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*2016 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates


Closed Account
That was kinda racist. (Norbit)

BC, you haven't updated on your daughter in a while, last I remember she was going to college. Did she decide to go to law school?

Soon to be starting her junior year.

No she changed her mind. She'll be going to UNC School Of Dentistry..


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Soon to be starting her junior year.

No she changed her mind. She'll be going to UNC School Of Dentistry..

Visions of Christopher Lee as Willy Wonka's dad come to mind, yikes! I love when school starts back because football, and the weather cools down. Miss those days on campus!
These are the comments I've received about you. You're not as popular as you think you are, Slackjaw. And people seem to like me just fine. Kinda screws up that Percocet-fueled narrative you've been playing in your mind.

popularity on an internet porn forum. yet no one cared/noticed when you were gone.


Closed Account
Visions of Christopher Lee as Willy Wonka's dad come to mind, yikes! I love when school starts back because football, and the weather cools down. Miss those days on campus!

Looking forward to Autumn.

I notice East Texas gets brutally hot and humid summers like NC. Then you'll get ice and snow in the winter. Maybe that is Dallas.

Cool weather: I am not bothered.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Looking forward to Autumn.

I notice East Texas gets brutally hot and humid summers like NC. Then you'll get ice and snow in the winter. Maybe that is Dallas.

Cool weather: I am not bothered.

Snow doesn't happen very often, but an ice storm in February every five years or so is typical. What makes the heat so unbearable in the summer is the same thing that makes winter temperatures feel about twenty degrees colder than they actually are; 39° at 85% relative humidity with a 25mph wind out of the North is pretty miserable.


popularity on an internet porn forum. yet no one cared/noticed when you were gone.

Hey great. But your life partner seems to have noticed that I'm back. The next time you're humping his leg and calling him wonderful how's about dropping a mention that his little vendetta is tedious, absurd and a waste of everyone's time. DD-214s, military service, blah, blah. Does anyone else here give two shits? No more than I do. Actually that's not true. I've been enjoying it because of how foolish this inbred caricature makes himself look. He can continue as much as he wants, but I am always aware of how it looks to everyone else. And I agree with you: it's a porn forum. So if this little battle where only one side showed up is as tedious to you as it is to me, too fuckin' bad. Deal with it you pussified little sycophant. It's what your Daddy wants. And you will give Daddy what he wants.

And you can keep bending over and telling him, "Please Daddy, stick it there." Lord knows he's not loosening you up any, so you should still enjoy it after all this time.

Anyway, back to the topic, and I seem to be the very last one who even notices that there is one: Trump's going to lose. The same Republicans who voted and lost two times in a row aren't voting this time for your "I Can't Believe It's A Republican" nominee. He's going to get crushed in the centrist/moderate vote. And the only Repubs that are going to vote in the General are the ones who voted in the Primary. I will keep reminding you (because God knows you need to be) that you nominated the only asshole who could possibly lose to Hilldawg.

OK, there. That wasn't too difficult. Now that the topic has been mentioned in passing on this page, the rest of you morons can go back to braiding each others hair. :facepalm:
mayhem - who quotes sun tzu, appeals to popularity and his friends list on a porn board.

BC's assesment of you seems to be spot on.

I have no other comment or piece of advice other than to kill yourself. Think of your carbon footprint. Your kids won't mind. Oh wait.


Closed Account
So close we scared the band...



Thank you Animus...for 3 posts....spread over 41 minutes....that said nothing except you're the exact same brand of fucked-in-da-head as your Daddy.


Can we please get back to the fucking topic? The TOPIC. You imbecilic "Flordian", is there any possibility that you can put the lollipop down for just one muthafuckin' post and address the TOPIC?

Here, let me show you how:

Florida Republican Party spokesman quitting because of Trump

The chief spokesman for the Florida Republican Party, who is Hispanic, is leaving his job and joining a conservative organization due to differences with GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Wadi Gaitan, a former senior House Republican aide who focused on Hispanic affairs, becomes yet another high-profile Latino Republican official to leave his job because he can no longer tolerate defending and explaining Trump. The Republican nominee has spent much of the past year maligning immigrants, minorities and women, a strategy that helped him win the party's nomination but that has led to historically poor approval ratings among black and Latino voters.

