Ask Me (GregCentauro) Any Question Ya Want

How many porn movies have you made and where can I buy them?
why is it in a star trek movie the klingon's say something like "Toh Tak Chi", and there is subtitles that say "target engines only, i want survivors". Obviously a more efficient way of communicating, and while im asking the word VOLUMPTUOUS, why does it mean someone like sophia loren to me, but someone with a weight problem to my girlfreind?


- Arab Ninjas having sex with each other on top of 700 aborted foetuses.
- Obese Brazilians shooting beer bottles off of a shelf with the excrement that follows the digestion of 5 raw chicken breasts.

Out of these two scenarios, which of the two would you prefer to nude wrestle 8 AIDS infected Irishmen?

Blue you where my BOY! Now the baby jesus cant forgive you!

PS> Oh yea and Greg.......Star Trek or Star Wars?


Re: Ask Me (GregCentauro) Any Question Ya Want

How many calories in 1 tsp of cum ?

greg ? .... sure, ditch us why don't you ?


Prince of the Rotten Milk
who would you marry ?
a. BlueBalls
b. MrTrebus
c. lechepicha (or KNOB_CHEESE, they're both douchebags anyway)
d. yourself or someone like you

BE HONEST, god damn it!
If you came across BlueBalls and lechepicha performing water torture on StanS, would it
A. turn you on because you like water bondage
B. turn you on because water torture makes you think of Dick Cheney
C. make you angry because you were not invited
D. make you angry because everyone knows StanS prefers dry humping.
This reminds me of the good old days when McRocket (that was his name, right?) was still around. You (Greg), B2J & CCT are rather tame compared to him.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
If you're a virgin and you have sex with a dead body, does it count?