5 Million Illegals to Get Amenisty

In this virtual world I'm stupid. :wave: But why start a pissing contest over a misspelled word that only one is having a child like hissing fit posting it twice.

I don't have an answer or know why the question is directed at me.

I thought Ace's comment about the crack pipe being hot to the touch was amusing and gave me a chuckle as I visualized it. I still think it is funny. Super is a pretty smart poster on here and I thought he might have had a cocktail when he posted, too...so that added to my amusement.
i don't have an answer or know why the question is directed at me.

I thought ace's comment about the crack pipe being hot to the touch was amusing and gave me a chuckle as i visualized it. I still think it is funny. Super is a pretty smart poster on here and i thought he might have had a cocktail when he posted, too...so that added to my amusement.

This learn English cracks me up.

During the Ellis Island period the immigrants that came over the majority of them did not learn English and spoke in their native tongue. Their children through assimilation into American society learned English.

I shop at a converted hardware food store that is Mexican owned and all I hear is Spanish and Mexican music, but it doesn't bother me. Even the Russian community on the east side speak Russian all the time. Better from walking around a big box type of food store for miles.
When I say they have to speak english, it don't mean i want have to speak it all the time and get rid of their native language. I want them to be able to speak english if someone comes to them and speaks english to them, I want them to be able to answer that person in english. Doesn't bother me if they speak their language when they are among people who came from the same country.
If you wanna live in a country, you have to learn the language of the country.
When I say they have to speak english, it don't mean i want have to speak it all the time and get rid of their native language. I want them to be able to speak english if someone comes to them and speaks english to them, I want them to be able to answer that person in english. Doesn't bother me if they speak their language when they are among people who came from the same country.
If you wanna live in a country, you have to learn the language of the country.

The problem is as you get older it is harder to learn a second language from children. Not saying it can't be done however.

But the Mexican grocery store I shop at has bilingual cashiers and the owner and I when I see him bitch about the Bears as he is from Chicago also.
When I say they have to speak english, it don't mean i want have to speak it all the time and get rid of their native language. I want them to be able to speak english if someone comes to them and speaks english to them, I want them to be able to answer that person in english. Doesn't bother me if they speak their language when they are among people who came from the same country.
If you wanna live in a country, you have to learn the language of the country.

Right. English is the language of the majority of business in America. If a person chooses to come here they will be more able to be independent and better off if they learn English. They can still preserve their culture and retain their native language all they want. No one is throwing them in jail for not learning English but they will find themselves falling behind, even behind immigrants of their own nationality from their own generation. Better off being smart and assimilating than being stubborn and refusing to adapt.
Right. English is the language of the majority of business in America. If a person chooses to come here they will be more able to be independent and better off if they learn English. They can still preserve their culture and retain their native language all they want. No one is throwing them in jail for not learning English but they will find themselves falling behind, even behind immigrants of their own nationality from their own generation. Better off being smart and assimilating than being stubborn and refusing to adapt.

True if you work retail and the customer doesn't know the language. What will happen if you are desperate for 20 D Energizers?

Today is Thanksgiving, right ?
Then, correct me If I'm wrong but what are americans celebrating on Thanksgiving ? Pilgrims fleing a shit life in England, coming to america to start a new life. At the beginning, they had very hard time surviving, many died and those who survived only did so thanks to a tribe of natives who offered them food, learn'em to grow corn, to hunt and to fish. Then, to thank the natives, the pilgrims invited them to share a meal when they got their first crop.

400 years later history is reapeating itself but this time, some people are coming to America, leaving behind them their country in hope of a new and better life in a land where they will be free. But unlike the natives, some Americans don't want to share their goods :facepalm:
Today is Thanksgiving, right ?
Then, correct me If I'm wrong but what are americans celebrating on Thanksgiving ? Pilgrims fleing a shit life in England, coming to america to start a new life. At the beginning, they had very hard time surviving, many died and those who survived only did so thanks to a tribe of natives who offered them food, learn'em to grow corn, to hunt and to fish. Then, to thank the natives, the pilgrims invited them to share a meal when they got their first crop.

