Mr. Greg,
If there was a used dildo, one that had obviously been inserted anally, sitting on your front porch one morning and you saw that you're mom was walking up to your house, which would obviously mean that she would pass the said dildo on her way to the front door, would you...
A) Kick it off of your porch with a shoed foot?
B) Leave it there, because I want your mom to see a shitty dildo on your front porch and then think it's yours?
C) Pick it up with your bare hands and then make your mom smell your fingers?
Thank you for your time.
yeah mcrocket, vancock, christmas ape, sputgirl,ladylove, and the rest.
gregcentaoro whatever happened to those guys?
Christmas Ape still pops in from time to time. You just have to keep your eye out for him.
But, yeah...a lot of the good old members are gone. And, they've
been gone for a while now too. Damn. Oh well, sucks for us.
But least we still have JIBBIJIB!!!