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Anybody Here Actually Like Hillary Clinton And Are Enthusiastic To Vote For Her?

No sarcasm but revered reverence to a reverend of truth, the sage of sageness, the tutel of tutelage, and the educator of educators who hopefully in the near future will launch his channel that will shepherd us all to the Valhalla of Enlightenment.
Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my.
I never personally known anybody ever that actually liked Hillary Clinton or was an enthusiastic supporter of her, at least since First Lady days.

She seems as phony as a three dollar bill, is disingenuous and untrustworhty, and politics seem more like a Machiavellian game to be "won" by her than actually giving a damn about the people and serving them. That she seems to often brazenly get her current ideology from what the latest polls tell her is best or what's convenient politically for her at that moment instead of actual conviction or doing what one feels is right is troubling, as is her being deceptive about her reasoning afterwards.

That said she is still far and away better than any republican candidate. Even given that there is still no way I'm voting for her. I'm willing not to vote. It's not like she's some marginally good candidate with a few flaws. In my opinion she's not fit to lead either. I know that might help lead to something worse if a republican is elected, but my philosophy on life is you don't do wrong things because it might be tactically or strategically superior. If that causes me to philosophically die by my sword, so be it.
Don't particularly like and am not enthusiastic about voting for her.
But with all of her flaws she still gets a narrow nod over any of the GOP candidates.
I've considered sitting this one out too, but the one thing that might get me to vote for her is that she has a husband with 8 years of experience as president, and while his character is hardly sterling his actual job performance was mostly pretty good.
Don't particularly like and am not enthusiastic about voting for her.
But with all of her flaws she still gets a narrow nod over any of the GOP candidates.
I've considered sitting this one out too, but the one thing that might get me to vote for her is that she has a husband with 8 years of experience as president, and while his character is hardly sterling his actual job performance was mostly pretty good.
I honestly believe there has been NO president in the history of this country who could claim a spotless character. If it's ladies, intoxicants, or just being a giant tool everyone of them were flawed but that is ok because we are all flawed.
If you are looking for perfection in your leaders you will always be disappointed the key is to pick the one who's flaws are not inherently dangerous the the position they seek.
This is why I would take anybody now trying to be president over Ted Cruz because Mr Cruz's flaws are of the dangerous variety.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Don't particularly like and am not enthusiastic about voting for her.
But with all of her flaws she still gets a narrow nod over any of the GOP candidates.
I've considered sitting this one out too, but the one thing that might get me to vote for her is that she has a husband with 8 years of experience as president, and while his character is hardly sterling his actual job performance was mostly pretty good.

I would concur. If she's the nominee, she'll get my vote but it won't be an enthusiastic one. In reality, I would much prefer Sanders but his electability is highly questionable and could possibly hand the election to the pubs.....especially if they come to their senses and nominate a more reasonable candidate that might appeal to crossover voters (in other words, anyone other than Trump or Cruz).

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Jagger, what are your thoughts on Rubio? He's one that I'm still open to learning more about. My mind is pretty well closed to most of the other candidates that have declared so far (on both sides). At this stage, I'm just searching for a candidate who doesn't completely turn my stomach. I haven't found that person yet.
I'm a staunch believer in voting and have done so every election since I turned 18 but if my choices this year are Hillary and Trump, I'll be sitting this one out.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Jagger, what are your thoughts on Rubio? He's one that I'm still open to learning more about. My mind is pretty well closed to most of the other candidates that have declared so far (on both sides). At this stage, I'm just searching for a candidate who doesn't completely turn my stomach. I haven't found that person yet.

Young with movie-star looks but otherwise an empty suit. A typical politician who blows whichever way the wind does on any given day. There's also just something about his demeanor that leads me to believe that he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed either. He would make a strong nominee however. He'd certainly grab a serious chunk of the Hispanic vote from the dems. I can't say that I could vote for him though, even against Hillary. I just don't see a whole lot of substance with him. Tell me what he stands for. What's that? You don't know? Neither does he I'm afraid. :dunno:

Not picking on him, BTW. As much as I can't stand Ted Cruz, I will concede to his level of intellect and something tells me he's way smarter than Marco Rubio (whatever that's worth).

The Donald has some interesting thoughts on him:

Young with movie-star looks but otherwise an empty suit. A typical politician who blows whichever way the wind does on any given day. There's also just something about his demeanor that leads me to believe that he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed either. He would make a strong nominee however. He'd certainly grab a serious chunk of the Hispanic vote from the dems. I can't say that I could vote for him though, even against Hillary. I just don't see a whole lot of substance with him. Tell me what he stands for. What's that? You don't know? Neither does he I'm afraid. :dunno:

I respectfully disagree. I would agree with you if he was Mexican or from Central America. As someone of Mexican descent I can tell you that Cubans are looked at differantly by the Mexicans and Central Americans. It stems from the fact that once Cubans get here, they get to stay here. Whereas the Mexicans and others don't have that luxury.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I respectfully disagree. I would agree with you if he was Mexican or from Central America. As someone of Mexican descent I can tell you that Cubans are looked at differantly by the Mexicans and Central Americans. It stems from the fact that once Cubans get here, they get to stay here. Whereas the Mexicans and others don't have that luxury.

