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*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Trump says AOC was a ‘poor student’ who is ‘not smart.’ She responded with a challenge

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez challenged President Donald Trump to release his college transcripts after he called her a “poor student” and “not a smart person.”

“AOC was a poor student,” he said Thursday on FOX Business while talking about taxes. “I won’t say where she went to school it doesn’t matter. This is not a smart person other than she’s got a good line of stuff. I mean she goes out and she yaps.”

Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat from New York, responded to the president’s comments on Twitter. She graduated cum laude from Boston University in 2011 with degrees in international relations and economics.
“Let’s make a deal, Mr. President: You release your college transcript, I’ll release mine, and we’ll see who was the better student,” she wrote. “Loser has to fund the Post Office.”

But we all know Trump was a bad student (he still threatens to sue schools that would reelease his transcripts) and a coward so he won't agree to the deal. 'cause he knows he would lose
AOC given just 60 seconds to deliver pre-recorded message at DNC

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will be given just 60 seconds to deliver a pre-recorded message at the Democratic National Convention next week.

The party’s progressive firebrand has been afforded the limited role while Democrats like Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and former Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, will get to deliver live, virtual speeches at the coronavirus-revamped event, Business Insider reported Wednesday.
The four-day online convention, titled “Uniting America,” will feature different themes and speakers each day during two-hour broadcasts beginning at 9 p.m. ET.

AOC supporters were up in arms over her representation at the convention. But the Bronx and Queens representative didn’t criticize the Democratic Party outright when she acknowledged the news by tweeting the poem “Life Is Just a Minute” by Benjamin E. Mays.

The convention was originally planned to be held in Milwaukee, but was moved mostly online last month as the coronavirus continues to ravage the country. Biden is expected to accept the Democratic nomination from his home state of Delaware.

Each night’s events will be packed into two hours of programming beginning at 9 p.m. ET, with speeches from the likes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), former President Barack Obama and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Does the DNC really wantto win the election ? Or do they just want to own the progressives ? No one would argue that AOC is a prominent figure into the Democratic Party, that, alongside with Bernie Sanders, she's the face of the left-wing of the party and that, to win the election they got to convince prorgressives to vote for Biden even if he's absolutely not a progressive. If they fail to convince progressives to vote, they can't win.
The DNC is playing a very dangerous game : they're doing as if they don't need to cater at all to the left wing of the party, as if it was already 100% sure that every democratic voter, from the most centrists to the most leftist, is gonna go and vote for Biden, as if all they have to do is cater to the independant voters (which they think are centrist, even if many are too leftist for the Democratic Party or too much to the Right for the Republican party) and to the Center-Right aile of the Republican party.

Giving AOC only 60 seconds is a giant slap to the face of progrssives, it's saying them "Shut up and vote for us ! We don't wanna hear anything from you, all we want is your vote !"

I'm starting to wonder if it's already too late for the US. This postal service dismantling is already further along than I thought. Just saw the president of the Iowa postal workers union saying that mail sorting machines are already being removed from post offices and mail is piling up. They started removing post boxes from the streets until they were stopped by protests, but how many are already gone? And even if you do manage to get your ballot in, who's to say it won't just get tossed in a furnace?
And good luck trying to vote in person if you're in a largely democrat voting area.

What if they've already done enough damage to the system to sway the election? What happens then? trump is supreme leader of the USA until he dies and one of his idiot kids takes his place. All the checks and balances have failed to stop republicans from tearing down US democracy. I don't know of any force left to intervene, seems like if there were any more safety measures, now would be the time to trigger them.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Republicans hate dictators unless they're in charge, Barack Obama broke their hold on power which is why they hate him so much and they're so out of their minds that they're willing to sellout to Putin to put Trump in and keep him there. I've called them Soviet Republican for a few years, and it's the damn truth, they love 'Murica so much they killed her, sounds like a typical Redneck Relationship.
Blocking additional funding for the USPS is a stupid decision. It is a political mess. Also many veterans work for the USPS and I would think that is an important block. One may think that mass mail voting has the potential for fraud, but even giving the appearance of hindering voting is about as dumb as it gets.

The USPS is in need of redefinition. It is a needed service, but trying to work a 20 year old model runs big deficits. There was a commission put into place to look at this. I would think this a less business like model and more serve oriented one would be proposed. Let UPS, FedEx, and Amazon do their thing and deal with the changes in that space. On the basis of that, throwing additional funds into the USPS is not a good idea. In covidtimes and an election year, even if this is your line of thinking, you have to let it go.
Why does the USPS have the financial issues you think it has?

