*2017 European Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

1) No, it's not only stupids ans bigots who vote for Lepen. A lot of her voters are just fed up with establishment politicians from both the Right and the Left and wanna try something that hasn't been tested yet.
2) I wxouldn't ssay the Front National is racist and anti-semitic. I would rather say they are nationalists and islamophobes. But that doesn't mean all their voters are.



Staff member
Hey fuck nuts, Macron is a centrist. It's only fascists and bigots who vote for Le Pen. The Front National is still the same fascist and anti-semitic party it was under Jean-Marie. Le Pen can say that the party has changed under her leadership but it's all bullshit. It's cosmetic.

Macron is neither right, neither left. He was the minister of finances under Hollande, does it make him a centrist? Highly unlikely. So people who like their country and who are sharing a national pride by waving and displaying their flag with pride and who support their fellow citizens are fascists and bigots? The worst fascists are the one who are against patriotism, who are playing anti white racism and who always seem to prefer foreigners and leech offs/welfare cases to their own people and they don't belong to the right as far as I know. We had some of the biggest idiots and unpatriotic douchebag ministers with Hollande like Taubira, Voillaud Belkacem, Sapin, Moscovici, Valls, Ayrault, if we do the sum of the 5 years Hollande's presidency, we have reached a level of unmatched debt, unmatched stupidity, unmatched unemployment rate, unmatched unsafety and criminality. Don't even bother to lecture me on France. I know more than you about what's going on here. The so called centrists are in fact the same incompetent douchebag socialists/useful idiots that have fucked up france thrice.
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Staff member
1) No, it's not only stupids ans bigots who vote for Lepen. A lot of her voters are just fed up with establishment politicians from both the Right and the Left and wanna try something that hasn't been tested yet.
2) I wxouldn't ssay the Front National is racist and anti-semitic. I would rather say they are nationalists and islamophobes. But that doesn't mean all their voters are.
As rare as I agree with you on something, your points are fully valid :hatsoff:
Last week :

6 weeks until the 1st round

Recent polls :
1st Round
Marine Lepen : 26%
Emmanuel Macron : 24.5%
François Fillon : 20%
Benoit Hamon : 13%
Jean-Lucc Mélenchon : 11.5%

2nd Round
Emmanuel Macron : 62%
Marine Lepen : 38%

Now :

1st Round
Emmanuel Macron : 26%
Marine Lepen : 25%
François Fillon : 20%
Benoit Hamon : 13%
Jean-Lucc Mélenchon : 12%

It's been a very long time since a presidential poll hadn't Lepen on top on the first round...


Staff member
Last week :

Now :

1st Round
Emmanuel Macron : 26%
Marine Lepen : 25%
François Fillon : 20%
Benoit Hamon : 13%
Jean-Lucc Mélenchon : 12%

It's been a very long time since a presidential poll hadn't Lepen on top on the first round...

Don't trust the polls too much, they are manipulated by the press and the medias who are the prostitutes and the shoe waaxers of the socialists and the leftists since many decades. Lambasting and trying to brainwash people doesn't help. Remember the Breixit and the American elections, just take this as a very good reminder, never trust polls.
Wilders party picked up 7 more seats.

Most people in the U.S. had never heard of him until last week.

You haven't heard the last of him, especially in the European Muslim powder keg.
1) In the Netherlands, you need to build a colaition with other parties to rule. No onther party wants to side with Wilders. Had he won the election he wouldn't rule the country
2) The CDA (Social democrats) picked 6 seats, Wilders picked only 5
3) Not only Wilders won't be able to form a coalition to rule the county but the Right, despite winning the election, lost 8 seats and it won't be easy for them to find allies ot rule with. On the other hand the CDA can find strong allies in the D66 (Progressives) and the GroenLInks (Gren party). Strong enough to have more than 50% of the seat and be able to rule.


Staff member
The polls are manipulated and that because the journalists and tv hosts are the left wing's prostitutes and shoes waxers, especially in France. The journalists, tv hosts and civil servants are afraid of anything from the right or even the far right. Leftists have never shown a single ounce of patriotism or responsibility when it came to protect their country, did they?
The polls are manipulated and that because the journalists and tv hosts are the left wing's prostitutes and shoes waxers, especially in France. The journalists, tv hosts and civil servants are afraid of anything from the right or even the far right.
Yeah, the french medias are sellouts who are running for the Left...
- The #1 french TV network -TF1- is owned by Bouygues (big coropartion operating in construction, real estate, Mobile Phones and Internet, with billionaire Francis Bouygues, son of Martin Bouygues who founded the company, as CEO)
- The #1 french new channel -BFM TV- is owned by Altice (multinational telecoms company, founded and headed by the french billionaire Patrick Drahi)
- The #1 french newspaper -Le Parisien/Aujourd'hui en France- is owned by LVMH (World #1 luxury goods conglomerate headed by Bernard Arnault, world's 14th richest man and long-time friend of Nicolas Sarkozy)
Yeah, they surely are the Left's prostitutes...