400 years later history is reapeating itself but this time, some people are coming to America, leaving behind them their country in hope of a new and better life in a land where they will be free. But unlike the natives, some Americans don't want to share their goods :facepalm:

That's probably the nicest Happy Thanksgiving we'll get from you. Does your resentment of us ever end? Thanksgiving is tomorrow BTW FFS.
Today is Thanksgiving, right ?
Then, correct me If I'm wrong but what are americans celebrating on Thanksgiving ? Pilgrims fleing a shit life in England, coming to america to start a new life. At the beginning, they had very hard time surviving, many died and those who survived only did so thanks to a tribe of natives who offered them food, learn'em to grow corn, to hunt and to fish. Then, to thank the natives, the pilgrims invited them to share a meal when they got their first crop.

400 years later history is reapeating itself but this time, some people are coming to America, leaving behind them their country in hope of a new and better life in a land where they will be free. But unlike the natives, some Americans don't want to share their goods :facepalm:

That's probably the nicest Happy Thanksgiving we'll get from you. Does your resentment of us ever end? Thanksgiving is tomorrow BTW FFS.

First Happy Thanksgiving to both of you and everyone out on the board.

I would argue that things aren't all that different. When the Pilgrims and other folks came to North American they were greeted by some people who open their arms and helped them. They were also greeted by people that looked to murder them on sight.

Anyone who judges by the group is a pea-wit.

Will E Worm

And here in lies the problem...they not only do not want to adopt our culture, the flat out refuse, and expect this country to change for them. I shouldn't have to press "1" for English! Just because they've been here for years, doesn't mean they have rights...where are their back taxes for all of those years of wage earning. Oh yeah, many of them are gang members and criminals, so all they really are, is a burden.


Get over it revidffum because there is no such thing as American Culture.




And here in lies the problem...they not only do not want to adopt our culture, the flat out refuse, and expect this country to change for them. I shouldn't have to press "1" for English! Just because they've been here for years, doesn't mean they have rights...where are their back taxes for all of those years of wage earning. Oh yeah, many of them are gang members and criminals, so all they really are, is a burden.

WTF is "our" culture? Please define it.

I learned all through school that America is a melting pot. "American Culture" is what people bring with them. So, you're the one that's refusing to adapt.

Pressing 1 for english is sending you over the edge? Go suck a tailpipe. Problem solved. The only "American Culture" that you've brought to this discussion so far is whining about pressing a button on your phone. No sarcasm, that's definitely a big part of our "culture".

Just because they've been here for years, doesn't mean they have rights

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,..."
It will always amaze me that the people that shout the loudest about America are the one's that are least educated about it.

where are their back taxes for all of those years of wage earning.
Hey, maybe if we had let them be Americans in the first place....

Oh yeah, many of them are gang members and criminals, so all they really are, is a burden.
Man, you're coughing up more hairballs than my cat, and that' an amazing number of hairballs. KKK, American Nazi Party, CSA, Aryan Brotherhood, Hells Angels, and all the related adjunct groups. Where do we deport them to? I bet they hate pressing 1 for english too.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
WTF is "our" culture? Please define it.

I learned all through school that America is a melting pot. "American Culture" is what people bring with them. So, you're the one that's refusing to adapt.

Pressing 1 for english is sending you over the edge? Go suck a tailpipe. Problem solved. The only "American Culture" that you've brought to this discussion so far is whining about pressing a button on your phone. No sarcasm, that's definitely a big part of our "culture".

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,..."
It will always amaze me that the people that shout the loudest about America are the one's that are least educated about it.

Hey, maybe if we had let them be Americans in the first place....

Man, you're coughing up more hairballs than my cat, and that' an amazing number of hairballs. KKK, American Nazi Party, CSA, Aryan Brotherhood, Hells Angels, and all the related adjunct groups. Where do we deport them to? I bet they hate pressing 1 for english too.

Perhaps "culture" wasn't the best word...it seems to me, they expect everyone to bend to their needs. Does that make you feel like being any less dicky...or does it just fuel your bitchyness? If you came to this country, ILLEGALLY, you broke the law. You don't deserve anything, but what the law has to offer. I have no problem with legal immigration. Get a green card, a job, and pay your taxes. I'm sure there are many illegals that came here for a better life, but I would also bet that more then half ARE in fact her for criminal purposes. I could care less where you deport most of those assholes...but I honestly have no problem with the Hells Angels. Oh, and fuck you for being a dick. I have no problem with you disagreeing with what I say, but save the attitude for assari, We've had or moments, but I sure as hell can't recall ever treating you like a fuck head.