The USPS' financial situation doesn't have much to do with what I think of it. They have year over year loss for at least 11 years.

It has been attempted to be operated as a separate entity, but that isn't realistic since it provides critical service to the country that its competitors do not. It may have enjoyed success in competing for a period of time, but the market has changed and it has restrictions on pricing and changing its services that private enterprises do not.

There is a call for a change in what services and how those services are offered at the USPS. Elections aside, refocusing and creating greater efficiency on what the USPS needs to and should focus on has been an effort that is in progress and has been called for.
WHY does the USPS have 11 straight years of financial losses?

Do you have a point that you would like to make?

I'm sorry if you are not understanding or not agreeing.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Republican legislation in the 109th congress hamstrung the USPS, forcing USPS to prefund retiree healthcare benefits 75 years into the future. You didn't know this?
Republican legislation in the 109th congress hamstrung the USPS, forcing USPS to prefund retiree healthcare benefits 75 years into the future. You didn't know this?

Actually, I’m not aware of it, but it doesn’t exist quite as you put it, but that is not an uncommon misconception.

No company is allowed a pay-as-you-go to pensions, with some exceptions for executives. You’re talking about the 2006 PAEA. What they required that was in addition is to pre-fund their retiree medical promises. In the private sector a company may cancel retiree benefits at any time. For the USPS, only an act of Congress would allow that. The real burden on this was the first 10 years. The concern was particularly for the reduced contributions.

If you look at the position we’re in now, it is where the USPS is intended to be amortizing its remaining unfunded liability over 40 years. Meaning that after 2016, the additional burden would be completed. 40 years is the same length as the private sector (See EIRSA – 1974).

You could make an argument that Congress was trying to force privatization then. I wouldn't argue one way or the other on that. That 10 year period is in the past.

Also in 2009 Congress reduced the contribution. The USPS defaulted and refused to pay the mandated funds that PAEA called for. They state that clearly in their 10-K (“the Postal Service did not make any of these [required pension funding] payments in order to preserve liquidity to ensure that the ability to fulfill the primary universal service mission was not placed at undue risk”).

To claim that the PAEA is causing the the USPS to lose money is one that the USPS would deny since they don't pay what was mandated any way.

The amount on their P&L shows $4.564 billion, that is maybe $900 million more than they would be paying on a pay-as-you-go plan (which Fedex, UPS, and Amazon does not do). So, there is no evidence of this as a cause of P&L loss.

The 75 years is a misconception. The accounting method does not call for 75 years of future accruals to be advance funded, only that the long term sustainability of the system is to be measured over a 75 year period.

The real question is why do the retiree benefits for the USPS cost so much per individual. This is partly because they do need to meet certain government level (that have nothing to do with PAEA), but is deeper than that.

This is why (or one of the many reasons why) they are basically looking into what the USPS should be in the future. It is not prefunding benefits as described in the 2006 PAEA (which isn’t prefunding all benefits for 75 years) because they state clearly they are not doing that.

It’s a tough road in front of them. It is good people are working on it. As I said previously, I think they should have thrown the money at them this year. That was dumb politics and it is worth spending the money to buy confidence in the republic. We are throw so much money around this year that isn’t going to come back to us, why not here?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
^ Nice analysis, who did you fail to credit?

Beyond the PAEA, the USPS is a constitutionally mandated federal service and isn't intended to be profitable, it is, by design meant to be funded by congress (though through much of it's history has been self-sufficient) and failing to do so is unconstitutional.


Staff member
they love 'Murica so much they killed her, sounds like a typical Redneck Relationship.
They don't love America. They love a certain idea of America. They love '50-'60 America but they hate the changes America went throught during these decades : the Civil Rights Movement, the Sexual Revolution, the emergence of a real left-wing movement...

In fact, It's not '50-'60' America that they like. Its late '40 - early '50 America : When American women had almost as little rights as they now have in Saudi Arabia, when black fold had almost no rights at all and when the US governement was cracking down and jailing leftists.
Yes, the America they fantasisze about and want to go back to is Sen. McCarthy's America
^ Nice analysis, who did you fail to credit?

Beyond the PAEA, the USPS is a constitutionally mandated federal service and isn't intended to be profitable, it is, by design meant to be funded by congress (though through much of it's history has been self-sufficient) and failing to do so is unconstitutional.

There is a vitriol you have that makes it difficult to have a discussion on a topic with you. If I’ve offended you in some communication on here, I don’t think that was my intent.

