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  1. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    August 15 1980: Ronald Reagan trailed Jimmy Carter by an average of 8 points. Check with us this time next month.
  2. B

    Extreme vetting: Brilliant!

    You're the one that seeks an audience. *Chortle*
  3. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    There was one that I recall that was beating his chest over Romney, maybe 2. It sure wasn't me. The polls were favoring Romney too. Pretty much all of October up to the election. I hope it is a trend.
  4. B

    Extreme vetting: Brilliant!

    No Pvt Pyle, I don't need a refresher. Foreign nationals not on U.S. soil do not enjoy the protections granted under the U.S. constitution. I'll speak slowly for you.. If You Are A Foreign National Not on U.S . Soil Denying Entry Into The United States Is NOT NOR CAN IT BE...
  5. B

    Extreme vetting: Brilliant!

    Now that is just precious. An esteemed military man such as yourself, sworn to defend the constitution would know that foreign nationals aren't under the jurisdiction of the U.S. constitution and thus cannot have constitutional rights violated that they don't possess. Tell Lou Ann we said...
  6. B

    Extreme vetting: Brilliant!

    You do realize that there has been a religious test in the past don't you? An esteemed military man such as yourself would know that. So of course you do.
  7. B

    Extreme vetting: Brilliant!

    http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/08/15/republicans-just-overtook-dems-gay-rights/ It could have stopped people like Seddique Mateen from coming here to sire his murderous spawn.
  8. B

    What's Wrong With Hillary?

    The power of Christ compels you!
  9. B

    Milwaukee's Best

    Drano is good stuff.
  10. B

    Milwaukee's Best

    Because my state is run by Republicans. Don't you have some swimming pool drains to clean or something? Pretty sure all the muzzies you have over there are clogging them up.
  11. B

    Milwaukee's Best

    http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/milwaukee-cop-cars-smashed-torched-after-police-kill-suspect-n630236 Hey! Let's burn our city down!
  12. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    The United States is a representative republic, Pvt. Pyle. Not to mention that less votes can produce a winner. You're about as sharp as a bowling ball.
  13. B

    Christians in Germany forced to hide bibles amid migrant muslim death threats

    Scientists certainly can be.. https://www.buzzfeed.com/natashaumer/science-facts-you-might-have-believed-in-the-90s?utm_term=.bdkRM5XK2E#.ymDr92xoz6 Soldier...
  14. B

    Judicial Watch releases emails detailing relationship between Clinton Foundation and Dept. of State

    You are without question The dumbest motherfucker to ever taint the internets!
  15. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Those polls sampled registered voters not likely voters. She needs to enjoy her polling numbers now, they're not gonna be so good when the Clinton Foundation shit hits the fan.
  16. B

    Why does the U.S. military overwhelmingly favor republicans?

    None taken, but as the son of a Marine who actually served in 2 theatres of war, and part of a Marine family that moved often and watched my dad leave for deployment not knowing if he would return, I'll question any god damn thing I like, especially when this shit stain who not only served about...
  17. B

    Why does the U.S. military overwhelmingly favor republicans?

    Or.. if all else fails we could quote ancient Chinese generals.
  18. B

    Why does the U.S. military overwhelmingly favor republicans?

    animus, You'd be better served by discussing this topic with an actual veteran like Ace.. or the old salt down the street.
  19. B

    Julian Assange hints that DNC staffers that were email sources are turning up dead

    The same people that are dismissing this are the very same people that would be all tingly in their nether regions if this was a story about the RNC. The real story is Judicial Watch's email dump . That will keep the Clinton campaign busy for a while
  20. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    He didn't advocate her assassination. My opinions on revolution are my own... lol at taking away his Twitter. Fat chance. There is misinformation being disseminated that is on a level that indicates desperation. Why? He's getting killed in the polls.
  21. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Hillary Clinton will set off revolution in the United States. That may be a good thing.
  22. B

    Judicial Watch releases emails detailing relationship between Clinton Foundation and Dept. of State

    http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/09/politics/hillary-clinton-emails-judicial-watch/ #CrookedHillary
  23. B

    Julian Assange hints that DNC staffers that were email sources are turning up dead