Jagger69 said:
What he means is stuff that, you know, is specifically American. Like pizza or tacos.

THANK YOU...that's what I was trying to say...

My point was simply this. IF you immigrate to Mexico, you are expected to assimilate, same with just about any other country...why is it so unreasonable to expect that from people that want to live here?


Perhaps "culture" wasn't the best word...it seems to me, they expect everyone to bend to their needs. Does that make you feel like being any less dicky...or does it just fuel your bitchyness? If you came to this country, ILLEGALLY, you broke the law. You don't deserve anything, but what the law has to offer. I have no problem with legal immigration. Get a green card, a job, and pay your taxes. I'm sure there are many illegals that came here for a better life, but I would also bet that more then half ARE in fact her for criminal purposes. I could care less where you deport most of those assholes...but I honestly have no problem with the Hells Angels. Oh, and fuck you for being a dick. I have no problem with you disagreeing with what I say, but save the attitude for assari, We've had or moments, but I sure as hell can't recall ever treating you like a fuck head.

THANK YOU...that's what I was trying to say...

My point was simply this. IF you immigrate to Mexico, you are expected to assimilate, same with just about any other country...why is it so unreasonable to expect that from people that want to live here?

First of all, post like a dick, I'm going to treat you like a dick. And you're being a dick. And no, you're not going to blame me for you being a dick.

it seems to me, they expect everyone to bend to their needs.
No they don't. I've lived with and among them several different places and times and no they don't. They want to find a job, and the ones they get are the ones you and I don't want. I lived in North Central Washington State for several years, and the whole place would grind to a halt without the Hispanic population. Know why? Because the Anglo population up there is utterly worthless and lazy. On a couple different occasions I tried hiring and training people to do easy work, but it wasn't easy enough for the white boys and girls.

but I would also bet that more then half ARE in fact her for criminal purposes.
OK, so according to your fortune cookie math, of the 5 Million people who just got amnesty, 2,500,001 are card carrying gang members and criminals. Just going by what you are saying.

but I honestly have no problem with the Hells Angels.
Of course you don't.

Oh, and fuck you for being a dick.
Sorry, I was busy pressing 1 for english. What were you saying?

I have no problem with you disagreeing with what I say, but save the attitude for assari, We've had or moments, but I sure as hell can't recall ever treating you like a fuck head.
If you think I'm treating you like a fuckhead; like so many before you, the problem is yours, not mine. I am responding to what you wrote, because what you wrote is crap. You started the ball rolling with "American Culture", sequed right into the hardship of using your phone, stated your belief that only some of us have rights here in America, and you're still spouting some prejudicial nonsense about how your race defines your criminality.

I'm not the "dick" in this conversation.
Welcome future citizens of the United States of America. If you want to be a hard working, tax paying, porn watching citizen, get in the line to the right. If you want to be a murdering alcoholic thief, drive with no insurance, live on welfare and food stamps, watch porn and smoke weed all day while not contributing to society type of citizen, then please get in the line to the left. Do not be ashamed to come and look for a better life in our great country. America has it's own law abiding assholes and it's non law abiding assholes, so tread carefully. Enjoy your stay!


We all know that Obama is counting on non-US citizens votes to win a third term...

Since none of them are neither democratic nor republican voters, I don't understand how can it be about votes.

We're not talking about thugs and criminals, these people are not drug dealers nor ISIS terrorists. These people are workers, these people have kids who are US citizens or legal immigrants, these people have been in the country for at least 5 years, these people have no criminal record, these people pay their taxes.
These people have made great efforts to integrate into American society, to adopt the "american way of life", it would be unfair not to recognize these efforts and return to where they came from

You guys are quite funny. You're trying to make a joke at my expense. Where did I say the Democratic party ends when Obama's final term is up? In case you aren't familiar with American politics, the vast majority of those illegals (and their children) are expected to vote Democrat when they become eligible.