I don’t think the USPS is mandated but the Constitution gives the right to establish it. How it or if it is funded is up to Congress. I do agree that it should be treated as a fundamental service and be restructured and funded as needed.

I take no personal credit for any information I post. I’m a non-entity on here, anyway and don’t claim original work. I think links are helpful, but not required, just as I have no issue with you sharing the misinformation of the need to prefund for 75 years in the same manner.

You were trying to play a game with me. You were posing questions seemingly in a Socratic way. The Socratic method is to stimulate learning and thinking. It isn’t meant for a gotcha question. (Leonard Cohen wrote,”Love is not a victory march”).

I’d like to have respectful discussions.
Trump and first lady request mail-in ballots despite attacks

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump requested mail-in ballots for Florida's primary election
on Tuesday, according to Palm Beach County records, despite the President's frequent attacks on voting by mail.

The records from the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections website show the ballots were mailed Wednesday to Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club, which he made his permanent residence last year.

Despite Trump's rhetoric about voting by mail, the President has recently claimed that Florida's voting system is secure, tweeting earlier this month: "Whether you call it Vote by Mail or Absentee Voting, in Florida the election system is Safe and Secure, Tried and True. Florida's Voting system has been cleaned up (we defeated Democrats attempts at change), so in Florida I encourage all to request a Ballot & Vote by Mail!"

White House deputy press secretary Judd Deere told CNN that "the President supports absentee voting, not universal mail-in voting, which contain several safeguards that prevent fraud and abuse."
Election experts have told CNN there is no real difference between absentee voting and no-excuse mail voting and the two are "essentially the same thing."
USA Today was first to report the ballot request.

Mail-in voting has been front-and-center in recent weeks as fears of the coronavirus have caused states to make the process easier so residents can avoid going to polling centers where infection can potentially spread. Trump and other Republicans have railed against the option, baselessly asserting that it will lead to voter fraud, with the President saying Thursday that he opposes much-needed funding for the United States Postal Service because he doesn't want to see it used for mail-in voting this November.

There is not widespread voter fraud in US elections, and nonpartisan experts say neither party automatically benefits when states expand access to mail-in voting.
But even as Trump publicly opposes mail-in voting, his support of it in Florida and his own decision to use it for the 2020 election could provide Democrats and some Republicans who support the option with yet another argument as to why his opposition to it is purely political.

When the President was asked earlier this month about his support for mail-in voting in Florida, he seemed to imply that Republican-run states with existing mail-in voting programs were up to par, but Democratic states establishing or expanding mail-in voting during the pandemic were not.
"So Florida's got a great Republican governor and it had a great Republican governor (before that) ... and over a long period of time they've been able to get the absentee ballots done extremely professionally. Florida's different from other states," Trump said, before criticizing vote-by-mail efforts in Nevada and New York, states led by Democratic governors.
I think it is such a bad stance Trump is taking. I know opposition assign motive for both sides, but the optics on this one is so bad it is eroding trust.

I think states handle it differently and the back end of the process as the vote gets applies is basically the same for absentee and mail in. I do know from experience that the validity of the voter’s absentee application is challenged for NY. When voting from abroad I’ve had mine rejected and needed to reapply.

It is worth doing right, but that ship has sailed and the stance is moronic now.


Queen Bogs

If history has taught us anything, it's that Florida is good to Republicans, especially if there's an election in doubt. Most ballot issues in Florida will have precedent, and a process whereby the vote is determined (Chad is hanged, for example). But for any that don't, you can count on a team of lab-coated researchers and international election observers to be on it like a bum on a ham sandwich - it's the story that the press wants to tell, that suddenly Americans forgot how to vote, and for the ones that didn't, well, diabolical poll staff (?) are going to rip those up. 😄 Like we don't hold elections everywhere in this country, all the time. But we're really f'ed this one next time, though 😄
If history has taught us anything, it's that Florida is good to Republicans, especially if there's an election in doubt. Most ballot issues in Florida will have precedent, and a process whereby the vote is determined (Chad is hanged, for example). But for any that don't, you can count on a team of lab-coated researchers and international election observers to be on it like a bum on a ham sandwich - it's the story that the press wants to tell, that suddenly Americans forgot how to vote, and for the ones that didn't, well, diabolical poll staff (?) are going to rip those up. 😄 Like we don't hold elections everywhere in this country, all the time. But we're really f'ed this one next time, though 😄

History, yes, but jeez, they seem less and less reliable every year.

I don't mean unreliable to support the Republicans, I mean unreliable to know who they are they actually have voted for.