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Anybody Here Actually Like Hillary Clinton And Are Enthusiastic To Vote For Her?

Not enthusiastic but I'm voting for her or Bernie. I hate the republicans that much.

I do not personally know any of the candidates so I cannot like or dislike any of them. But my evaluation on where they come from and their motivations, she by far nausiates me the least of all the other choices I have.
why does Hillary Clinton remind me of Patriots coach Bill Belichick?

They have similar mannerisms and a physical resemblance. They could be brother and sister.



Staff member
Hilary is a socialist swine, a sell out and a liar, she is a danger to America
I'm a student in a public school in Detroit, D.C., L.A. etc. and I really want to learn but discipline is a constant issue in the classroom as well as teacher apathy.

What recourse do I have? Because the liberal teachers' unions really have my interest at heart.

I sure would like to go to one of these charter schools where I could LEARN IN PEACE you liberal fucking do-gooders.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Is "slaming" the same thing as "slamming?"

I'm rethinking my position on Hilldebeast. Maybe she's not so bad. Maybe her marriage hasn't been a sham. Maybe...........

upload a picture



Hiliary 2020
If you want WWIII vote for her. Probably get it either way but with her it will just come much sooner.
She is a very loyal politician.....loyal to the Wall Street criminals and the people and big corporations who give her billions both in the open and
through the Clinton Foundation. Very loyal to Israel and the Israel first jewish lobbies too. .....The American people don't mean shit to her. You and are are less than nothing to her.
Clinton is about war, more war, and endless war. Just like the Bush and Obama administrations......she will just continue the policy of endless war.
I could fill three pages on the dangers of a H Clinton presidency, on her massive corruption past and present, on the Clinton body count, and most of all on her record
as a war monger.
Just take Libya for example, in which Hillary as Secretary of State played a huge part in destroying.
Here is another country that is doing fine, bothering no one. A Muslim country where women have rights and radical muslims are simply not tolerated.
This was a beutiful country in which skin color had no meaning and the people were kind, peaceful and passive.

What did the US and Nato do? First they carpet bombed it for a few days. Then they came in with the helipcopters shooting and destroying everthing in sight.
Then they sent in the radical muslim mercenaries to rape and murder the women and children and kill every black skinned Libyan in sight.
About a milion civilians were killed, about another million or so fled their homes and country. The rest are there and living in a living hell.
If the Western World is all about freedom and peace then they should have been great allies with Libya. But instead they destroyed it and handed it over the the muslim brotherhood, Al Quada, ISIS, ISIL or whatever they call it this week because it's all the same thing anyway.
The USA and Nato gave that country to the very same people they claim to want to destroy.

They are now trying to do the same to Syria and Iran but at this point Russia and China would not tolerate it. Oh but war mongers and puppets like Hillary want it so bad.
Hillary is about war, more war and endless war, period. That is what the people who own her want and that is what she'll give them.
Where as Trump and even Sanders are about pulling back the horses that are out of control and actually making alliances and peace treatys with Russia, with China, With Iran. Not trying to bully them into "submission". If anyone thinks that China, Iran and Russia are going to somehow submit and say , "Oh we now see the error of our ways, we now see what The US and Israel want is what's best for us". These countries and the entire world aren't ever going to submit to the US and its so called allies going from one country to another destroying it and putting in place a puppet leader who will let them plunder their resources and exploit their people. If any one thinks for a minute that's going to happen then they are insane.
It is an unsustainable system that is about ready to blow up in our faces if it continues, and with Clinton it is a sure thing.
Just take Libya for example, in which Hillary as Secretary of State played a huge part in destroying.
Here is another country that is doing fine, bothering no one.

What in the heck are you talking about? Libya was embroiled in a civil war at the time of NATO's intervention. One can argue the wisdom of that intervention, but there's no question the country was anything but "doing fine".


Hiliary 2020
Libya was not in a civil war just as Syria isn't right now. That what the GOV and the media told us but it was/is far from reality. Then again the GOV and the media are the same thing at this point anyway.
The reality is that both Libya and Syria have been infiltrated by mercenaries from other countrys who are fighting the miltiary of both countrys. That is not civil war by any stretch.
In Libya's case they didn't even fight back.
I've studied this very deeply and I know what I'm talking about.
Who do you think arms and pays these foreign mercenaries the GOV and the media call The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quada, ISIS, ISIL ect depending on the day of the week?
It's just clear as day. For example the Syrian government and Russia are fighting these mercenaries right now.
Instead of helping them fight we are instead demanding that the entire Syrian government leave the country and let it be taken over by these radical muslims........just like we did to Libya, Yemen, Iraq.
It's so obvious that if you can't see it by now you never will.
We're also calling Russia our enemy again and trying to provoke them into war.
War is big money. They create boogeyman after boogeyman, create false flag attacks more and more as an excuse for endless war.
Most of the world sees this. Americans don't because most get their information from US mainstream media and ity's almost always portrayed 180 degress from the actual reality.
If they only used those resources to build up the countries infrastructure and many other things that could actually help people instead of endless war, what a nice thing that would be.
If you want more of the same vote Clinton.
I've studied this very deeply and I know what I'm talking about.

And your sources are?

Who do you think arms and pays these foreign mercenaries the GOV and the media call The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Quada, ISIS, ISIL ect depending on the day of the week?

I think it's mostly oil money. If you're suggesting it's some kind of larger conspirator(s) they aren't doing a very good job being as their alleged hirees have no air force, no navy, no armored divisions, etc.

We're also calling Russia our enemy again and trying to provoke them into war.

They've earned our disdain. And we're not trying to provoke them into war. We're trying to get them to honor the Budapest Memorandum. Period.

If you want more of the same vote Clinton

I'm a lot more concerned about Trump. I don't care for Clinton but she's no threat to initiate a nuclear conflict. Trump on the other hand is an ego driven hothead who I can't say the same about.


Hiliary 2020
Once upon a time Webster Hubbel was a partner with Hillary Clinton at the Rose Law firm in the 1970's.
And they both performed very hazzardous duties. They were very close.
But Bill took them away from all that, to the White House with her as the liason to Janet Reno.
A colleague of Bill stated that he told him, "I didn't even know she was pregnant until I read it in the paper"
I wonder why?



Same rare steel grey eyes.
Same very uncommon mouth and lips.
Same chin.
Same exact nose.
Same shaped face.
Do you even doubt it?
Is anything about these people real?
I have no idea who the angry, foul mouthed, self righteous person in the youtube clip is or why I should be interested in her opinion ? ... but while I do understand her upset and aggravation with several things Clinton I also know that on other points there is either 1) no evidence to support her claims or 2) that she's just flat out wrong.
For instance, her contention that in 1974 Clinton's "supervisor" Jerry Zeifman fired her from "her job" (as a staff attorney with the House Judiciary Committee's Watergate investigation) is completely false. Zeifman wasn't her supervisor, and had no authority to fire her. Zeifman himself has confirmed this.

And this....

Same rare steel grey eyes.
Same very uncommon mouth and lips.
Same chin.
Same exact nose.
Same shaped face.
Do you even doubt it?
Is anything about these people real?

I can only presume was posted as a joke.