Search results

  1. O

    2009/2010 NCAA Football

    I'll be rooting for you guys to Notre Dame. I hate ND, just as much as I hate The U and USC.
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    Free gallery?

  3. O

    2009/2010 NCAA Football

    Kirk Ferentz is not on the hot seat, in fact he recently signed a contract extension. Iowa will be very good this year, if their defense is solid. Stanzi has matured, Hampton is going to fill Greene's shoes, the O-line looks good as always, and DJK is poised for a huge season.
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    Who would you do?

    Krystal, but it's a close race.
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    Happy birthday Nikola Tesla

    Happy Birthday:crowdgrin
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    Teagan; Old Vs. New

    The real question should be: If you had a threesome with old Teagan and new Teagan, which one would be better?
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    Best Sites for Free Porn?

    It's the only one that is great, not good like a lot of other sites
  8. O

    Teagan; Old Vs. New

    I could care less, she's still attractive.
  9. O

    Free gallery?

    One of Tawny Roberts costs 0 points right now, so I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not.
  10. O

    1 dead and 9 hurt in the running of the bulls

    I have thought of a lot of things in my life, but I've never thought "hey, I'm going to go running with a bunch of angry bulls, while wearing a red scarf around my neck."
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    Sunny Leone Vs Raven Riley

    Sunny, Raven is old news.
  12. O

    Ashlynn Brooke vs Bree Olson

    Ashlynn is better looking of the two, so my vote goes to her.
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    Anyone else read Tucker Max

    I'm kinda angry he hasn't posted anymore stories lately.
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    The tv season 2009/2010

    I'm looking forward to seeing The Big Bang Theory.
  15. O

    G8 agrees to limit global warming China, India resist

    I'm not surprised at all. China and India's economies are starting to really take off (or at least they were) and they are going to do everything to make as much money as possible, regardless of the consequences.
  16. O

    Amazing day at the blackjack tables

    You are one lucky bas%ard. My grandma taught my siblings, cousins, and me to play blackjack using toothpicks as "money". Probably not a good thing to teach to an 8 year old, but I love her regardless.
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    Are amy reid's boobs Natural?

    I don't know, let me go feel them and I'll tell you if they're real or not.
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    Pray for porn?

    I figure God has better things to do than contribute to porno collection.
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    Amazing day at the blackjack tables

    Yes, 21 is the name of the movie. Bringing Down The House is the name of the book. 21 sucked big time, the history channel series "Breaking Vegas" did a better job than the movie did at telling the story.
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    Any pornstars who are "Gay for Pay"????

    I heard that female pornstars do girl-girl scenes because they can do a lot more of them than boy-girl scenes. The only downside is the get paid less for those scenes.
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    What browser are you currently using?

    I use Opera mainly because Firefox got messed up and I went to the second best thing. Pretty good browser.
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    Amazing day at the blackjack tables

    I was on this blackjack team back in my days at MIT, kinda got talked into it by this hot girl, and ended up making a lot of money only to discover one morning that the db coach stole it all. I think the experience made it into a movie or a book.
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    Alaska Governor Palin to resign

    Re: Levi Johnston talks about Gov. Palin's resignation He's a moron, she resigned because she knew couldn't get any of her goals done thanks to democratic majority in the state legislature.
  24. O

    2009 State Farm Home Run Derby Game

    Justin Morneau is not going to participate.
  25. O

    Alternate Sites

    Freeones is easily the best.
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    Hiding your porn stash - share your stories

    My parents know I look at porn, and they've accepted it as that. Nothing wrong with your 18 going on 19 year old son rubbing one out to some hot girl on the computer.
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    WTF - can someone explain please?

    I'm going to wait until I can rent Bruno via Redbox. To me it seems like a sequel to Borat.
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    Worst place for a Tattoo?

    Janine Lindemulder would be a lot more attractive if she didn't have the sleeves.
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    Babe Wiki

    You get 1 pt per each change.
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    China : 2yo Lights Up Cigarette And Smokes It.

    Nothing wrong with that, all though I will say the parents that would allow that to take place are probably white trash.
  31. O

    Get My Freeones Points from Reputation Points!

    Hey Petra, how long does it take for the points to show up? This might be a glitch, but it says I currently have 19158 reputation point(s).
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    My 1st Trip To Hooters

    I'd ask them if they've banged a guy in a wheelchair before. If they say no, tell your willing to give them an experience they'll never forget.
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    have you ever peed in the pool

    INSTRUCTOR There you go. Now, just let the first graders swim by you and then swim towards us. CARTMAN Huh? First graders? Aawwww, weak, weak...
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    Wich country has the best beers ?

    Germany, mainly because of Oktoberfest.
  35. O

    Global Warming Hoax

    I'll move to the UK then, because I friggin' hate the heat.
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    How can I make him cum? (Sex tips?)

    Threesome with another girl, that's guaranteed to "make him cum."
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    Global Warming Hoax

    Okay, now we're on the same page.
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    Global Warming Hoax

    No he's been busy chasing Manbearpig
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    Global Warming Hoax

    Did you hear about the EPA study that was buried, because it proved that global warming did not exist? Global Warming is nothing more than a scare tactic brought on by liberals and hippies to make everyone feel "guilty" about pollution.
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    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Transformers (the first one, not Revenge of the Fallen)
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    How can I make him cum? (Sex tips?)

    Anal sex, nuff' said.
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    China : 2yo Lights Up Cigarette And Smokes It.

    I hate to sound unremorseful, but good let the kid smoke. China and the world for that matter, already have way too many people. Eventually the world will stretch it's resources so thinly, that people will begin dying due to starvation or dehydration.
  43. O

    >>> Read if you're having issues getting points for Babe Wiki enteries!!

    Hey Petra, how long does it usually take for the changes to be approved and points to be credited to my account?
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    Most Brutal/Disturbing Movies ever

    It's interesting, but there's one scene where they get pulled over by a police officer and he has a gunshot wound to the head. He wasn't bleeding, but you could see the exit wound and all of the skin puffed up around it.
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    I just got hit with a huge bill

    My college finally sent out the notice that books can now be reserved, so I hopped onto the bookstore's website, entered in all the course numbers, and found out it was going to cost me $340.50. I went to Amazon and found most of my books for less, so now it looks like the total bill is going to...
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    girls fucking a guy with a strap on

    I cringe when I insert a hemmorhoid suppository, but it's your decision. Doing it doesn't make you any less of a man then you were before.
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    Former figure skater busted in meth raid

    I'm pretty sure you would pick up a huge number of STDs if you had sex with Tonya Harding. Kerrigan is the sexier and safer bet.
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    Tonya Harding

    Re: Former figure skater busted in meth raid I'm pretty sure you would pick up a huge number of STDs if you had sex with Tonya Harding. Kerrigan is the sexier and safer bet.
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    Average height of female porn stars

    Are we counting midgets and the tall women?