I'm not sure I agree with this 100%, because the alleged murdered posted his motives that were connected. So there is that.
Also, de Blasio is the Mayor of New York. He is not just another private citizen. His words towards the NYPD needs to be as mayor, not as a private citizen. So, I think he took a wrong turn on this one.
Was it Ghandi who said if we all live by "An eye for an eye", we'll all be blind. So, to what I believe your point it, I think we need to defuse things at this point, not escalate with rehtoric.
You can't separate what happened yesterday from all the vitriol and violence that has occurred in the past several months. Anyone that does so is burying their head in the sand. The dude may have been a mad man but it doesn't change the fact that he was fueled by the race baiters and people with an agenda to de-claw our nations police officers.
Violent psychopaths can attempt to justify their actions just like anyone else. The same thing happened with the murder of two Las Vegas police officers that I referred to earlier. And the same thing happened in the aftermath of 9/11. "I wouldn't have commited an atrocity if the world did what I wanted."
I'm not buying it any more than I buy it when someone says, "She wouldn't have been raped if she hadn't been wearing fishnets." It's nothing more than self-enabling bullshit.
This was the act of a madman and there are no extraneous factors. My 2 cents.