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*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Does Al-Maliki share the blame for not bringing the Sunnis into the structure of the government?

Yeah he does. And Bush and those who went along <cough> ultimately own the blame for removing Saddam Hussein in the first place. A mistake repeated in Libya by a smarter Administration.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Can we take this back to things actually happening and less about our personal take on issues or persons on the sidelines?

I admit I get sidetracked easily, too, and you all now who gets under my skin easily.

But I planned this thread for the actual things hgappening, we can discuss or comment or plain spin in other threads

Don't worry, in less than 100 days, this is over


Closed Account
Can we take this back to things actually happening and less about our personal take on issues or persons on the sidelines?

I admit I get sidetracked easily, too, and you all now who gets under my skin easily.

But I planned this thread for the actual things hgappening, we can discuss or comment or plain spin in other threads

Don't worry, in less than 100 days, this is over



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Trump seems to finally pick up the game. Up to thios point, it looked like he would just try to roll through the final stretch like he did the first part. But now I see some hope for Trump. Late? Absolutely. Too late? We'll see.

Trump names six U.S. governors as agricultural advisors

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump named 64 agriculture policy advisors on Tuesday, a lengthy list that includes the governors of Iowa and five other farm states and a former federal agriculture secretary.

The announcement came as Trump, a New York businessman seeking his first elected office, looks to improve his standing among voters, including those in swing states such as Iowa.

Governors Terry Branstad of Iowa, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Jack Dalrymple of North Dakota, Dennis Daugaard of South Dakota, Mary Fallin of Oklahoma and Pete Ricketts of Nebraska were included on a list of advisors distributed by Trump's campaign.




Trump whacked by more damaging polls
The Republican nominee's backslide shows no sign of easing, and Trump shows no sign of changing.


The blows just keep coming for Donald Trump. The Republican nominee was hit by two brutal polls on Tuesday that showed him badly lagging in the critical swing states of Virginia and Florida, underscoring the backslide that Trump’s campaign can’t seem to stop.
Trump's response? "I don't wanna change."

The beleaguered nominee acknowledged during a media blitz that he should probably adjust his tactics to shore up his diminishing standing in the polls, but argued that doing so would betray the millions of supporters who have backed his campaign.
“Well, possibly I do, but, you know, I am who I am. It’s me,” Trump told Wisconsin news station WKBT-TV in a sit-down interview on Tuesday. “I don’t wanna change. Everybody talks about, ‘Oh, well you’re gonna pivot, you’re gonna’ — I don’t wanna pivot. I mean, you have to be you. If you start pivoting, you’re not being honest with people.”

But the battleground state polls out Tuesday lay out a stark reality — that Clinton may be breaking away.
The Washington Post poll from Virginia found Hillary Clinton leading Trump by a whopping 14 points among registered voters, 52 percent to 38 percent, and by eight points among likely voters, 51 percent to 43 percent.

In Florida, the news wasn’t much better for Trump. A Monmouth University poll released in the afternoon showed Clinton opening up a nine-point gap in the state, where her largest lead had not exceeded six points in recent weeks. In Florida, where presidential fortunes have been often won, lost or drawn out in historic fashion, Clinton now leads Trump 48 percent to 39 percent among likely voters, drawing large support from women, from the state’s racially diverse population and notably, from 12 percent of Florida Republican voters.

The Clinton surge has emerged since the conventions wrapped up late last month. Trump and Clinton were virtually tied coming out of July in the RealClearPolitics national polling average, but Clinton now boasts a roughly 7-point advantage. Perhaps more damaging, Clinton has pulled out a 6-point lead in POLITICO’s Battleground States Polling Average, which includes the 11 states that likely will determine who claims victory in November.

And experts who have studied presidential campaigns for decades have concluded that no candidate in Trump’s polling position at this stage of the race has gone on to win the popular vote in modern times — though they’re not fully writing off the unprecedented candidate yet. (Trump, however, on Tuesday took solace in a conservative-friendly, online poll that showed Clinton only leading Trump by 2 points nationwide).

The atmospherics around the two campaigns also don’t bode well for Trump. Despite her still-dismal favorability numbers and the outstanding scandal involving her State Department emails, Clinton has been able to project the feeling of momentum, rolling out on Tuesday her White House transition team.
Trump, meanwhile, has been stuck in the hole he’s been digging since the conventions.

His much-hyped foreign policy speech on Monday continued to make headlines on Tuesday for its call for the “extreme vetting” of immigrants — a divisive policy measure that has caused agitation within the Republican Party — with Democrats piling on the criticism.

Former Navy Adm. James Stavridis, who was a contender to be Clinton’s running mate, on Tuesday mocked the Manhattan businessman for demonstrating a lack of sophistication and knowledge befitting a commander in chief.
"I think he made a reasonable stab at ‘hey, we ought to try to take some international action.’ He kind of said, 'good dog, NATO,'" Stavridis said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," making reference to Trump's claiming of credit for the international organization changing its counterterrorism priorities. "NATO has had that counter-terrorism division forever," said Stavridis, a retired four-star admiral and former NATO commander. "What really was lacking in the speech is anything about how the inter-agency of the government would work together, how we’d use intelligence, how we’d use cyber, private/public communication, strategic communication. The only strategic communication I heard was, 'I hate Muslims.'"

