I have never liked the DH rule. When it was first introduced I think it was just an excuse to let some aging players be able to stay around longer than they otherwise would have. It also negates the rare, but tremendous, advantage a team could possibly have if they ever get a really good hitting pitcher. I also see the DH being used in the future as an excuse to not put people into the Hall of Fame that probably still deserve it. There is never any real good reason IMO not to have standardized rules that everybody has to follow. Still as bad as the DH is I don't dislike it as much as some things that have been introduced, like interleague play, and especially the unbalanced schedule. The wild card never really bothered me as long as they just keep it as it is and don't introduce any more teams into the playoffs. The way divisions are set up I can see it being useful to keep from screwing over a good team just because they share a division with one of the few teams better than they are. I just don't want baseball to get to be like hockey or basketball where half the league makes it in and the regular season is just glorified bracket positioning system.