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All about the DNC and its presidential nominating convention July 25-28


Hiliary 2020
Meester, I don't doubt what you're saying, I think Ted Cruz getting booed offstage (I only read about it), kinda contradicts your contention that the RNC was smooth as diarraeah, dieearea,,, diuh.... fuck... THE SHITS!!(props to Ace, though I didn't do that quite right).

Ah, yeah, BC, I don't think you and Mayhem going back and forth is going to make this election suck any less, but it's entertaining, even if it does go a little far at times. lol

Well I did forget about the Cruz speech.
That was , at least to me more refreshing than ugly.
Cruz went up there full well with a plan to be an antagonist.
That smirk the whole time. His plan was to cause some ugliness in order to hurt the party and moreso Trump.
He basically said, "You don't have to vote for Trump, you can still vote for HC......knowing full well 99% of the peole there are Trumps people and they despise HC. He got the reaction he wanted. I think he likes playing the villian.
At least it was over quickly.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Well I did forget about the Cruz speech.
That was , at least to me more refreshing than ugly.
Cruz went up there full well with a plan to be an antagonist.
That smirk the whole time. His plan was to cause some ugliness in order to hurt the party and moreso Trump.
He basically said, "You don't have to vote for Trump, you can still vote for HC......knowing full well 99% of the peole there are Trumps people and they despise HC. He got the reaction he wanted. I think he likes playing the villian.
At least it was over quickly.

Pretty much pegs Ted, he is, after all, mine and Jagger's jr. Senator (runs and hides because that was a blatant poke at Jag) :D But seriously, not that there wasn't anything accurate in my previous sentence, Ted Cruz is a skillful politician, and he always knows exactly what he's doing and while I may not particularly like the gentleman, I do respect his political savvy and skill.
What amazes me about this election is that none of the candidates speaks about the economy, unemployment, healthcare, incomes, education, the middle class, etc...
It's all about security, war, immigration and candidates (and their supprters) throwing fieces at each others.

Ca anyone tell me what's Trump' plan for unemploment ?
Can someone tell me how Hillary plans to improve the economy ?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You're responding to the ultimate low information voter. Ignorant, unhinged and intolerant. But no, go ahead and treat him like a normal person. Give him the respect he's never earned and constantly lost. Oh, "You'll keep looking and you encourage him to do the same." My God, you're noble. Can I have a poster of you? Let me 'splain something Lucy, this piece of shit from a family of shit will never go looking for information. He will never go looking for factual data. That would mean he'd actually have to calm down and sober up. He's never going to do either. And facing those facts require guts and integrity, both of which he has a 0.0% supply of.

The fact of the matter is that the DNC put on a better convention, got more viewers, and sent a better message. Our nominee still sucks but she beats the hell out of the alternative. Message sent and received. No deranged hillbilly is going to admit to the fact, let alone allow sources that prove it.

Let me 'splain something to you. As a very wise contributor once said on this forum (xfire), we cannot begin to bridge the gaps that divide us unless we talk to each other. You (and others here) seem to think that personal insults and bluster is the way to go. In a very diplomatic fashion, sir, I challenged the individual in question to validate his assertion. He was unable to, freely admitted it and we moved on. And, just imagine, we managed to establish that dialogue without any mudslinging or questioning the heritage or personal habits of anyone. Which method is more productive? Sorry but I just don't see name-calling and the hurling of personal insults to be anything but extremely immature and unproductive. Keep on being who you are and I'll do the same, OK?


Let me 'splain something to you. As a very wise contributor once said on this forum (xfire), we cannot begin to bridge the gaps that divide us unless we talk to each other. You (and others here) seem to think that personal insults and bluster is the way to go. In a very diplomatic fashion, sir, I challenged the individual in question to validate his assertion. He was unable to, freely admitted it and we moved on. And, just imagine, we managed to establish that dialogue without any mudslinging or questioning the heritage or personal habits of anyone. Which method is more productive? Sorry but I just don't see name-calling and the hurling of personal insults to be anything but extremely immature and unproductive. Keep on being who you are and I'll do the same, OK?

If a junkyard dog acts like a junkyard dog I'm not going to walk up and pet it. And if years later, it's still a junkyard dog, I'm still not going to try to pet it and I'm going to give up on the notion that I ever will. You knew how your little colleague-to colleague feel good session was going to turn out. You knew it was inevitable.

I do not think that personal insults and bluster are the way to go .... and bite me for thinking of me like that. But when a junkyard dog personally insults me and misrepresents me and my history, I'm not going to go hide in the Sports forum and wait a month before I come back. But yes, you will keep on being you. And I'll keep being me. This thing with my DD-214 (of which I have 7 copies in my bedroom closet) was foisted on me, from out of the blue, by your Point/Counterpoint partner here. On a thread that has nothing to do with anyone's military service, let alone mine. BTW, since you've been here this whole time, do you remember me ever telling any "war stories" or saying anything the least bit dramatic about my time in the Army? Or any other of the other bullshit this unhinged maniac has accused me of?