Duly noted but I wasn't referring specifically to Mexicans when I mentioned Hispanics. Perhaps I should have been more Cuba-centric in my wording since Florida has a lot of expatriated Cubanos and their offspring that could definitely turn the tide for the GOP in that very key state. Nominate him with Kasich as his running mate and there is a very high probability that the pubs take both Florida and Ohio. If they win both those states, they win the election in all likelihood. Also, culturally, there are tremendous differences between Cubans and some of their fellow Hispanic groups. Unfortunately, the media labels them collectively with a single moniker when, as you point out, it just ain't so....no more than it is with "whites".
Young with movie-star looks but otherwise an empty suit. A typical politician who blows whichever way the wind does on any given day. There's also just something about his demeanor that leads me to believe that he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed either. He would make a strong nominee however. He'd certainly grab a serious chunk of the Hispanic vote from the dems. I can't say that I could vote for him though, even against Hillary. I just don't see a whole lot of substance with him. Tell me what he stands for. What's that? You don't know? Neither does he I'm afraid. :dunno:
Not picking on him, BTW. As much as I can't stand Ted Cruz, I will concede to his level of intellect and something tells me he's way smarter than Marco Rubio (whatever that's worth).

Rubio is another inveterate Bible beater who has advocated overturning Roe vs Wade and Obergefell vs Hodges.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I sense sarcasm. :tongue:

Anyway, I have thought about making a channel on youtube and Vimeo.

A cartoon would cost too much. Puppets might be better.

It sense the feelings of others! So, you're only a sociopath then ... how disappointingly pedestrian.

Regardless, you should totally do a YouTube channel - I am so bored of Duck Dynasty; I need something new, and hilariously unaware of its own ridiculous mediocrity, in my life.

:orangecat: :hatsoff:

Will E Worm

Don't be jealous of me. :tongue:
Bernie Sanders' supporters chanting "She's a liar!" at Hillary Clinton.

Do they not like her or something? I'm new to the Sanders bandwagon.

If Hillary is the nominee, I don't see these young people voting for her. They wont' vote GOP, but they'll stay home or write in the ghost of Che Guevara.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Rubio is another inveterate Bible beater who has advocated overturning Roe vs Wade and Obergefell vs Hodges.

OK. If he remains consistent with that message, that disqualifies him from getting my vote. So many of these guys flip-flop depending on what the immediate audience wants to hear so I'll keep an eye to make sure he stays with his anti-choice stance throughout the race.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If Hillary is the nominee, I don't see these young people voting for her. They wont' vote GOP, but they'll stay home or write in the ghost of Che Guevara.

Interesting. Probably correct. You could probably make the same claim about the disaffected and disenfranchised Trump supporters should someone like, oh, let's say Ted Cruz or an "establishment" guy like Rubio be nominated. From what I have heard and read, many of them are not historically part of the election process anyway so Trump's elimination would likely leave them sitting on the couch at home....or writing in Ross Perot maybe? :dunno:
Interesting. Probably correct. You could probably make the same claim about the disaffected and disenfranchised Trump supporters should someone like, oh, let's say Ted Cruz or an "establishment" guy like Rubio be nominated. From what I have heard and read, many of them are not historically part of the election process anyway so Trump's elimination would likely leave them sitting on the couch at home....or writing in Ross Perot maybe? :dunno:

Except they probably wouldn't know who the hell Ross Perot was. That's way beyond their attention span.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Young with movie-star looks but otherwise an empty suit. A typical politician who blows whichever way the wind does on any given day. There's also just something about his demeanor that leads me to believe that he's probably not the sharpest tool in the shed either. He would make a strong nominee however. He'd certainly grab a serious chunk of the Hispanic vote from the dems. I can't say that I could vote for him though, even against Hillary. I just don't see a whole lot of substance with him. Tell me what he stands for. What's that? You don't know? Neither does he I'm afraid. :dunno:

Not picking on him, BTW. As much as I can't stand Ted Cruz, I will concede to his level of intellect and something tells me he's way smarter than Marco Rubio (whatever that's worth).

The Donald has some interesting thoughts on him:

Thanks. I appreciate that. In a wealthy nation this size, it's rather amazing that this is all that we have to choose from.
Board liberals need to stop with the "I would have considered voting for_________ Republican if not for x or y issue" crap.

A couple on this board said they would have voted for Romney had he not chosen that arch conservative Paul Ryan as his running mate.

Either they were full of shit or did not know a damn thing about Ryan.

Maybe a little of both.