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All about the DNC and its presidential nominating convention July 25-28

Wow they're really finishing strong at the DNC. This is an example of how you plan a convention

The speech was ehh. The second half was better than the first. It's just hard to get inspired by her. Like Chris Matthews said I want to get that "thrill up my leg" and i just don't get that with her. It's on to November now folks


Father of Fallen Soldier to Trump: 'You Have Sacrificed Nothing'


U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan's infantry unit was guarding the gates to their base in Iraq 12 years ago when a suspicious vehicle approached. Khan, a Muslim-American soldier, took 10 steps toward the car before it exploded, killing him.

Khan's sacrifice, posthumously awarded with a Bronze Star and Purple Heart, was on full display at the fourth and final night of the Democratic National Convention.

"Hillary Clinton was right when she called my son, 'the best of America,'"
Khizr Khan, Humayun Khan's father, said before a packed Wells Fargo Center Thursday night. "If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America."

A video featuring a speech on national security that Clinton gave in December in Minneapolis, Minnesota, was played right before the 27-year-old captain's father addressed delegates and attendees — an address that occurred at the same time Trump was in Iowa complaining about America not being allowed to waterboard terrorists, according to reports.

Khan's speech fit squarely with the evening's theme — that America is best when everyone works together to solve the country's problems.

It was also a message Khan hammered home when, standing next to his wife on stage, he took out a copy of the Constitution and held it in the air.

"Let me ask you," Khan said, addressing Trump, as delegates and attendees cheered, "Have you even read the United States Constitution? I will gladly lend you my copy. In this document, look for the words 'liberty' and 'equal protection of law.'"

He continued, "Have you ever been to Arlington Cemetery? Go look at the graves of the brave patriots who died defending America — you will see all faiths, genders, and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

Khan's words resonated with Asian-American delegates, including Muslim Americans, on the convention floor.

Emad Salem, a Clinton delegate from Texas, told NBC News he was glad that the Democratic party recognized the Muslim community by asking Khan to speak.

"We also want the other side to know that Muslims are part of the fabric of America and that they are dying for the safety and security of Americans," said Salem, referring to Republicans. "They are committed Americans."

Ravinder Lakhian, a Sikh American and Clinton delegate from California, said Kahn's being asked to speak was a bright sign for the Democratic Party and for the country.

"It shows that American Muslims are also part of the sacrifice," he told NBC News.

The Muslim community has been in the spotlight this election season after Trump suggested a plan in December to ban Muslims entering the country.

During his nomination acceptance speech last week, Trump said, "We must immediately suspend immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place."

But Khan had his own message for Trump:

"We can't solve our problems by building walls and sowing division," he said. "We are stronger together. And we will keep getting stronger when Hillary Clinton becomes our next president."

But let's not get carried away. There's Americans who have sacrificed. And then there's piece-of-shit, coward, inbred hillbillies who exist on Scotch and blinding hatred, who have also sacrificed nothing. Just like the shitbag they're going to vote for.

It all becomes clear when you sound out the words.


Closed Account
Father of Fallen Soldier to Trump: 'You Have Sacrificed Nothing'


But let's not get carried away. There's Americans who have sacrificed. And then there's piece-of-shit, coward, inbred hillbillies who exist on Scotch and blinding hatred, who have also sacrificed nothing. Just like the shitbag they're going to vote for.

It all becomes clear when you sound out the words.

I'm going to ask for the 10th time. How long did it take for you to receive your DD-214?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
“The most amazing thing about tonight is that Hillary is giving this speech for free.”

“This is the longest Bill and Hillary have spent in the same building together since 1999″

“Hillary is wearing all white. Because she is a saint. An angel. Or it just represents her empty server.”

“Hillary: Women’s rights are human rights!
[Thanks for the campaign money Saudis!}”

“she’s like an Chinese restaurant at 11 pm: no delivery.”

“The reason that Hillary’s numbers go down when she’s running for office is because people have to actually listen to her.#DemsInPhilly”

“Hillary: After tonight, ANY woman (who was married to a U.S. president) can be a presidential nominee!!!”

“Hillary will protect our kids at least the born ones”

“If things work out, Hillary may finally get the payoff for sticking with Bill… This is why she did it…”

and my favorite

“Hillary is keeping it dialed back - she wants to screech so badly…”
It's a very fortunate thing for Trump that he's running against a weak sister.
Obama would absolutely destroy him.
Bradley Cooper attends DNC, upsets some conservative ‘American Sniper’ fans

Bradley Cooper returned to his native Philadelphia Wednesday night to attend the Democratic National Convention, subsequently angering some conservative fans of American Sniper, the 2014 film in which Cooper portrayed Navy SEAL Chris Kyle.

During Wednesday night’s broadcast of the DNC, cameras intermittently cut to a bearded Cooper, who could been sitting with girlfriend and Russian model Irina Shayk. And while that seems innocuous enough, at least one segment of the Internet disagreed.

His mere presence at the DNC, combined with the fact that Cooper is a Democrat, ultimately started a whirlwind of social media comments that had Cooper as one of the biggest trending topics on Twitter Wednesday night:

dan @DanHRothschild
this bradley cooper thing has me so upset im burning all his dvds

Yukio Strachan @boldandworthy
People are upset that Bradley Cooper who played Sniper Chris Kyle is a democrat :rofl2::rofl2:

Nat Shupe @NatShupe
I have a list of celebrities that support Socialism I refuse to spend another $ on. Add this one. Boycott them all.

David O'Neill @garlicfries95
Bradley Cooper is promoting Hillary? Too bad. He's dead to me now.

Some of those blasting Cooper vowed to boycott the actor’s upcoming films over his DNC attendance. Others merely were surprised that Cooper is not a Republican, as American Sniper’s Chris Kyle is somewhat of a conservative hero.

Cooper, however, has long been a Democrat supporter, having made a donation to Hillary Clinton's 2000 senate campaign, and again in 2008 for her presidential campaign, the Daily Beast points out. So, with that in mind — plus the knowledge the movies are not real life — it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to see Cooper at the DNC.

Kyle, known alternately as “The Devil of Ramadi,” racked up 160 confirmed kills across four tours in Iraq before he was killed in Texas in 2013. American Sniper earned Cooper an Oscar nomination for best actor in 2015.

Guys, it's called ACTING. John Wayne wasn't a cowboy, Arnold Swcarzenegger is not a deadly cyborg, Sylvester Stalonne is not a boxing champ', nor a veteran from the Viet-Nam, Harisson Ford is not an archeologist, nor a space smuggler,, Client Eastwoods is not a police inspector and, even thought he played as Hitler in Downfall, Bruno Ganz is not a nazi
Boycotting an actor because you don't agree with him on politics, how childish :facepalm:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Come on, guys. Looking at the three choices, It isn't even a choice. The Republicans are joining behind the most cartoonish facsist/con man imaginable at this moment.

The Green Party is a real alternative, but the danger of throwing the vote away by voting green this year makes the sngle choice very simpkle:

2016 HAS to be a complete democratic election, on all levels. Clinton is very bought. But show me any other politician except Sanders who is BNOT bought.


It Must Not Be Trump.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
Bubba ain't look so good. What's the deal? He kept standing in the crowd with his mouth hanging open like he was catching flies throughout the whole convention. The next time I see him I might confuse him with Robert Byrd.