Leftists have never shown a single ounce of patriotism or responsibility when it came to protect their country, did they?
1792 : The Left wanted France to fights its ennemies, the enemies of the French revolutions when the Right, the monarchists, wanted to surrender to Austria and Prussia an re-establish the monarchy.
I could alos speak about the far-right leagues of the early 30', about Petain and many collabos who were right-wingers, about Bastien-Thiery, etc.

The truth is the right and the far-right have, on numerous occasions tried to hurt France, to betray their country, to sell it to its enemies.


Staff member
Yeah, the french medias are sellouts who are running for the Left...
- The #1 french TV network -TF1- is owned by Bouygues (big coropartion operating in construction, real estate, Mobile Phones and Internet, with billionaire Francis Bouygues, son of Martin Bouygues who founded the company, as CEO)
- The #1 french new channel -BFM TV- is owned by Altice (multinational telecoms company, founded and headed by the french billionaire Patrick Drahi)
- The #1 french newspaper -Le Parisien/Aujourd'hui en France- is owned by LVMH (World #1 luxury goods conglomerate headed by Bernard Arnault, world's 14th richest man and long-time friend of Nicolas Sarkozy)
Yeah, they surely are the Left's prostitutes...

1792 : The Left wanted France to fights its ennemies, the enemies of the French revolutions when the Right, the monarchists, wanted to surrender to Austria and Prussia an re-establish the monarchy.
I could alos speak about the far-right leagues of the early 30', about Petain and many collabos who were right-wingers, about Bastien-Thiery, etc.

The truth is the right and the far-right have, on numerous occasions tried to hurt France, to betray their country, to sell it to its enemies.

Ok I will reply you. Either you seem to be very ignorant or at least you are persisting with the facts
According to these links most of Macron's supports are unavoidably from the left and the center
Article translated below in English

At the left:
The founder of En Marche can count on the support of Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian at the head of the port, on that of former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, and on the (not necessarily so desired) The rallying of the former mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoë. Other socialist cadres have joined the campaign team of the candidate, such as the senator-mayor of Lyon Gerard Collomb or deputies Richard Ferrand and Christophe Castaner. Among former government colleagues, state secretary Barbara Pompili (ecologist) and Thierry Braillard (PRG) also announced they would lean for the former minister of the economy. Apart from PS, some prominent figures have announced support, as the ex-PCF senator Robert Hue, the deputy ecologist François de Rugy or Daniel Cohn-Bendit.

At the right:
Emmanuel Macron can count on the ex-Chirac minister Renaud Dutreil, founder of "the right with Macron", but also on the related senator LR Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, the former Minister of the Seals Dominique Perben or Marie-Anne Montchamp , Former Secretary of State of ... François Fillon.

At the center:
The best known of the centrist figures, François Bayrou, has allied himself by taking his party, the MoDem, while the former Minister of Economy Jean Arthuis also supports Emmanuel Macron. Members of European Parliament such as Corine Lepage and Jean-Marie Cavada also announced their rallying, along with a dozen centrist senators.
And elsewhere…

The candidate of En Marche also seduces among the people. The writer Erik Orsenna, the actor François Berléand or the former presenter of the weather Catherine Laborde have indicated that they supported En Marche. A number of entrepreneurs also run for Emmanuel Macron, as the owner of the World Pierre Bergé, the consultant Alain Minc or the CEO of Meetic, Marc Simoncini.

Regarding Drahi because of him , SFR got a fine of 40 millions of € for not respecting the involvment regarding high speed internet through fiber as well as for false advertising
SFR will lay off more than 4000 people
http://www.silicon.fr/licenciements-sfr-syndicats-redoutent-casse-sociale-plus-grande-que-prevue-158333.html Article translated by me in English below
To the 5000 dismissals expected in the New Deal agreement of SFR could be added 2000 transfers to subsidiaries of the parent company Altice.

