*Breaking* 2 NYPD officers ambushed and killed in Garner revenge slaying

Well, if your answers come that easy to you, please explain this one:
Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police

A psycho is a psycho, a thug is a thug. Legitimizing the actions of such is you spitting in the face of people better than you.
I don't legitimate anything. I just say it's not surprising. There's a differences between legitimising something and explaining (or at least trying to) why it happened.

I would never legitimise violence of any kind. Whatever the issue may be, violence is NEVER the right answer.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
These types of extraneous reactions to what the black community feels was a rip off totally deflect the message they should be relaying. Just like rioting....how does burning down businesses or torching police cars relate to a perceived civil injustice? On the contrary, the riot or the police murders now become the focus, not their social cause. I have never understood this behavior and I never will. In the interim, my thoughts and prayers go out to the officers' families and the NYPD.
So was this scumbag out for "justice" before or after he murdered his girlfriend?
Lastest reports are that the girlfriend is seriously wounded and not deceased which is a tad bit of good news in this horrific chain of events.

Naturally, Al has already publicly condemned the attacks. I just wish he'd go the fuck away. How he didn't lose all credibility after the Duke lacrosse case is beyond me. Oh, that's right, he never had any credibility. He's just an attention whoring opportunist.

How did he have any credibility after Tawana Brawley? He's racked up some serious credibility debt over the years.

Prediction: DeBlasio doesn't survive this and has to step down within 10 days. He doesn't have the support of the NYPD. No mayor can lead a city without the backing of his or her police department.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The tragic heroes were working overtime when they were shot point-blank in their heads by the cowardly lone gunman. Two families are now destroyed and now first responders have to be hyper vigilant throughout their entire tour of duty for the foreseeable future. And that dumbass shot a latino and an asian. He got the wrong demographic.

Comrade De Blasio's approval rating will take a hit, but he'll be okay and probably win his reelection because the People's Republic of New York gets the government they deserve.

Rest in peace brothers, may angels guide you to heaven. You will be missed. God bless the NYPD.
The tragic heroes were working overtime when they were shot point-blank in their heads by the cowardly lone gunman. Two families are now destroyed and now first responders have to be hyper vigilant throughout their entire tour of duty for the foreseeable future. And that dumbass shot a latino and an asian. He got the wrong demographic.

Comrade De Blasio's approval rating will take a hit, but he'll be okay and probably win his reelection because the People's Republic of New York gets the government they deserve.

Rest in peace brothers, may angels guide you to heaven. You will be missed. God bless the NYPD.



Closed Account
These types of extraneous reactions to what the black community feels was a rip off totally deflect the message they should be relaying. Just like rioting....how does burning down businesses or torching police cars relate to a perceived civil injustice? On the contrary, the riot or the police murders now become the focus, not their social cause. I have never understood this behavior and I never will. In the interim, my thoughts and prayers go out to the officers' families and the NYPD.

Well this just complicates things now doesn't it? Looks like FOX News is gonna have a field day on this issue. I could see the look on those battleaxes like Hannity, O Reilly and Jeanine Pirro faces come the following TV date...
Well this just complicates things now doesn't it? Looks like FOX News is gonna have a field day on this issue. I could see the look on those battleaxes like Hannity, O Reilly and Jeanine Pirro faces come the following TV date...

This has nothing to do with Fox News. Any responsible journalist would report and discuss it.. Especially since this was fueled by other talking heads and race baiters. The MSM have been having a "field day" with this since August. Now 2 cops are dead and it was a week ago that there were protests and marches in the streets calling for exactly what transpired today.


Bronze Member
Whoa! That's crazy. My condolences to the police officers' families. I wonder how this is going to effect the DeBlasio & the NYPD's relationship now.


Closed Account
This has nothing to do with Fox News. Any responsible journalist would report and discuss it.. Especially since this was fueled by other talking heads and race baiters. The MSM have been having a "field day" with this since August. Now 2 cops are dead and it was a week ago that there were protests and marches in the streets calling for exactly what transpired today.

You're wrong. Large protests took place due to the deaths of Eric Garner in Staten Island, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Akai Gurley in Brooklyn. The protests escalated in size after grand juries in Ferguson and in Staten Island separately decided not to file criminal charges against the police officers, who were involved in the chokehold death of Garner and the shooting death of Brown. The ppl felt justice was not served and they weren't looking for a revenge motive. What's the matter with you?
You're wrong. Large protests took place due to the deaths of Eric Garner in Staten Island, Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Akai Gurley in Brooklyn. The protests escalated in size after grand juries in Ferguson and in Staten Island separately decided not to file criminal charges against the police officers, who were involved in the chokehold death of Garner and the shooting death of Brown. The ppl felt justice was not served and they weren't looking for a revenge motive. What's the matter with you?