Gaitan will be joining the LIBRE Initiative, a grass-roots organization backed by the industrialists Charles and David Koch.

"I’m thankful for my almost two years with the Florida GOP, however, moving on gives me a great, new opportunity to continue promoting free market solutions while avoiding efforts that support Donald Trump," Gaitan said in a statement.

The LIBRE Initiative and its executive director, Daniel Garza, remain active in Hispanic communities nationwide, spending millions of dollars in the past year trying to draw Latino voters to support conservative or libertarian policies. The group does not advocate for political candidates. Garza has said that Trump's combative anti-immigrant rhetoric has made his organization's outreach more difficult.

Gaitan, the son of Honduran immigrants, once served a critical role for the GOP on Capitol Hill. With debate over immigration reform dominating the discussion, he served as the lead Spanish-speaking spokesman for House Republicans and maintained close relationships with Spanish-language media outlets, including Univision, Telemundo and CNN en Español. He met regularly with lawmakers who were willing to speak out in Spanish, including Reps. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), Jeff Denham (R-Calif.) and former congressman Trey Radel (R-Fla.), to tutor them on political lingo and prepare them for interviews. The outreach earned plaudits from the Spanish-speaking political press corps.

In more recent years, he served as the Florida GOP's top spokesman as two of the state's political stars, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and former Florida governor Jeb Bush, ran unsuccessfully for president.

Many Hispanics active in national GOP politics have been hoping for months that Trump would tone down his broadsides against immigrants and minorities. But Trump's attacks have only intensified since he won the party nomination, most recently as he clashed with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a Muslim Army captain killed during the Iraq War.

Hey Ani (can I call you Ani? I sure as hell ain't addressing you by your new lame-ass name.), a fellow "Flordian" who thinks Trump is a loser. Maybe he thinks you're a loser too. I bet that even though he chooses to drag his knuckles with his fellow "Flordian" GOPers, he can stay on topic. I bet he makes his fellow "Flordian" GOPers stay on topic too. I suppose you two haven't met yet.

Trump in trouble over '2nd Amendment' remark


Donald Trump on Tuesday said "the Second Amendment people" may be the only way to stop Hillary Clinton from getting to appoint federal judges if she wins the presidential election in November.

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the Second Amendment,” he said as an aside while smiling. “By the way, and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

The reference to the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, could be interpreted as a joke about using violence to stop Clinton or her judicial picks.
Trump was speaking at a rally in Wilmington, North Carolina, where he repeated his regular claim that Clinton intends to “abolish” the Second Amendment, presumably by appointing liberal justices to the Supreme Court. But Trump punctuated that line with an aside, suggesting that Second Amendment supporters might be in a position to stop her even if she’s elected.

The Trump campaign rejected the notion that Trump was inciting violence against Clinton or anyone else with his aside at the Wilmington rally. Instead, the campaign said the Manhattan billionaire was simply appealing to the collective political muscle Second Amendment supporters possess.

“It’s called the power of unification – 2nd Amendment people have amazing spirit and are tremendously unified, which gives them great political power," Trump's senior communications adviser Jason Miller said in a statement emailed to POLITICO. "And this year, they will be voting in record numbers, and it won’t be for Hillary Clinton, it will be for Donald Trump.”
Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, Trump's running mate, said Trump was "of course not" advocating violence with his remarks. Pence was on stage at a town hall-style event in Lancaster PA when Trump made the remarks.

“Hillary Clinton has made it very clear that she wants to see changes in the right of law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms, and Donald Trump is clearly saying that people cherish that right. People who believe that firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens make our communities more safe not less safe should be involved in the political process and let their voice be heard,” Pence said in an interview with Philadelphia's NBC10.

Clinton did not take any questions after her event in Miami on Tuesday, but reached for comment, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook condemned the comments. "This is simple—what Trump is saying is dangerous. A person seeking to be the President of the United States should not suggest violence in any way," he said in a statement.
Following Trump's remark, the main super PAC supporting her, Priorities USA Action, immediately circulated the clip with the subject line, "Donald Trump Just Suggested That Someone Shoot Hillary Clinton."