And in the middle of this comes Jag the Noble, thoughtfully puffing his Meershaum pipe, looking for socio-political discourse with the one buffoon who above all others makes it clear that sober debate is a complete waste of time. And when he doesn't get it, it's somehow my fault. Even after a year or whatever it was of being signed off, I'm still the source of all your problems.

You have a particularly fucked up method of connecting dots.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If a junkyard dog acts like a junkyard dog I'm not going to walk up and pet it. And if years later, it's still a junkyard dog, I'm still not going to try to pet it and I'm going to give up on the notion that I ever will. You knew how your little colleague-to colleague feel good session was going to turn out. You knew it was inevitable.

I do not think that personal insults and bluster are the way to go .... and bite me for thinking of me like that. But when a junkyard dog personally insults me and misrepresents me and my history, I'm not going to go hide in the Sports forum and wait a month before I come back. But yes, you will keep on being you. And I'll keep being me. This thing with my DD-214 (of which I have 7 copies in my bedroom closet) was foisted on me, from out of the blue, by your Point/Counterpoint partner here. On a thread that has nothing to do with anyone's military service, let alone mine. BTW, since you've been here this whole time, do you remember me ever telling any "war stories" or saying anything the least bit dramatic about my time in the Army? Or any other of the other bullshit this unhinged maniac has accused me of?

And in the middle of this comes Jag the Noble, thoughtfully puffing his Meershaum pipe, looking for socio-political discourse with the one buffoon who above all others makes it clear that sober debate is a complete waste of time. And when he doesn't get it, it's somehow my fault. Even after a year or whatever it was of being signed off, I'm still the source of all your problems.

You have a particularly fucked up method of connecting dots.

Gee whiz dude, take a Xanax or something. I never said anything about something being "your fault" or "the source of all my problems". Hell, I wish you were....my life would be a whole lot simpler than it is. I have absolutely no personal animosity toward either you or BC.

I asked BC a question and he answered it. I'd gladly offer the same type of discourse with you without resorting to personal characterizations so I don't know what your axe to grind against me is all about but it is non-existent from my perspective. I wish you a pleasant remainder of this glorious day with which we have all been blessed.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Guys, let's all just take a deep breath. As much as this special election gets to most of us - for various reasons - going overboard does not help anybody.

I am very glad about all the input, even the posts that are somewhat clownish or more aimed to get under other members skin. Hey, this is a porn forum, and that's how we roll.

I think that both conventions were very entertaining, and, for each side, not very surprising, the own was great, the other a failure.

Now that we are on the final stretch towards the actual election date, I am looking forward for things to culminate more densly and the conversation become even more jam-packed with vigour. Well, at least THAT is normal.

My theories that may or may not come true:

Hillary will get a final blow from Wikileaks. She might still become indicted. Yes, extremely unlikley, but I am going through all my scenarios

Trump may still step off his candidacy, as it was almost certainly a massive publicity stunt, like Ben Carson's candidacy, who just was not as efficient and good a salesman as Donald. I mean, Trump plugging his steaks, wine, golf courses, in campaign events, it doesn't get much more blatant. And he said he will let Pence do the presidency stuff, him just looking over the general direction. He is a ware he created a monster, and he just goes with the flow, his actions and words reflect his lack of care for actually becoming elected. It is a big joke to him.

3rd option: The national vote will create enough votes for a third party, maybe the Green Party, to play a role, and it will be a Democrat/Green government. Okay, now I am stretching things :)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Is that why Chelsea is so attractive? :throwup:

Are Presidential offspring still taboo or is it okay after they've whored themselves out to NBC for a no show job? And she's so attractive? Plastic surgery. And she's Whit's daughter. Seriously, those two shitty people couldn't have made a decent human being.
I have no data with which to refute your opinion so there it stands. I actually think a lot of liberals (if not simply democrats) enjoy listening to differing opinions just as I do although I am also certain that, on both sides of the aisle, there are those who simply shut out the ideas presented by the "other side" ( I despise that concept....we are all Americans) without even considering an alternative to their existing bias. Let's face it....plenty of voters from either right or left are low-information types who are easily swayed by some cutesy catchphrase or primordial dogma that compels them to vote without considering the remote possibility that they just might be wrong. I'd like to see something definitive to indicate a trend either way as far as viewership is concerned but so far have yet to find anything worth quoting. I'll keep looking. Let me know if you find anything as well.
Liberals voted for Bohama and look what happened. This country is all fucked up to the point where I'm not even proud of it no more. But I won't cave and leave because I still have hope. Liberalism is a fucking mental disorder--Fact!!
Are Presidential offspring still taboo or is it okay after they've whored themselves out to NBC for a no show job? And she's so attractive? Plastic surgery. And she's Whit's daughter. Seriously, those two shitty people couldn't have made a decent human being.

