any idea what the fuck you are talking about.

I repeat, also, that your whole idea to fly a plane into a covert military operation to basically spy on what they do is ridiculous, and probably illegal….you're on your own on that one hoss lol

Are still denying that there is aircraft that can climb 30k' after I gave you the names of several aircraft manufacturers that have been making them since the 70's? Basic corporate jets fly beyond those altitudes everyday. Cessna has produced Citations since 1977 that cruise at a 45k' since 1977. Beechcraft has been making the King Air 200 that cruises at 35k' since 1972. The Bombardier BD-100 Challenger 300 has been in production since 2001 and cruises at 45k'. How many more aircraft do you want me to list before you will believe that there is no trouble flying above and beyond 30k'? I'll gather more from the encyclopedia of aircraft that I already provided a link to.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Will you admit that planes flying above 30k' are common? I can make longer lists if you need.
In this thread I'm, pretty much limiting my dialogue to existing observations, analysis, and scientific data compiled by professionals, environmental groups, and concerned citizens.

I'm not involved in this scheme of yours, whoever you are, to fly planes into chemtrails, and I'm not commenting on any aspects of what you say regarding that issue, because of the aforementioned, and also, even more importantly, because you don't know what the fuck you are talking about in any way, shape, or form.

Will you admit that planes flying above 30k' are common? I can make longer lists if you need.