Congressional Democrats piled on. "I don't know if this is statement is intended to incite violence, but Donald Trump is a reckless individual who will say or do anything," said Rep. G.K. Butterfield, a North Carolina Democrat and chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus. "That’s inciteful to use language about the Second Amendment ... it should be denounced,"
Rep. Eric Swallwell, a California Democrat, called on Twitter for the Secret Service to investigate. “Donald Trump suggested someone kill Sec. Clinton. We must take people at their word. @SecretService must investigate #TrumpThreat,” he wrote.

(Martin Mulholland, a spokesman for the Secret Service, did not directly address the question of whether the agency – which provides protection to both Trump and Clinton -- plans to investigate the remark, but he wrote in an email to POLITICO, “The Secret Service is aware of the comment.”)

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, launched a series of tweets criticizing the comments: "Don't treat this as a political misstep. It's an assassination threat, seriously upping the possibility of a national tragedy & crisis," he wrote. "This isn't play. Unstable people with powerful guns and an unhinged hatred for Hillary are listening to you, @realDonaldTrump."
For some die-hard gun rights backers who had been wary of Trump, his comments were confirmation that he doesn’t really get their movement. When the National Rifle Association endorsed Trump in May, Bob Owens, the editor of BearingArms.com, reasoned that he was the best chance to beat Clinton, who has embraced gun control. On Tuesday, however, Owens refused to buy Trump’s explanation that he was talking about voting.

"That was a threat of violence. As a REAL supporter of the #2A it's appalling to me,” Owens tweeted. Bearing Arms had sponsored the May meeting of the NRA’s lobbying arm where the group formally endorsed Trump.

The NRA itself defended the first part of Trump's comment, in which Trump said that Clinton would appoint anti-Second Amendment judges to the Supreme Court.
".@RealDonaldTrump is right. If @HillaryClinton gets to pick her anti-#2A #SCOTUS judges, there’s nothing we can do. #NeverHillary," the organization tweeted from its official Twitter account.

The group subsequently encouraged members to vote for pro-gun rights candidates. "But there IS something we will do on #ElectionDay: Show up and vote for the #2A! #DefendtheSecond #NeverHillary," the group wrote on its Twitter account.

OK...Ani...I apologize. I'm sowwy. I should've understood the multitude of reasons why you wouldn't want to stay on topic. If I was a dipshit, corn pone-for-brains Trump supporter, I'd be getting the fuck off the topic and trying to keep it that way too. To make it up to you, you have permission to lick BC's ass. Some more.


Closed Account
Oh Trump supporters are brain dead. 60 percent of Obama supporters voted for him only because they wanted a "clean, articulate black man " for president. The other 40 percent thought he was going to give them free shit and redistribute wealth.

The whole board is dumber just from the psycho-babble you post.
Oh Trump supporters are brain dead. 60 percent of Obama supporters voted for him only because they wanted a "clean, articulate black man " for president. The other 40 percent thought he was going to give them free shit and redistribute wealth.

The whole board is dumber just from the psycho-babble you post.

mayhem is like a tumor here. wait, i don't rate him that high, more like a colon polyp - nothing to be really concerned about but just to keep tabs on in case he goes malignant.

oh yeah, topic.

Trump 2016


Closed Account
And you know this based on......?

By the words of someone running for VP. By people proclaiming that they have free phones and they don't have to worry about their gas or home anymore.

I probably should have given an honorable mention to the few that just thought a vote for Obama was sticking it to the man.

Notice you only want to know the basis for my opinion but certain incendiary comments goes unchallenged.

Duly noted.
By the words of someone running for VP. By people proclaiming that they have free phones and they don't have to worry about their gas or home anymore.

Oh well heck if your evidence is that scientific I withdraw my query.

Notice you only want to know the basis for my opinion but certain incendiary comments goes unchallenged.
Duly noted.

I haven't got the slightest idea what you're talking about here :dunno:

Are you perhaps suggesting that I should have asked a question of Mayhem too, to somehow prove some kind of non bias? If so I'm sorry, but Mayhem didn't make any topic related comments I felt compelled to ask about.