Search results

  1. O

    Bank Robber Mistakenly Hails Cop After Heist

    This is a clear case of karma.
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    What's Your Fetish?

    I should post something vile, but I think FreeOnes has already crossed that barrier. That being said, I do have a water fetish.
  3. O

    Questions that keep me up at night...

    If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP? If a transvesite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half?
  4. O

    Would You Get a Ball Ring/Pussy Ring?

    I've done a lot of dumb stuff in my life, but I've never been dumb enough to get a ball ring.
  5. O

    Colombia kills drug baron hippo

    I wonder how many gunshots it takes to kill a hippo?
  6. O

    Catalina Cruz or Crissy Moran?

    Crissy Moran
  7. O

    *********** is down......

    I don't see where you're getting the word free from, because it looked like you had to pay in order to download anything.
  8. O

    Who is better, Tiger Woods or Roger Federer.

    Tiger Woods has the advantage of being able to hit a golf ball three times and get it into a hole 330+ yards away. Federer has the advantage of being able to return a 100+ mph serve and score. So my pick goes to Tiger Woods, he has flat out dominated for the last few years. Federer is dominant...
  9. O

    Name one pornstar would you impregnate?

    None, because if a pornstar has already done a lot of hardcore stuff chances are it's loose down there. Then you add a kid popping out and it'll be as loose as throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
  10. O

    Riddle me this...

    Sounds like you got a bad break. Keep your head up, you always have porn.
  11. O

    Chocolate on Boobs???

    The last thing Americans need is to mix food with sex. We are already fat enough as it is. If you're hungry after sex, kick the girl out of the bed and tell her to go and make a sandwich for you.
  12. O

    Worse way......

    I agree with this statement, it's a lot easier to say "well, I guess he was taking a huge dump and he had a heart attack" rather than "yeah, my dad was a weird man when it came to his sex life."
  13. O

    Tot plays hide and seek to well

    I've fallen asleep in many places, but never have thought to fall asleep under a washing machine.
  14. O

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? FreeOnes really should develop some rating system for the pornstars based upon the jerking off smiley. (since FreeOnes only allows 10 images per post, I had to improvise) Something like this: :rubbel::rubbel::rubbel::rubbel::rubbel:- Mind blowing...WARNING MAY CAUSE...
  15. O

    Wich country has the best beers ?

    And that's why I drink to all of them.
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    Bobby Vitale's Balls

    Yeah she's the one who swallowed them.
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    Bobby Vitale's Balls

    In Bobby V's pants.
  18. O

    Envisioning a World Without Men - ABC Nightline

    125,000 years...wonder how they came up with that number? I'd be surprised that in 125,000 years humans were to still be living on Earth, maybe elsewere but it would take a massive breakthrough in order to allow humans to live on Earth for another 2009 years let alone 125,000.
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    Bobby Vitale's Balls

    Wow! That's all you can really say about some guy who has an odd fascination with some other dude's balls.
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    Bruno: possibly one of the worst movies of time

    A little bit more of an in-depth review would help.
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    When did you decide to be heterosexual?

    I like more bang for my buck. I'd rather play three holes than two.
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    Texting and walking can be bad for your health ?

    This girl should win a Darwin award. Society does not need people who are so interested in their private lives that they end up putting other peoples' lives at risk.
  23. O

    Who would be awesome for a Fleshlight Girl?

    OH....MY....GOD!...[passes out due to massive rush of blood to penis.]
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    >>> BRAND NEW! Most Wanted MyFreeOnes Galleries!

    We need more galleries!
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    Who would be awesome for a Fleshlight Girl?

    Would you give free fleshlights to freeones members if you were a fleshlight girl? Maybe we could hold an auction, get like three of those and auction them off.
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    Where's The Weirdiest Place You Had Sex?

    In your mom's bedroom
  27. O

    porno vids, does the plot matter?

    No, because a lot of the dialogue is meaningless.
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    Name a song you'd like to hear in a porn movie

    Fat bottomed girls by Queen for a movie that features big beautiful butts.
  29. O

    Adam & Eve Wand Massager

    You could contact the company and ask for suggestions on how to fix the problem or you could always super glue it in there(although the warranty might be void if you do this).
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    Most sweet voice??

    I have way too many choices, but anyways here they are (not in a particular order): Tera Patrick Jenna Haze Hannah Harper Crissy Moran Dani Woodward
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    what are the freeones points for?

    Use the search function, also try the myfreeones forum. :cussing:
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    Hot Chocolate !! :(

    Re: Man Dies In Vat of Chocolate No, they just relabeled the bars with "may contain human remains."
  34. O

    What game did you absolutely dislike and could not come to finish?

    Ace Fighters or something like on the Wii. Trying to play any fighter pilot game on the Wii is a waste of time.
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    2009 State Farm Home Run Derby Game

    Okay, here's my final entry: Ryan Howard Jason Bay Prince Fielder Albert Pujols Ryan Howard Albert Pujols Albert Pujols Tiebreaker #1 - 32 Tiebreaker #2 - 93
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    How often are the galleries updated?

    I'm just wondering.
  37. O

    2009 State Farm Home Run Derby Game

    Here's my entry: Ryan Howard Josh Hamilton Evan Longoria Ryan Braun Ryan Howard Josh Hamilton Josh Hamilton Tiebreaker #1 - 31 Tiebreaker #2 - 62
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    2009/2010 NCAA Football

    When have people in Florida not had something to look forward to in regards to football?
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    Post #100

    For those that aren't keeping score at home, I've averaged 25 posts per day since I joined FreeOnes on Tuesday.
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    Hot Chocolate !! :(

    Re: Man Dies In Vat of Chocolate Brings a whole new meaning to phrase "Death By Chocolate."
  41. O

    Do any porn stars Twitter?

    Bree Olson is on twitter. I've seen her page and she does post pics, although they aren't hardcore pics.
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    Hot redhead - Please help I.D.

    It could be Dani Woodward, but I doubt it.
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    Beautiful eyes

    Eve Angel
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    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Just kidding, I'll probably enjoy some of the new galleries I got of Eve Angel and Cherry Jul.
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    Erin Andrews

    I'd like to throw two balls at her chin.
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    Pray for porn?

    I deserve some big time rep points for that post. That would be an instant classic anywhere else on the interwebz.
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    Free sites; Text links vs. Thumb links

    I could care less, just as long as it is porn.