Well going back to Vietnam soldiers knew that Democrat PREZ LBJ was not going to get them out of there so they put their hope in Republican Nixon. Too bad it took him 6 years to do it but then again if he had really tried he would have probably been shot.
Lots of money to be made in that war. Had to milk it to the very end.
With Bush they were, like most of us, still brainwashed into thinking that 9/11 was a valid reason to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course we now know the real reason for attacking Iraq was because Saddam got the ok to sell his oil for whatever currency he wanted, not only for The Dollar, so he had to be killed. Can't have that now.
That was the main reason but Iraq was part of the Project for a New American Century and The Greater israel Project so it was going to be destroyed no matter what. 9/11, or "The New Pearl Harbor" as they called it was just a coincidental but yet perfect excuse to go to war.
Afghanistan, that's easy. Heroin. Lots of money in that stuff. Can't let them A-Rabs make all that dough by themselves. It's unAmerican.
But now with Trump and HC it's obvious why they want Trump.
For one thing like almost all people with brains that function at at least 50% they despise and distrust HC.
They also know that HC is a true Neocon Warhawk who will probably get them violently killed.
They do want to finish their service in one piece and see their families again.