The inauguration yesterday of the first "content store" on rue de Rennes in Paris is likely to leave a bitter taste to the employees of SFR. At a time when the company's restructuring plan is being presented by management to trade unions, the CFE-CGC is concerned that the volume of job cuts would be well above the 5,000 previously mentioned. Outsourcing projects for employees would be added to the layoff plan announced last summer.

CFE-CGC is particularly concerned about the acquisition of Intelcia, a Franco-Moroccan company specializing in call centers, by Altice, the parent company of SFR. In early September, Intelcia announced the entry of the Altice group into its capital, but without specifying the percentage. "Altice will rely on Intelcia's recognized expertise in customer relations to integrate 'Customer Experience' into its value chain," the call center said in its statement. "We all know that events are not random, fears the CFE-CGC in an e-mail sent to its members. As a result, SFR Group plans to transfer many of these employees to Intelcia France. "
2000 employees transferred

Approximately 2000 employees would be involved. A possible transfer since "this assumption was envisaged from the start [in the New Deal]," adds the union. The organization refers to the voluntary redundancy plan presented at the end of July by the management to the unions. Called "New Deal" and signed by the two majority bodies, the CFDT and Unsa, the plan foresees the departure of about 4000 employees between July 2017 and 2019. Either by the end of the 3 years of maintenance of jobs Signed by management during the acquisition of SFR by Numericable Group in 2014 under the control of the Altice holding company.

To this plan rejected by the CGT and the CFE-CGC, is added a thousand employees of the distribution branch who should have left the group before the end of the year. The distribution business (shops ...) is not concerned with the preservation of jobs. In addition, some 1,260 employees have left the company, more or less voluntarily, according to the unions. Judging this wave of departures contrary to agreements to maintain employment, the CFE-CGC also filed a complaint for fraud against the management. Some provincial sites may also close.
650 million euros in savings?

Moreover, moves are also envisaged for almost all the customer service sites of Ile-de-France which will concentrate in Champ-sur-Marne, historic site of Numericable-Completel. "We are in a social case that exceeds the 5000 deletions imposed by our shareholders," fears the CFE-CGC in its internal communication. To this could be added the 3,000 jobs threatened by the service providers of the SFR customer call centers affected by non-renewed contracts.

A social case that Michel Combes, CEO of SFR, had justified by the need for the operator to adapt its operating mode in a highly competitive sector. And to the shareholders' requirement. The restructuring aims to save 400 to 600 million euros per year. But Bloomberg said the group could raise the economy to 650 million euros on the payroll beyond 2019 (out of 1.2 billion euros in costs in 2015). Unconfirmed information for the time.
Altice has failed and so has Drahi.

Have you seen the presidential debates and how much the medias were manipulated licking Macron's ass??? If yopu don't , then you are naive like all of those who voted for Hollande. The Hollande voters and the Macron voters are just a bunch of stupid and clueless fucktards with shit for brains. When you have people like Cohn Bendit and Robert Hue among your back ups then you don't support the real republicans values. The values of France were never founded of socialism and neither on multiculturalism, never. The socialists tried hard to twist the values of France, and make the French pride disappear.

Now about the collaborationnists in France during world war II, they were mostly from the left and far left.Yes, it hurts, the truth disturbs Rabbi Haim Harboun at the beginning of an article in a tone visibly irritated by the way the moral left rewrites its own history.

"It is time for the veil laid by the historians of the 70s and 80s, who have made great efforts to revisit history to save their furniture! "He adds naively," for we know that no veil will be lifted by historians, national education, or journalists, let alone, and this leaves the right wing perplexed. Is demonized by the Socialists without reacting.

Rabbi Harboun quotes here Simon Epstein, economist and historian, author among others of "A French paradox". Selected extracts.

Left Lie No. 1: Collaborators during the Second World War were mostly on the far right. It's the other way around. The majority of the first resistance was from the Action Francaise, which advocated "integral nationalism" and was German-speaking.
Left Lie # 2: The anti-racist, anti-racist and anti-Semitic Left has mostly composed the Resistance. It's the other way around. The pacifists continued to be pacifists under the boot of the Nazis (like the Dreyfusards).
More precisely, pacifism was the main vector of collaboration, and so many pacifists collaborated.

Georges Suarez, who was Joseph Kessel's friend in the 1920s, and the biographer of Clemenceau and Briand is a fine example of this leftist logic that leads from pacifism to Nazism. For the sake of Franco-German reconciliation, he became, under Vichy, a frantic pro-writer, and was the first journalist to be judged for collaboration: he was close to the Left Briandist.