Trump foreign policy adviser Walid Phares offered a more generous take on the speech, suggesting to "Fox & Friends" that it represented another point in the nominee's evolution in substance and style.
“That exactly shows the evolution, a mature evolution, based on input, on information. He actually operates now almost like a president listening to advisers, people in the intelligence or [who] worked in the intelligence, defense, diplomacy. And the position is very normal. He made the initial statement because we didn’t know. We didn’t know a part," Phares said, referring to Trump's initial declaration in December that the U.S. should temporarily ban all Muslim immigrants. "Now that we know better, the response is extreme vetting. The response is alliance with Arab moderates and most of the moderates around the world. So that shows that basically there is a strategy, not just a static position.”

Gov. Scott Walker, a Trump surrogate, echoed the importance of the nominee continuing to stay on message while acknowledging the campaign's current uphill climb in his battleground state of Wisconsin.

“A lot of it’s going to depend on whether or not the focus is on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump or whether or not the national media talks about sideshow issues. If Donald Trump can keep the focus on her, and give speeches like he gave yesterday where he clearly lays out a very presidential approach as to how he'll address the security of our nation, he can win," Walker told Fox News. "If he gets off on other issues, it becomes much more difficult. People are ready for a change. Americans want to change. People here in Wisconsin want a change. Hillary Clinton is not a change agent. But if she gets people talking about other issues other than that, she can win. If Donald Trump can get the focus on her and how he's the true change agent, he can win."

Sen. Lindsey Graham, who has made it known that he will won’t support either Trump or Clinton in November, also praised Trump for his delivery on Monday.
"The one thing I thought Donald Trump did very well was give a damning indictment, like a prosecutor of Obama’s failed foreign policy," Graham said on the "Kilmeade & Friends" radio show. "And it is true, whether people want to believe it or not — I believe it — that without Obama’s withdrawal from Iraq and failure to intervene in Syria in a timely way, that there would be no ISIL."

He made sure to clarify, though, that he doesn’t believe that Trump is closing any gap with Clinton.
“So if we do lose, and the reason I think we’re going to lose, is because the demographic meltdown that came from harsh rhetoric and policies by Mr. Trump, making every problem we had in 2012 worse," Graham said on WABC Radio's “Imus in the Morning.” "It’s not about me not voting for Donald Trump, I’m not voting for Hillary Clinton, it is about America is changing and the party is being left behind.”

Other Republicans aren’t budging, either. Facing a tough reelection fight, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte earned Trump's endorsement earlier this month after the Republican nominee expressed reluctance for backing her, along with fellow vulnerable Sen. John McCain of Arizona. But Ayotte maintained on Monday that while she would vote for Trump, she would not endorse her party's nominee.

"I will take on my own party," Ayotte told CNN in an interview published Tuesday. "I really believe that this is a big issue in this race -- that I am the one candidate that will stand up to whomever is in the White House to do good things when we can work together — also when it's wrong to stand up to them."
I can usually refrain from highlighting Clinton's name, but in this article it was unavoidable.
New zogby poll of likely voters has the gap at 2.

The convention polling bumps for Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are over, and they are practically even, according to a new poll of likely voters.

A Zogby Analytics survey provided to Secrets Tuesday shows:

Hillary Clinton 38%

Donald Trump 36%

The convention polling bumps for Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are over, and they are practically even, according to a new poll of likely voters.

A Zogby Analytics survey provided to Secrets Tuesday shows:

Hillary Clinton 38%

Donald Trump 36%

Libertarian Gary Johnson 8%

Green Party Jill Stein 5%

Not sure 13%

"It seems the convention bumps are behind us and we are back to a close race!" said the analysis.

What's new in the online poll is that older millennials are starting to trend to Trump.


I'm glad I didn't slit my wrists yet.

And go Jill! I'm developing an unhealthy (read: sexual) fascination with her.
"U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump named 64 agriculture policy advisors on Tuesday" or, as I'll be referring to it, Passover.


Closed Account
And go Jill! I'm developing an unhealthy (read: sexual) fascination with her.

Give it up kiddo. She supports a national ban on fucking.

oh wait...actually that's fracking. never mind :o

OK then in that case here's your play, SM. She's rather fond of Putin (and who isn't these days...he's soooo dreamy :heart:)
So contact her through her campaign website http://www.jill2016.com/ and send her photos of yourself topless, engaging in "manly" (yet clearly homo erotic) activities. If you don't have man boobs like Putin you're going to need to catch her eye in other creative ways, like perhaps an ass shot with REPAR written on your left cheek and ATIONS on your right.
No need to thank me for this expert analysis/advice. I'm always happy to help forward an unhealthy sexual fascination :thumbsup:


Trump assembles A-team on ag policy


Excerpt from the article:
For Tom Nassif, president and CEO of Western Growers, the route to a seat on Trump’s agriculture committee began on the Manhattan billionaire’s private plane in late May. After a rally in Fresno, Calif., where Trump spoke about water shortages — a top issue for farmers facing a devastating drought — the candidate offered Nassif a ride to San Diego.
Nassif said he spent 15 to 20 minutes talking with Trump about the need to overhaul immigration laws in a way that protects farm workers already in the U.S., while ensuring employers can reliably hire new workers, since U.S. agribusinesses face major labor shortages. Nassif also argued that immigrants are not taking agricultural jobs from Americans because Americans don’t want them.

