Global warming isn't real, silly! It's just a giant hoax perpetuated by Al Gore after he didn't win the Presidency or get credit for inventing the Internet. The Earth is warmer for one reason - higher population densities. More people equals more heat.
It's hilarious how this guy explicitly states that "global warming isn't real", and then in the very next sentence completely contradicts himself by stating that it is real and speculating about the cause.
You fail. Please leave the internet now.
Here's a site where people who actually know what they are talking about discuss factors in how the earth generates it's temperature.
It has a lot of math that is too complicated for me, so allow me to paraphrase a summery for you:
The more heat that is generated on earth, the hotter the earth's temperature is.
That's really the only definitive statement that we can make on global warming.
For those of you who are entirely ignorant of how science works, here's a brief description:
Scientists figure out how something works by testing different effects to cause a result. These different effects are called variables. By eliminating all of the variables except for one, they are then able to determine which specific effect caused the result. They generally do this by comparing the end result of a known set of variables to one with unknown variables. This is called a control.
Unfortunately, we have no control planet Earth so we have no idea how global warming would have impacted the earth as a result of purely natural consequences without any human involvement.
The people that say that humans don't contribute to global warming at all don't know what they are talking about. The people that say global warming is not a natural phenomenon don't know what they are talking about either.
The people that know what they are talking about have made the above statement that I have, which is that humans and "nature" are both contributing to global warming to some degree which is not known because we cannot isolate all of the individual effects to determine their exact causes without relationship to each other.
Their solution is that people should do what they can to reduce their activities that generate heat because that is the only variable that we have control over in effecting a reduction in global temperature.
Isn't it amazing how much sense things make when you stop to think about them for a minute?