*2017 European Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

The problem are the mledias who are trying to brainwash people and put them against each other. We will see if there aren't any terror attacks before the presidential election, because with Hollande as president and his douche nozzle of minister of Cazeneuve, you can reckon that due to their highest degree of incompetence, absolute shortsightedness and utter stupidity something bad will happen.

I hope you don't have any more terror attacks georges. The French people have suffered enough. Especially in the past 2 years. Damn! It has been almost two years since Charlie Hebdo.
The problem are the medias who are trying to brainwash people and put them against each other

You mean, like muslims vs others, christians vs gays, french vs migrants, etc. ?
Yeah, I've read/seen that kind of propaganda : In Valeurs Actuelles, Le Figaro, BFM-TV, TF1, Fox News, Breitbart, etc...

We will see if there aren't any terror attacks before the presidential election, because with Hollande as president and his douche nozzle of minister of Cazeneuve, you can reckon that due to their highest degree of incompetence, absolute shortsightedness and utter stupidity something bad will happen
Actually, if they want to win the election (whick is nearly impossible for them) they MUST prevent any attack from happening.
Looks like Fillon will be next president of France
Looks like, exactly. But a lot of things could happen within the up-coming 6 monthes.

Also, primaries in France are "open", it means not only registered memebers of a party can vote but alos sympathisers" if they agree to pay for the organisation of the vote (To vote yesterday, you had to pay 2€ and it will be the same next week for the second round).
A lot of Leftists and Centrists do not like Sarkozy and many people in France -whatever their political stance- don't want to have Sarkozy and Hollande again in the 2nd round of the election next year. So many people showed yesterday just to make sure that Sarkozy wouldn't be in the picture for the second round of these primaries (and many will surely show up to the socialit primaries to make sure Holande is eliminated if polls suggest he could have a chance of winning).
So it's quite possible that now tht Sarkozy's out, these people won't show up for the 2nd round. Wether it will benefit to Juppé or Fillon is unclear.


Staff member
Looks like, exactly. But a lot of things could happen within the up-coming 6 monthes.

Also, primaries in France are "open", it means not only registered memebers of a party can vote but alos sympathisers" if they agree to pay for the organisation of the vote (To vote yesterday, you had to pay 2€ and it will be the same next week for the second round).
A lot of Leftists and Centrists do not like Sarkozy and many people in France -whatever their political stance- don't want to have Sarkozy and Hollande again in the 2nd round of the election next year. So many people showed yesterday just to make sure that Sarkozy wouldn't be in the picture for the second round of these primaries (and many will surely show up to the socialit primaries to make sure Holande is eliminated if polls suggest he could have a chance of winning).
So it's quite possible that now tht Sarkozy's out, these people won't show up for the 2nd round. Wether it will benefit to Juppé or Fillon is unclear.

It is not unclear at all , it is all very clear. Juppe is a 71 years old wreck and has a sympathy for the muslim brotherhood, he was already condemned by the justice. People want a clean candidate and if more attacks occur, it will be a tight match against Marine Le Pen for sure. You can be sure that the left won't pass the first round of the presidential elections. The polls predicted it, it will be right against far right. There is a huge feeling of enough is enough in France unless you are living in another planet. The problem is that the traditionnal political parties haven't grasped the problems of the citizens and made unfair and utterly stupid reforms through decades, so the citizens punish them by voting for the far right. I miss De Gaulle who was perhaps the best politician France ever had.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Maybe we make a seperate thread about the german elections? One single thread to cover all upcoming national elections in all of europe is pretty mich of a mess
De Gaule was elected in 1958 at the age of 68, re-elected in 1965 at the age of 73 and left office (after loosing a referendum) at 79. Juppé said he would do only one mandate. If De Gaule was able to govern from 68 to 79, Juppé would be as well from 71 to 76. And you will agree that DeGaulle lived a far more tiring life than Juppé...
Sympathy for the Muslim Brotherhood ? WTF ?! Where did you got that from ?!

People want a clean candidate ? You know just as well as I do that people often forget that a candidate had been condemned in the past. Just look at the Balknanys : they've been indicted multiple times, condemned several times and the people still re-elect them, mandates after mandates, with a big margin over their oppponents.

The polls indicate the Marine Lepen will be on the second round ? You mean the same poll who said Fillon was gonne end third behind Juppé and Sarkozy ? The same polls who said the Brexit wouldn't happen ? The same polls who said Hillary would be the next President of the US ?
Come on, you know just as I do that polls are not to be 100% trusted.
From the comments section of an article I read yesterday: Unfortunately, Germans have been PC-Conditioned since WW II. They've been trained to be self-loathing as their government warns them against speaking out, or else they'll be labeled "NAZI's" When it comes to acceptance of third-world savages, the people are paralyzed by circumstance. Germans are great people and deserve better than that c_nt, Merkel.

Couldn't have said it better myself

Do the right thing Germany, send Merkel packing.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to

Get out the vote.
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FILLON WINS: Thatcherite ex PM set for showdown with populist Le Pen for French presidency

François Fillon tonight comfortably clinched the conservative nomination for the French presidency to set up a titanic clash with populist rival Marine Le Pen.

With over half of the votes counted Mr Fillon was beating rival Alain Juppé by a landslide margin of 68.4 per cent to 31.6 per cent, heralding a history defining clash with the far-right Front National.

Mr Fillon was considered a rank outsider last month compared to the comparatively better known Mr Juppé, but has become just the latest politician this year to defy the pollsters and clinch an unlikely victory.

The 62-year-old, a self-avowed Thatcherite, is a social conservative
who is expected to park his tanks firmly on Ms Le Pen's front lawn on the issues of immigration and the perceived erosion of French identity.

And with the ruling socialists never less popular than under beleagured Francois Hollande, all the indications are that French voters will be offered a choice between two right-wing candidates in next March's election.

After his victory was announced Mr Fillon promised to roll back the nanny state and boost personal freedoms, roaring: “I must now convince the whole country our project is the only one that can lift us up.”

Earlier, at a rally on Friday, he told 10,000 ecstatic supporters that “everything must change so that everything can remain the same” - a quote that may best explain the “tornado” of support he whipped up from nowhere.

At the rally, one supporter told the Telegraph: “Fillon defends the values of ‘la France profonde’ [Deep France, as opposed Paris, its suburb and other big cities]: family, work, religion and freedom.”

Another said: “We know we’re going to go through tough moments. When he takes these measures, there will undoubtedly be strikes, street protests, and it’s up to us to accept this and support him.

“He mustn’t give in.”

Public outrage at the relentless strike action taken by France’s trade unions and the resolute failure of outgoing French President Francois Hollande to solve the issue has bolstered a desire to break with the country’s socialist tradition.

Mr Fillon has pledged to cut half a million public sector jobs, increase the 35-hour working week and slash government official’s pay.

He has also has declared himself an opponent to multiculturalism, and demanded that “the Islamic religion accept what all the others have accepted in the past – that radicalism and provocation have no place here”.

His soaring popularity could halt Marine Le Pen’s charge to the Elysee Palace, who had until now rode a wave of popular support over themes of immigration, social conservatism, national identity and the fight against Islamic terror.

Earlier this week, PM Manuel Valls declared running against François Hollandein the siocialist primaries is not off the table.

Socialist Primaries are set-up for January 22nd and 29th.
François Hollande will not seek re-election as president of France

Surprise move not to stand for a second term in upcoming presidential election throws selection of a Socialist candidate wide open

François Hollande, the least popular French president since the second world war, has announced he will not run for a second term in office.
With a satisfaction rating so low it recently dropped to just 4%, the Socialist president appeared shaken and emotional as he said in a live televised address from the Élysée palace that he would not attempt to run for a second term, conscious of the “risks” to the French left if he did so.
“Today I am aware of the risks that going down a route that would not gather sufficient support would entail, so I have decided not to be a candidate in the presidential election,” a sombre-looking Hollande said.
He said his only concern was “the superior interest of this country” and that he could not stand for “the break-up of the left”. He said his time in power had taught him “humility”.
He is the first French president since the war not to attempt to run for re-election.

François Fillon, the right’s presidential candidate and the favourite to win next spring, said Hollande had “admitted with lucidity that his obvious failure stopped him going any further”. Fillon, who last week called Hollande’s presidency “pathetic”, said Hollande’s presidency was ending in a “political shambles”.

Hollande’s decision leaves the way open for a bitter Socialist primary race in January to decide who will run in his place. Manuel Valls, the ambitious prime minister who is a tough law-and-order voice and pro-business reformist on the right of the party, could now decide to run to become the Socialist candidate.
If he does run, Valls will face opposition from several former government ministers who are part of a leftwing rebel movement, including the ambitious former economy minister Arnaud Montebourg, who is fiercely critical of Hollande’s pro-business line.

Hollande’s popularity slumped right from the start of his presidency in 2012. He beat the rightwing Nicolas Sarkozy after a classic leftwing campaign in which he targeted big business and pledged to raise taxes for high earners.
He began his presidency with a leftist programme that included a wealth super-tax of 75% on top earners but he shifted course midway through his term.
Grassroots supporters were further alienated by a pro-business switch in 2014, a wavering over security reforms, and labour laws that brought thousands out onto the streets in protests early this year.

Hollande was accused of a lack of preparation, zigzagging on policy and being unable to keep a lid on his government’s internal feuding on how to address the economy. His initial attempt to style himself as a “normal president” – paying no heed to the superficial trappings of office – backfired and endeared him even less to the electorate.
Accused of lacking authority and coherence, dithering over policy decisions from tax increases to pro-business reform, failing to kickstart the sluggish economy and failing to protect France from a series of devastating terrorist attacks, he was eventually abandoned by his own core of Socialist party voters who felt betrayed by his muddled, stop-start pro-business reforms.
One recent poll by Odoxa put him at only 7.5% in the first round of the presidential race, behind the right’s Fillon, the far-right Marine Le Pen, his former economy minister and maverick independent candidate Emmanuel Macron, and the hard-left Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

In his televised address, Hollande said he felt he had achieved many changes for France in his time in office, including introducing same-sex marriage and beginning to lower France’s stubbornly high jobless figures after decades of mass unemployment.
But he admitted that the drop in the number of unemployed had come too late and “unemployment is still too high”.
Hollande said he was pleased he had led France to intervene against Islamists in Mali, in west Africa. He said his biggest regret came after the Paris terrorist attacks of November 2015 when he planned to strip French citizenship from dual-nationality citizens convicted of terrorism. The plan caused havoc and division on the left and right, and Hollande was forced to abandon it.

Hollande’s complicated personal life in office only served to reinforce his image as indecisive and distracted. In January 2014 he was photographed by paparazzi going by scooter to a flat near the Élysée where he was conducting an affair with actor Julie Gayet.
His partner, the political journalist Valérie Trierweiler, then wrote a tell-all book about their tumultuous relationship, in which she described their relationship breakdown in excruciating detail and, most seriously, accused Hollande of mocking poor people as “toothless”. The fallout was disastrous for his image.
A recent 600-page book, A President Shouldn’t Say That, in which Hollande shocked even those in his close circle by regularly confiding in two journalists with the private details of his presidency and personal life – including openly discussing state secrets such as details of plans for an airstrike on Syria in 2013, or paying ransom for abducted French journalists – served to damage him further.

More than any other French president, Hollande attempted to play the transparency card, confiding in journalists and inviting documentary crews into the Elysée, yet there was a communication gap in which he was never able to build a relationship with the French people in which they understood his goals and felt he understood them.

Hollande’s family, including his ex-partner and mother of his children, Ségolène Royal, a government minister, is said to have advised him not to stand again and risk being humiliated.

The French presidential election takes place next April and May.

You gotta give credit where credit is due. I'm not a Hollande supporter (even thought I voted for her in 2012, thinking he couldn't be worst than Sarkozy -boy have I been wrong) but I must admit but i must admit he did suprised we, in a positive way, with that move. He will go down as the worst french president in the 5th Republic (which started in 1958) but alos as the one who looked at his record, at his poll numbers and decided not to seek re-election. Others have failed but still ran for a 2nd mandate.

For monthes now the people and the pundits have been telling that the worst scenario that could come out of the upcoming election would be that both Sarkozy and Hollande would run. In the end neither of them will.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

You gotta give credit where credit is due. I'm not a Hollande supporter (even thought I voted for her in 2012, thinking he couldn't be worst than Sarkozy -boy have I been wrong) but I must admit but i must admit he did suprised we, in a positive way, with that move. He will go down as the worst french president in the 5th Republic (which started in 1958) but alos as the one who looked at his record, at his poll numbers and decided not to seek re-election. Others have failed but still ran for a 2nd mandate.

For monthes now the people and the pundits have been telling that the worst scenario that could come out of the upcoming election would be that both Sarkozy and Hollande would run. In the end neither of them will.

Absolutely. In Germany, the first main candidate - Merkel, CDU/CSU, is officially up for election, the other main party, SPD, is yet not coming forward. Many believe Sigmar Gabriel will try it again, but many in the SPD hope he does not. He is just so wishy-washy about his issues, probably the same like Merkel. Both are deciding where they stand just as the tides are turning.

Respect to Hollande, who has some backbone!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
French President Francois Hollande not running for reelection. This is big.

He did something that most failed leaders never have the courage to do. He looked in the mirror & thought, "Wow, I really suck at this job. I'm terrible. Let me spare the people any more of my failed leadership."

It is one thing to be a failed leftist leader of America. To lose the support of people as a leftist leader in France requires spectacular failure at every level.

Think about this: The French people are firing a French leader for acting French.

There may be hope for this failed excuse of a nation. Most normal people realize that sky high taxes, economic stagnation, & coddling Islamists is bad policy. Yet somehow even some French people are realizing that driving out productive Jews & bringing in Islamists may be bad for their economy & security.

Once he steps down, Hollande will be the frontrunner for the 2018 California Governorship.

Until then, today is a victory for sanity.

Vive la normalcy!

eric @ Tygrrrr Express

Ha! Hollande is a cock chugger who will go down in history as the schmuck who single-handedly turned France into a third world shit hole. Au revoir, chapeau d'âne. Ne laissez pas la porte vous frapper sur votre chemin.
Ha! Hollande is a cock chugger who will go down in history as the schmuck who single-handedly turned France into a third world shit hole. Au revoir, chapeau d'âne. Ne laissez pas la porte vous frapper sur votre chemin.

1) France is not a third-world shit hole.
2) He is far from being the only responsible for the current situation in France. I'd say the blame is on every president from the last 35 years (Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy and Hollande) and also every single members of their government for the last 35 years. And don't forget the unions ; I you think US unions are a pain in the ass, wait 'till you know the CGT, FO or SUD...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Whatever, Kermit. Your country is going down the shitter.