That the Left was dominant in the collaboration because it was dominant in pacifism is a very disturbing truth, and historians anxious to charge "all rights", anxious to make them bear responsibility for errors, betrayals and Crimes of the years 1940-1944 all have a memory gap over these four black years.

Our historians - on the left - will charge Maurras (Action Française) with crimes committed by people, many of whom were hardened Antimaurrassians. They will work on La Roque (the Cross of Fire), who really had nothing to do with it, while they will ignore those pacifists, intransigent and candid at the same time, who were fascinated for Hitler's Germany.
And it lasts until now ...
Simon Epstein, in his book, quotes among others Bernard Lacache, the president of the LICA (ancestor of the current LICRA) who denounced those traitors who, having militated in this leftist pacifist movement, converted to collaboration. And of course, he does not forget, in a precise biographical note, François Mitterrand ...
But Mitterrand was not the only leftist collabo who shuttled:
- Was Drieu-La Rochelle of extreme right before the war? No. He was a leftist and a philosemite.
- Jean Luchaire, Pierre de Brinon, Alphonse de Chateaubriand: men of the left.
- Doriot, Deat? from the left.
- Cocteau, Aymé, Giono? from the left.
- Bergery? Radical left.
"Bertrand de Jouvenel?" from the left.
- Simon Sabiani, Maurice-Ivan Sicard, Paul Perrin, Andre Grisoni, Paul Rives, Maurice Levillain, Barthelemy Montagnon, René Chateau, Claude Jamet: all left, all collaborators.
- Robert Jospin (father of Lionel) pacifist integral, Munich, close to Marcel Déat: SFIO.
- Camille Chautemps, Georges Bonnet, Maurice Papon, René Bousquet: the radical left.
- Robert Hersant: radical left.
- Charles Spinasse, Georges Monnet: they are also left.
- Alfred Baudrillart, Marc Augier, Jean Balestre: all on the left.
- Camille Planche, Léon Emery, René Gérin, were deatists and came from the left.
- Saint-Loup (aka Marc Augier who, before the war, sang "In front of life" with his Jewish comrades in the Auberges), Saint-Paulien (alias Maurice-Ivan Sicard, who before vomited in his Huron fascism And the fascists), Roland Gaucher (ex-Roland Goguillot who militated in the Revolutionary Students), François Brigneau (Emmanuel Allot, pacifist of the left): ex-antifascists, elders of the left and the extreme left, Garbage of collaboration, then right-wing activists after the war.
- Rene Bousquet, secretary-general of the Vichy police, responsible for the deportation of 54,000 French Jews, François Mitterrand's forever friend: Left Republican Center.
- 12 of the 17 SFIO ministers at the end of the Third Republic were excluded from the post-war party for collaborating with the Germans.
Who will be surprised to meet again the left, today, in the bed of Islam?
But this short inventory of the left of shame naturally requires completion by the course of Georges Gustave Hollande, father of François Hollande, whose file on Wikipedia has been completely rewritten, and I let you imagine in which direction.

Let's not forget an another important fact that the socialists are the champions electoral cronyism of towards muslims.

Reference in May of the proposed law "Baby Loup", proposal of development of mulsulman schools: for Serge Federbusch, these retreats of the secular spirit emphasize the clientelism that practices the left. Former student of the National School of Administration, Serge Federbusch is an administrative magistrate. He worked for the Ministry of Finance, the Quai d'Orsay and the City of Paris. President of the Freedom Party, formerly elected in the 10th arrondissement of Paris, Serge Federbusch animates Delanopolis, a satirical information site devoted to political life in the capital. He published in June 2014 "French, ready for your next revolution" at Ixelles editions.

Suddenly, this week, the climate of fear engendered by the crimes of the brothers Kouachi and Coulibaly, led to two setbacks of the secular spirit. In order not to offend the Muslim community, the Socialist deputies preferred to postpone until May, before undoubtedly to bury it definitively, the examination of the so-called "Baby Loup" bill that would allow private institutions hosting children and Receiving public money to forbid the wearing of the veil.
The climate of fear engendered by the crimes of the brothers Kouachi and Coulibaly led to two setbacks of secularism.

