I am not attacking you for being fair. You were being disingenuous and you just admitted to it. Gabby Giffords was attacked by a deranged person who had a beef with government as a whole. Scalise was attacked by a person that hated Republicans and especially conservatives, Giffords was not shot because she is a Democrat. Giffords selfishly is using her tragedy to try and deny people their second amendment rights, Scalia has used the tragedy to make sure that the second amendment stays in tact. There is no doubt that Scalise is being more courageous with his stance.
You are extremely far left. How do I know this? Because you think people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are moderates. I don’t like the direction you want to see our country pivot. If some conservatives want to coddle you because we’ve been mean to you then fine, but don’t expect it to change anything because I consider you an enemy of my country.
BC 101
June 16th, 2018 : Kim Jong-Un is no longer an enemy of the US but Johan is
But the worst part of all this is that if that had I wished Scalise's shooter to have killed him, you wouldn't have been harsher to me than that.
Note to self : Quit trying to be a good person, it never pays off. Be cruel, be mean, be the biggest pile of shit you can be 'cause these guys will take humanness for weakness and will jump on you as soon as you show some of it.