And the only rat that would marry (and impregnate) her ugly ass was the son of a convicted felon

Edward Maurice “Ed” Mezvinsky, Chelsea Clinton’s father-in-law and her daughter’s grandfather, is a convicted Felon. The former Democrat Congressman from Iowa’s 1st Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives, served two terms, from 1973 to 1977.

Ed Mezvinsky has known Hillary Clinton since the days when he served on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of President Richard Nixon. This harsh critic of President Richard Nixon, had called Nixon “a crook” and “a disgrace to politics and the nation”, and called for Nixon’s impeachment.

But, did you ever wonder who that allusive “Nigerian Prince” is who might be sending you those emails looking for money? Look no farther than the Clinton Family Tree.

Through a series of Nigerian email scams and Ponzi schemes, Ed Mezvinsky, Chelsea Clinton’s father-in-law embezzled more than $10 million dollars. In 2001, Ed Mezvinsky was convicted of 31 (out of 69!) charges of fraud, and served five years in federal prison. His fraud charges included bank, mail, wire, as well as other offenses involving financing bogus oil development and other trade deals in Africa.

But don’t think Ed doesn’t keep it in the family. In addition to his law clients and friends, he even bilked his own (now deceased) mother-in-law out of money. To date in 2015, the Fraudster still owes over $9.4 million in restitution to his victims.

A lot of political pundits have made allusions to the fact that the Clintons’ and the Mezvinkys’ behaviors are so similar, that it is what bonded the two. Be that as it may, the Clintons go to great lengths to never, ever, be seen or photographed with any of Chelsea’s in-laws. So afraid is the Clinton Dynasty of being tarnished by the Mezvinkys that neither Ed nor his second wife and Marc’s mother, Marjorie Sue Margolies-Mezvinsky, were allowed in any of Chelsea’s wedding pictures.





Are Presidential offspring still taboo or is it okay after they've whored themselves out to NBC for a no show job? And she's so attractive? Plastic surgery. And she's Whit's daughter. Seriously, those two shitty people couldn't have made a decent human being.

And the only rat that would marry (and impregnate) her ugly ass was the son of a convicted felon


I didn't say Chelsea was attractive. She's not, but that doesn't mean her mom wasn't.

Hillary Clinton has always had cankles. She had them back then and is why she wears pantsuits.

Hey, let's stay on topic. Conservatives love staying on topic. You won't catch a true Conservative derailing a topic with bullshit like physical appearance or DD-214s. Conservatives are the "Stay-on-Topic" Party and they do it as well they do starting unnecessary wars and naming post offices.

Don't make me call Sarah Palin. :nono:


Closed Account
Hey, let's stay on topic. Conservatives love staying on topic. You won't catch a true Conservative derailing a topic with bullshit like physical appearance or DD-214s. Conservatives are the "Stay-on-Topic" Party and they do it as well they do starting unnecessary wars and naming post offices.

Don't make me call Sarah Palin. :nono:

Hi My name is Mayhem and I'm a lamp. I make cookies with boat propellers and pluck the wings off of dragon flies and eat them. My mom suffered a ruptured eardrum from a propane tank explosion at a cookout for a Soapbox Derby race where she was the Grand Marshal.

My hobbies include offering to rub suntan oil on strangers at the beach for a quarter and peeling dried Elmer's glue from my nipples.

My brother is a turnpike, I wanted to be a turnpike.. But mom always liked him best...



Hi My name is Mayhem and I'm a lamp. I make cookies with boat propellers and pluck the wings off of dragon flies and eat them. My mom suffered a ruptured eardrum from a propane tank explosion at a cookout for a Soapbox Derby race where she was the Grand Marshal.

My hobbies include offering to rub suntan oil on strangers at the beach for a quarter and peeling dried Elmer's glue from my nipples.

My brother is a turnpike, I wanted to be a turnpike.. But mom always liked him best...

Hey motherfucker.......well ok, that one's true. The trick is to not let it dry too much.

But the turnpike thing is false, totally false, I swear it! And Mom didn't like either of us, so there.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Hey motherfucker.......well ok, that one's true. The trick is to not let it dry too much.

But the turnpike thing is false, totally false, I swear it! And Mom didn't like either of us, so there.

Respect, mate, you must have hit a nerve with him. He sure got passionate with you :stir: