Get your facts straight. Every playoff game in the Trop has been a sell out. If you are seeing portions of the upper deck empty, it's because the owners realize those seats suck and have decided not to sell them...those are tarped and not empty.
A) The fact that it took until the playoffs for Tampa Bay "fans" to start attending their games, just goes to show how fair weather they truly are.
B) Those seats are tarped because their attendance record shows that nobody would've bought tickets for them anyway. It has
nothing to do with them being bad seats.
This series is not over. Tampa still needs to win one game but I am so sick of the disrespect the Rays get. If you find their style of baseball boring, than quit calling yourself a baseball fan. They play solid defense, can run the bases, hit for power and have great pitching. What more do you want? How can you say it is boring?
Most people don't watch baseball to see small ball being played. Most people watch baseball because they want to see big time, flashy plays being made and gigantic homeruns being hit. I have a huge passion for baseball so I don't, personally, mind it...but watching baseball, especially on TV, is boring to most people that I know. If you're a true baseball fan, you probably already know that though.
Actually, here is a question to everyone who says the Phillies-Rays series would be boring....which teams would you like to see? What two teams would be so exciting to watch and why? And if anyone says the Yankees, wake up! They're the most boring team in MLB in my opinion.
Done with my rant....
I would like to see
my favorite team in the World Series, as would everybody else. That's kind of a moot question, IMO.
Out of the teams who made the playoffs this year though, I think that Boston vs. Chicago (NL) would've made the best series. They might not have been the "best teams", per say, but it would've been a series fueled by history and passion. Personally, I looooove series like that.
Tampa Bay vs. Philadelphia has not "heat" to it at all. It's just two random ass teams that happened to make the World Series. There's no story at all, except for Tampa Bay being the Cinderella team. How fun is
that? :dunno:
:2 cents: