Well this just complicates things now doesn't it? Looks like FOX News is gonna have a field day on this issue. I could see the look on those battleaxes like Hannity, O Reilly and Jeanine Pirro faces come the following TV date...
This is your response to two NYPD officers being assassinated on their meal break? This isn't about the news. You're an idiot and I have no use for you because when you were challenged on this statement instead of thinking about it, you defended your shallow line of thinking.
I have a couple of good friends who a NYPD. I have neighbors who are active NYPD. They try to do good. It is their job. Race baiters put a target on their back.
This is what my congressman recently posted:
"Today's vicious execution style murders of two brave NYPD officers is a vivid reminder of how dangerous a cop's job is and how violent and dangerous our streets can be. It is also time to realize that we cannot return to policies which during the 1970s made cops open targets.
It is also time for elected officials to stand by the men and women of law enforcement and end the demeaning of police officers and grand juries. Our national, state and local leaders should also stop elevating people like Al Sharpton to positions of influence and instead consider meeting with families of murdered police officers." -- Peter King
I agree with him.
(I recently apologized for taking a shot at someone whose opinion I didn't agree with. That will not be the case here.)