Hehe about Tucker Carlson. Good picture though.
I guess Tucker will have to become a Democrat once again. He was registered as one during his time in Washington, DC.
Wouldn't that be a kick in head? No just kidding.
He'll be back on top once this Loser is out of the White House.
But seriously, maybe this Gospel of Sydney? Is like Jim Jones, Charles Manson, and David Koresh combined into one
So she came out of the closet - as Q - I guess her law practice will soon be suffering because of the "soon to be" guilty verdict of Michael Flynn. She couldn't get him out of Judge Emmett Sullivan's court and then she next claimed "prosecutorial misconduct." in the Flynn case. That didn't work either. Maybe it's her? And her lack of adequate legal skills.
For pretty much her whole legal career, she has been representing losers. Starting with Enron executives, Arthur Anderson executives, General Michael Flynn and now President Trump.
She's whacked out of her mind.
Blaming Hugo Chavez, Venezuela, Cuba, China, the Clinton Foundation, George Soros, et al.
Bringing in Minnesota law into a Michigan courtroom. "Stupid is what stupid does."
Dominion Voting Systems machines, and software flipping ballots?
See the reference to her lack of adequate legal skills. Once again.
Go back into the closet lady and lock the door behind you.