Sarah Palin is a complete moron, and it is an insult to all Americans that the GOP *thought* she could be Veep material. There are several other qualified, Conservative, Pro-Business women who would've made better candidates--but I guess they weren't as attractive as the Wasilla MILF.
I don't think she's a complete moron by any stretch, but your point is still well taken. She's the latest in a growing line of anti-intellectual Republican candidates.....starting with Quayle, accelerating with Bush, then reaching warp speed with Palin. Thank God that for now most of us still believe our leaders should be among the best and brightest, not the ones we'd most want to boink and/or have a beer with. Even several of McCain's staffers look back on their promotion of her and wonder wtf they were thinking....the woman was clearly hopelessly out of her league.