    Town Hall article... http://m.townhall.com/columnists/rachelalexander/2016/08/09/clinton-body-count-or-leftwing-conspiracy-three-with-ties-to-dnc-mysteriously-die-n2203000 They made the same point that I did about Snopes. Can't wait to see what Assange has in store for October.
  24. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Hey dipshit! I was at the rally when he made the comment. The NRA mantra is "From My Cold Dead Hands!" Another expression is "Molon Labe" ( come and take them) The one thing that will bring revolution in this country is the confiscation or strict regulation of firearms. That is what Trump...
  25. B

    Julian Assange hints that DNC staffers that were email sources are turning up dead

    Julian Assange backs up what he says. There is no conspiracy. Seth Rich has been identified as a WikiLeaks source and now he is dead. The head of the DNC lost her job. You'll find me pushing very few if any conspiracy theories here. You are either incredibly naïve, partisan or both.
  26. B

    Julian Assange hints that DNC staffers that were email sources are turning up dead

    Snopes is already on offense. They have about as much evidence as anyone else. Julian Assange has all but identified Seth Rich as one of WikiLeak's sources. He is dead and there was no indication that any valuables were taken from him. People that can spill the goods on the Clintons die...
  27. B

    Julian Assange hints that DNC staffers that were email sources are turning up dead

    Anyone notice that the DNC hasn't offered any rewards, but Wikileaks has? http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/08/wow-breaking-video-julian-assange-suggests-seth-rich-wikileaks-dnc-source-shot-dead-dc/
  28. B

    Old, Fat, Bitter Gretchen Carlson Claims Roger Ailes Wanted To Do The Sex Inside Her

    I used to like her but all she does on social media is posts photos wearing her new jeans or showing off her new hair color. She's definitely stuck on herself. And Ailes hitting on her? Why do these fat old men think these young women want to fuck them? She only likes musicians. She admitted...
  29. B

    Dylan Roof's father Franklin Roof, spotted sitting in VIP section at Trump rally

    Obama has been endorsed by the Communist Party USA and Louis Farrakhan who suggested 10,000 black men take up arms against police. Endorsements can't be controlled, but who is sitting in your yellow band VIP section can be. She can vet Syrian refugees? She can't even vet those sitting behind...
  30. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    I don't have a problem with you, not that you would care if I did. you are generally non combative and I believe you are a liberal with the best of intentions. My suggestion that you critique those you agree with more was unreasonable. That said, I'm willing to bet that my basis is as...
  31. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    By the words of someone running for VP. By people proclaiming that they have free phones and they don't have to worry about their gas or home anymore. I probably should have given an honorable mention to the few that just thought a vote for Obama was sticking it to the man. Notice you only...
  32. B

    Dylan Roof's father Franklin Roof, spotted sitting in VIP section at Trump rally

    Wait, no he wasn't. It was Seddique Mateen father of the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen attending a Hillary Clinton rally instead. It's good to be a Democrat isn't it? http://www.wptv.com/news/state/orlando-shooters-father-attends-hillary-clinton-rally-in-kissimmee
  33. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Oh Trump supporters are brain dead. 60 percent of Obama supporters voted for him only because they wanted a "clean, articulate black man " for president. The other 40 percent thought he was going to give them free shit and redistribute wealth. The whole board is dumber just from the...
  34. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Looking forward to Autumn. I notice East Texas gets brutally hot and humid summers like NC. Then you'll get ice and snow in the winter. Maybe that is Dallas. Cool weather: I am not bothered.
  35. B

    Hey, What D'ya Know, Jersey Mike's Is The Place To Go!

    There is a McAllister's here. They make a solid Reuben.
  36. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Soon to be starting her junior year. No she changed her mind. She'll be going to UNC School Of Dentistry..
  37. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    All being pushed by the left and the RINO/Never Trump faction of the GOP.. Trump must be taken out before the end of August in their minds. He's getting a little too close to 1600 Penn and they are becoming unhinged. I love the smell of panic in the morning. I'm going to his rally today. A...
  38. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    Ah yes, the tolerant left on full display. People have been banned for far less than that.
  39. B

    *2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

    *yawn* https://www.conservativereview.com/members/susan-collins/liberty-card/
  40. B

    How is obama like Mao?

    He still has time...
  41. B

    Fuck you 8:25

    I thought this was going to be a thread about August 25th.
  42. B

    How is obama like Mao?

  43. B

    Hey, What D'ya Know, Jersey Mike's Is The Place To Go!

    Didn't know that they had Jersey Mike's in Cali. One of the few good things named after Jersey. I like the number 8 club on wheat.