If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP?
If a transvesite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half?
Tiger Woods has the advantage of being able to hit a golf ball three times and get it into a hole 330+ yards away. Federer has the advantage of being able to return a 100+ mph serve and score. So my pick goes to Tiger Woods, he has flat out dominated for the last few years. Federer is dominant...
None, because if a pornstar has already done a lot of hardcore stuff chances are it's loose down there. Then you add a kid popping out and it'll be as loose as throwing a hot dog down a hallway.
The last thing Americans need is to mix food with sex. We are already fat enough as it is. If you're hungry after sex, kick the girl out of the bed and tell her to go and make a sandwich for you.
I agree with this statement, it's a lot easier to say "well, I guess he was taking a huge dump and he had a heart attack" rather than "yeah, my dad was a weird man when it came to his sex life."
Re: Who made you cum today?
FreeOnes really should develop some rating system for the pornstars based upon the jerking off smiley. (since FreeOnes only allows 10 images per post, I had to improvise) Something like this:
:rubbel::rubbel::rubbel::rubbel::rubbel:- Mind blowing...WARNING MAY CAUSE...
125,000 years...wonder how they came up with that number? I'd be surprised that in 125,000 years humans were to still be living on Earth, maybe elsewere but it would take a massive breakthrough in order to allow humans to live on Earth for another 2009 years let alone 125,000.
This girl should win a Darwin award. Society does not need people who are so interested in their private lives that they end up putting other peoples' lives at risk.
Would you give free fleshlights to freeones members if you were a fleshlight girl? Maybe we could hold an auction, get like three of those and auction them off.
You could contact the company and ask for suggestions on how to fix the problem or you could always super glue it in there(although the warranty might be void if you do this).
Okay, here's my final entry:
Ryan Howard
Jason Bay
Prince Fielder
Albert Pujols
Ryan Howard
Albert Pujols
Albert Pujols
Tiebreaker #1 - 32
Tiebreaker #2 - 93