It was also reported that a communiqué from the Socialist Party, dated 26 February, called for "the development of private Muslim confessional education". This proposal aims to open more schools of this type and is included in a report on republican cohesion, commissioned in the aftermath of the January attacks. The objective of the Socialists is to "better organize the place of Islam in the Republic". When one thinks that the same people were indignant a few years ago that only one penny of public money goes into the coffers of the confessional teaching ... Decisively clientelism and communitarianism have undergone incredible metamorphoses To French socialism!

There have been a few coughs on the left ... This report shocked the secretary of secularism of the Left Radical Party and most of the trade unions of the Ministry of National Education. Thus, Frédérique Rolet, general secretary of the SNES "confesses (to have been) extremely surprised ... by saying that the PS lost all its bearings. At the moment when we are talking about the reactivation of the 1905 law on secularism and the need to explain the meaning of secularism, it is not for the state to promote confessional education, since we are in A school that is public and secular. "

The objective of the Socialists is to "better organize the place of Islam in the Republic". When one thinks that the same people were indignant, a few years ago, that only one penny of public money goes into the coffers of denominational education ...Embarrassed, the government now speaks of an "awkwardness of language". Finally ... an awkwardness does not mean a mistake.

This aggiornamento on the secular question is in reality only the continuation of a process of "demoimicatization" that Houellebecq would not deny. Except that the writer is mistaken when he predicts that a new party, the "Muslim Brotherhood" will be the political vector. The Socialist Party is already occupying the field. Over time and the laws of decentralization, local left-wing politicians, in particular socialists, understood the electoral advantage they could derive from Muslims.

This aggiornamento on the secular question is in reality only the continuation of a process of "demoimicatization" that Houellebecq would not deny. Except that the writer is mistaken when he predicts that a new party, the "Muslim Brotherhood" will be the political vector. The Socialist Party is already occupying the field.

In his "contribution number one" to the 2012 project of the PS, under the title "Left: what electoral majority for 2012?", Terra Nova noted: "Workers vote less and less on the left, the temptation of the FN is strong. At the same time, France's diversity is almost entirely on the left ... in the hypothesis of an identical continuation, between 500,000 and 750,000 new voters, naturalized French between 2007 and 2012, will be able to participate in the next Presidential ballot without having been able to participate in the previous one ... "

These calculations proved to be relevant in the 2012 presidential election. Although no statistic can be established with certainty, as regards declaratory votes and responses to polls, a survey of the electorate conducted by OpinionWay and Fiducial on May 6, 2012, for Le Figaro revealed that out of 10,000 voters, 93% of practicing Muslims had slipped a bulletin "François Hollande" in their envelope. Only 7% of them voted for Nicolas Sarkozy. The Socialist candidate was acclaimed by this part of the population, which represents about f two million voters, it was enough to tip the result of the ballot. Obviously, François Hollande, who has the sensitivity of a machine to count the votes, could not ignore this movement of substance. This is the main explanation of all the efforts he has made and will, after the crimes of January 2015, support the presidential authority's discourse on the refusal of amalgam. And that is why, today, the Union of Muslim Democrats of France (UMDF) can without withdraw its candidates to the county elections in Marseille, Strasbourg or Nice.

If you aren't stupid , then don't vote socialist and use your brain.
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Don't worry, I don't plan on voting Socialist. I only vote Socialist when I have the feeling that their opponent would be worst. Otherwise I vote for the center or the modérateurs right.

If, by some miracle, Hamon or Mélenchon would be on the 2nd round, I would vote for their opponent (or not vote if the said opponent is Lepen).


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Bronze Member
Don't worry, I don't plan on voting Socialist. I only vote Socialist when I have the feeling that their opponent would be worst. Otherwise I vote for the center or the modérateurs right.

If, by some miracle, Hamon or Mélenchon would be on the 2nd round, I would vote for their opponent (or not vote if the said opponent is Lepen).

My friend, take my advice is:

Stop trying to argue or even convince people that will shoot themselves before they admit that their hardcore beliefs could be wrong.
Like a broken down Puegot at rush hour, Jean-Luc Mélenchon fucking things up for those seeking the far left vote...


Melenchon is surging because Hamon is crumbling (or maybe Hamon is crumbling because Melenchon is surging, I'm not sure). The left wing of the Socialist Party sees that without the right wing (which joined Macron), Hamon has no chance to make it to the 2nd round so they are now leaving Hamon and joining Mélenchon.
Usually there's a debate between the 2 rounds. Chirac refused to debate with J.M. Lepen in 2002