What's the matter with you? Large violent protests broke out in Ferguson right after Brown's death and 3 months before any grand jury decisions were handed down. My point was a valid one in response to your comment that somehow this was being fueled by Fox news. The false narrative of "Hands up... don't shoot!" was being played over and over by the likes of MSDNC and BET. It's not my problem that you have difficulty comprehending my response to your post.

Well this just complicates things now doesn't it? Looks like FOX News is gonna have a field day on this issue. I could see the look on those battleaxes like Hannity, O Reilly and Jeanine Pirro faces come the following TV date...

This is your response to two NYPD officers being assassinated on their meal break? This isn't about the news. You're an idiot and I have no use for you because when you were challenged on this statement instead of thinking about it, you defended your shallow line of thinking.

I have a couple of good friends who a NYPD. I have neighbors who are active NYPD. They try to do good. It is their job. Race baiters put a target on their back.

This is what my congressman recently posted:

"Today's vicious execution style murders of two brave NYPD officers is a vivid reminder of how dangerous a cop's job is and how violent and dangerous our streets can be. It is also time to realize that we cannot return to policies which during the 1970s made cops open targets.

It is also time for elected officials to stand by the men and women of law enforcement and end the demeaning of police officers and grand juries. Our national, state and local leaders should also stop elevating people like Al Sharpton to positions of influence and instead consider meeting with families of murdered police officers." -- Peter King

I agree with him.

(I recently apologized for taking a shot at someone whose opinion I didn't agree with. That will not be the case here.)

Rest in Peace and Thank you for your service.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
The Internet postings appear to show Brinsley, who is black, wanted revenge for the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and Eric Garner in Staten Island, N.Y., police said.

Shortly before the shooting, Instagram user "dontrunup" posted a photo of a silver handgun with wooden grips and the caption: "I'm putting wings on pigs today. They take 1 of ours … Let's take 2 of theirs. #shootthepolice #ripericgardner #ripmikebrown This may be my final post … I'm putting pigs in a blanket."


I don't have any words for this.

But what fucking pisses me off is that people are going to remember the names of Michael Brown and Eric Garner but not the names Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. And that's a fucking travesty. These two police officers senselessly lost their lives because the other two degenerate fucktards couldn't listen.

#ripericgardner - Clearly, he was well informed of the situation since he couldn't even spell his fucking name correctly.


I don't have any words for this.

But what fucking pisses me off is that people are going to remember the names of Michael Brown and Eric Garner but not the names Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos. And that's a fucking travesty. These two police officers senselessly lost their lives because the other two degenerate fucktards couldn't listen.

#ripericgardner - Clearly, he was well informed of the situation since he couldn't even spell his fucking name correctly.

My sympathies are for the deceased. I am growing less and less sympathetic for the living. It's clear to me that whatever de Blasio or anyone else said or did, this is an isolated incident involving a madman. Period. It had nothing to do with Brown, Garner, de Blasio or anyone else. The NYPD acting otherwise isn't buying any brownie points with me.
this is an isolated incident involving a madman. Period. It had nothing to do with Brown, Garner, de Blasio or anyone else.

Agreed, as far as any ongoing arguments regarding Michael Brown or Eric Garner are concerned, this doesn't change anything, nor does it vindicate or undermine the case of either side. It was a bullshit act committed by a disturbed individual just looking for an excuse.
My sympathies are for the deceased. I am growing less and less sympathetic for the living. It's clear to me that whatever de Blasio or anyone else said or did, this is an isolated incident involving a madman. Period. .

I agree completely

It had nothing to do with Brown, Garner, de Blasio or anyone else. The NYPD acting otherwise isn't buying any brownie points with me.

(Are you supposed to keep typing after you say "period"? ;) )

I'm not sure I agree with this 100%, because the alleged murdered posted his motives that were connected. So there is that.

Also, de Blasio is the Mayor of New York. He is not just another private citizen. His words towards the NYPD needs to be as mayor, not as a private citizen. So, I think he took a wrong turn on this one.

Was it Ghandi who said if we all live by "An eye for an eye", we'll all be blind. So, to what I believe your point it, I think we need to defuse things at this point, not escalate with rehtoric.
You can't separate what happened yesterday from all the vitriol and violence that has occurred in the past several months. Anyone that does so is burying their head in the sand. The dude may have been a mad man but it doesn't change the fact that he was fueled by the race baiters and people with an agenda to de-claw our nations police officers.