Trump said he understood the complexity of the issue, and asked Nassif to sit down with Stephen Miller, one of his policy advisers. After briefing Miller on Western Growers’ position on immigration reform, Nassif said he agreed to advise the campaign as a private individual, not as a representative of Western Growers.

The fact that Bonespur put together an agriculture council is surprisingly lucid. I will concede points to him when he actually does something right.

But, as illustrated, those who voted for a wall are going to get a Guantanamo-sized rude awakening if Trump pulls this one off.


Hiliary 2020
You absolutely got a point. We have to look at what the reaction and the general climate is that gets reported (or is it: painted?) in the media, and the climate and the general reactions in the country, and, more important, in the different states that seem to be really swing in their voting outlook, either way.

The whole thing is far from over, that is for sure. To think a candidate has no mor chance and is not even trying any more, that is not wise.

So we CAN agree on something!

We agree on a lot. Many times we just disagree on how to get there.

Here are a few things for anyone who wants to look at. Might as well.

Hillary Plans Steps Toward North American Union If Elected

And searching the wikileaks emails with the term pay to play I found several like this:

It's been said by many people that HC used the Clinton foundation to take bribes as S of S. (actually many say the Foundation is just a means to take bribes from all over.)
Pay to play is what they call it. If you want attention with a matter you have to grease the CLintons hand first.
That is high treason. Serious shit.
In this email thread they mention pay to play many times. Are they refering perhaps to the annual DNC Badminton Tournament?
Hillary Plans Steps Toward North American Union If Elected

Oh no, not the dreaded NAU again! We're all going to be forced to use extraneous u's in words like flavour and accept refried beans as legal tender :(

Well ok, I tried reading the article, with one phase of this dastardly plan supposedly being her offering a form of amnesty to illegals currently in country - (something Saint Reagan did as well, but never mind that...)

But then I got to this part...

The article HERE is entitled “Get Ready for FEMA Regions For the North American Union” and contends that the ultimate plan is to “do with away with the 50 states and create FEMA regions.”

...and just plain started laughing so hard I had to back away from the computer :rofl:
i like gravy.
Give it up kiddo. She supports a national ban on fucking.

oh wait...actually that's fracking. never mind :o

OK then in that case here's your play, SM. She's rather fond of Putin (and who isn't these days...he's soooo dreamy :heart:)
So contact her through her campaign website http://www.jill2016.com/ and send her photos of yourself topless, engaging in "manly" (yet clearly homo erotic) activities. If you don't have man boobs like Putin you're going to need to catch her eye in other creative ways, like perhaps an ass shot with REPAR written on your left cheek and ATIONS on your right.
No need to thank me for this expert analysis/advice. I'm always happy to help forward an unhealthy sexual fascination :thumbsup:

:1orglaugh. l like the Putin idea. I think I'm going to jump (shirtless of course) into the local bear enclosure and wrestle it to declare my support for Jill. Look for me on the news tonight. It'll be the headline - Manly guy wrestles bear into submission then they hug it out afterwards. Or something to that effect.


It's been said by many people that HC used the Clinton foundation to take bribes as S of S. (actually many say the Foundation is just a means to take bribes from all over.)
Pay to play is what they call it. If you want attention with a matter you have to grease the CLintons hand first.
That is high treason. Serious shit.
Most charities and foundations created by rich people are mainly for this purpose, so they can give each other money/bribes and get a tax deduction, so basically part of it is paid by our taxes.
This is nothing new, it's been going on for decades if not centuries.
Another one of the countless obscure loopholes in the law that corrupt assholes exploit at everyone else's expense.
Corruption in business and politics accounts for nearly all of the national debt.
Greed drives most if not all big business and politics.


If I believed that Trump actually meant half the stuff he promises, I would support him.
But most people are not naive or ignorant enough to believe all the BS he's spouting off.
He's a con artist, he knows what to say and how to say it to make naive people believe him.
I'm sure that he never thought he would get this far, he just wanted free advertising for his brand name to boost his business, popularity and ego.
Now that he got to this point, he will take full advantage of it, and will continually do and say anything to get as much as possible.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Would be awesome if the Clinton campaign invested into some hackers and prepare a leak with Trumps full tax papers just before the first debate. Ultimately, it is just a matter of how much you offer - as the USgovernment hired a hacker to get into that secure iPhopne.

And/or HIS emails, with a nice stack of russian deals. DAMN that would be gold