2007 MLB Thread

You know, there's really no reason why the Cubs can't sweep AZ. Well, the curse being excluded.

God that Cubs game sucked! On a side note, Why did the "neon dude" wait so long?
Oh yeah, way to take out Zambrano Lou!

:rofl: i liked the game. I suspect some bias, pent up anger with a side of pissedoffness...

yea that's it.
God that Cubs game sucked! On a side note, Why did the "neon dude" wait so long?
Oh yeah, way to take out Zambrano Lou!

There goes the sweep I guess. Oh well it's the Cubs. They're only making it interesting. No matter what happens they usually pull it off in the end...

...oh wait :mad:

You should have held off telling him. Ignorance is bliss. He could have had a day or two more were he still had hope. :D
You should have held off telling him. Ignorance is bliss. He could have had a day or two more were he still had hope. :D

Well, eventually he might have stumbled across the previous page instead of posting blindly. Interesting how his lack of attentiveness sounds more like your typical Yankees fan than a Mets fan.
There goes the sweep I guess. Oh well it's the Cubs. They're only making it interesting. No matter what happens they usually pull it off in the end...

...oh wait :mad

LOL Man that was tough to watch, but yeah...it is the Cubs.

Still pissed at Lou for taking Zambrano out with only 85 pitches. I mean, I like Marmol a lot, but Zambrano was settling in. Saving Z for game 4? Argh...oh well. Tonight should be better. Hopefully the Cubs will stop hitting the ball directly to the DB players. :tongue:
I wonder if Cubbies fear Goats or Bartman type fools? It is always an excuse w/ Cubs fans and Bosox fans! (used to same the same for the PALEHOSE til Kenny Williams stood up for the Guillen)


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
ive never been this nervous about a playoff series before. :(

It's ok big guy, everything will be juuuust fine. There, there...you want to go to McDonald's and get a milkshake? Do you? Yeeeeah, you do.

Actually, I'd be nervous too. I wouldn't want to play the Yankees in the first round either. :eek:
dammitt...! i have to go to work. :(
mid 5th
You know what sucks, the Yankees game isn't even being broadcast locally. I've never been one for cable TV but if I ever give in, it will be for baseball.

mock me for my lack of cable!!:1orglaugh


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
How in the FUCK did I just miss the Cubs' 2nd run? I've been sitting here staring at the TV watching it but I still missed it. Maybe...juuuust maybe it's these God damned Old Style's.

FYI - Old Style is the beer for Cubs fans/Wrigley Field.

PS - Congrats IAF. Enjoy it while you can. We both know that Cleveland and playoffs don't belong together. It sucks, but that's life. IE - Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Cavs, Cleveland Indians. Hell, the only Cleveland team that actually won anything was our stupid indoor soccer team, with Hector Marinaro or whatever his name was. :dunno: Cleveland CRUNCH? Was that it?