Burning oil rig sinks, setting stage for big spill

I would have more confidence if another oil company was calling the shots. Shell or Chevron...anyone but BP

I wouldn't. Although I would like to think another oil company would be better....I have a feeling in my gut they all have the same upper management mentality on safety vs. profit margin. It would still be a cluster-fuck. Big business hasn't shown much that impressed me here lately. :2 cents:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I didn't watch the press conference, and I don't know what she asked exactly, but I see Obama's refusal to bring our troops home and end our double occupations/democracy-building :rolleyes: as the greatest mistake he will ever make.

Think of all the money that we would have now to fight this oil disaster? Think about all the military personnel and equipment we could throw at this thing? We have nothing because we're still bogged down fighting useless, endless 'wars.'

It will look incredibly cynical and political if Obama declares "Mission Accomplished" in August and brings our troops home right before elections. It's too late for him. That's a typical Bush/Cheney tactic (use the military to win an election).

This oil disaster is now the greatest natural disaster in the history of our nation. He could've seized the opportunity to rally all Federal forces to stop this leak and begin the cleanup and instead he chose to adopt a very lawyerly approach of "wait and see what facts develop" :rolleyes:

It's too late. He could've rallied the Gov't, kicked BP aside, been declared a hero and NOBODY would go against him in the coming election or on any policy item.

This could've been his knockout shot to the tea gaggers and the Conservatives.

It all could've started with him bringing home the troops from Day 1 of his administration....

I'd pretty much agree, t-rock. :thumbsup:

Obama and his never-ending and ultimately futile attempts to make everything a "reach across the aisle" proposition has culminated in him turning his back on the base that got him elected. He is tremendously gifted, intelligent and charismatic but his presidency thus far is certainly less than stellar thus far.

I still find it incredible that BP had no contingency for this sort of worst-case scenario (I mean....shooting fucking golf balls into the leak??? Gimme a break! :rolleyes:). I equally blame the government for its lack of oversight and regulation by allowing this situation to be manifested in the first place and the "deer-in-the-headlights" response ever since. If I see one more shot of Ken Salazar standing on some oil-ridden beach looking all worried and concerned and wearing that goofy hat of his, I think I'm gonna puke.

There's plenty of blame to go around and, unfortunately, while the politicians and oil moguls posture about who is going to pay for this fucked-up mess, we all know who will eventually pay the price for this disaster....those of us who pay at the pump.
Eventually this spill will be stopped and cleaned up. My hope is that something positive comes from it. Maybe this disaster will finally prompt the government (democrat and republican) to quit looking after special interests and start offering huge rewards to the American business community for coming up with some real energy alternatives to fossil fuel.
Yeah, we're all holding our breath out for you...

Oil officially hits the beach with "the whitest sand in the world"...:(
"Obama knew situation was hopeless in April.."

""I feel like I've gone from owning a piece of paradise to owning a toxic waste dump," said Erin Tamber, who resettled in the Pensacola area after surviving Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.

Six weeks after an April 20 oil rig explosion killed 11 workers, oil giant BP PLC has failed to significantly stem the worst spill in U.S. history. The government's point man for the crisis, Coast Guard Adm. Thad Allen, said at a news briefing Saturday that the cap collected about 252,000 gallons of oil Friday, its first full day of use.

That amount is about a half-percent to 1 percent of the total oil that, according to government estimates, has already leaked from the sea floor."


Re: Burning oil rig sinks, setting stage for big spill

Where's barry?

I wish that this fn president would just pull out his smokes sometime during a press conference and say: HERE, I smoke, FU, get over your sensitivities! Now will you allow me to do the work of the American people instead of making me go into hiding every time I wanna have a smoke?
Would his polling improve if he did such a thing in admitting his smoking? I think so.

Why do I bring this up here?, well, I've noticed something very peculiar about this president, he's always in transit, he likes to delegate more than any other president on record (look no further than the 39 Czars he's hired)and he seems to have a short attention span when dealing with very important things. Why? because he smokes and somehow in the politically correct world today, smoking is forbidden.
You know it's true.

I know all of the antics of a sneaky smoker, I wasn't born yesterday and barry (where is he BTW? )is that sneaky smoker! It's too bad that the American people and the environment have to suffer from the presidents non ability to stay focused as he finds it absolutely imperative to stay away from the poparazzi when lighting up.

Mr. President, are you in here? What in the world are you doing in this pitch dark close, Mr president? :pimpdaddy:
He doesn't have a short attention span. How many czars has he hired over, say, Dubya or Nixon?

If he brought troops home, if he spent billions on getting us on the "green path" and if he stopped trying to make republicans feel better, we would all be better off.

He can't get ahead of any issue because he hasn't led us anywhere. Healthcare reform was a worldwide embarrassment for the U.S. in terms of misinformation and sad public ~outrage~...for nothing essentially.
Jimmy Buffett laments the fouling of his paradise

PENSACOLA BEACH, Fla. – The timing might be a bit off for tourists hoping to waste away in Margaritaville. But that doesn't bother Jimmy Buffett.

The singer — whose tunes are as much a part of life in this beach town as fried grouper sandwiches, Land Shark beer and the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels — is planning to open a 162-room Margaritaville Hotel in a week. :shocked::o

This might be the final nail in Tony "The Clueless Douchebag" Hayward's coffin....the United States ~burns~ and this motherfucker is off with the champagne and caviar set....

FIRE HIM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As oil spews in Gulf, BP chief at UK yacht race :eek::mad::mad:

LONDON – In what one environmentalist described as "yet another public relations disaster" for embattled energy giant BP, CEO Tony Hayward took time off Saturday to attend a glitzy yacht race around England's Isle of Wight.

As social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook lit up with outrage, BP spokespeople rushed to defend Hayward, who has drawn withering criticism as the public face of BP's halting efforts to stop the worst oil spill in U.S. history.

Spokeswoman Sheila Williams said Hayward took a break from overseeing BP efforts to stem the undersea gusher in Gulf of Mexico so he could watch his 52-foot (16-meter) yacht "Bob" participate in the J.P. Morgan Asset Management Round the Island Race.

The boat, made by the Annapolis, Maryland-based boatbuilder Farr Yacht Design, has a list price of nearly $700,000.

The annual Round the Island Race is one of the world's largest, attracting more than 1,700 boats and 16,000 sailors as famous yachtsmen compete with wealthy amateurs in the 50-nautical mile course around the island.

Robert Wine, a BP spokesman at the company's Houston headquarters, said it was the first break that Hayward has had since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers and setting off the undersea oil gusher.

"He's spending a few hours with his family at a weekend. I'm sure that everyone would understand that," Wine said Saturday. "He will be back to deal with the response. It doesn't detract from that at all."

Wine described the race as "one of the biggest sailing events in the world and he's well known to have a keen interest in it."

He said Hayward will be returning to the United States, though it's unclear when.

Still, hobnobbing with millionaire sailors is likely to be a hard sell in the Gulf states, which are struggling to deal with up to 120 million gallons of oil from the blown-out well. Oil has been washing up from Louisiana to Florida, killing birds and fish, coating delicate marshes and wetlands and covering pristine beaches with tar balls.

I think we should all join the movement to boycott BP/ARCO gas stations. :thumbsup:

According to this article a boycott won't actually harm BP Corporate, it would harm the BP gas station owners. Even more frustrating is if you click and read this article the suggestions the writer makes to protest BP are not the kinds of things that strike a direct blow at them but instead are things like (ride a bike/use less AC/Heat---:mad:--basically, indirect, long-term things).

A boycott of BP/ARCO gas stations would hasten the removal of the BP Logo from our sight...:thumbsup:
