Search results

  1. Toyfriend

    gray skies are gonna clear up....

    Smile for Kroger
  2. Toyfriend

    I like snowy hills

    farsighted is overrated
  3. Toyfriend

    MC Tony Tiger

    hip hop should ban this disgrace. FAG!
  4. Toyfriend

    Maybe im just gay after all

  5. Toyfriend

    Give me a Cow!!

    Now Give me Southern Brooke...
  6. Toyfriend

    kids today

    "Bitch, I would sooo hit that" (SMACKERZ) (Pic2)
  7. Toyfriend

    kids today

    "I want KNOCKERZ like yourz when I grow up" (pic1)
  8. Toyfriend

    lover of watermelons

    I feel violated. Chickie looks 13. PEDZ!
  9. Toyfriend


    WHAT is on second? WHO is on third. IDFK. WTF. (SMH)
  10. Toyfriend

    hold the pickles,

    Lez bitch. Scared of a lil meat?
  11. Toyfriend

    CSM win a date with PirateKing contest!

    PK wifeing HOEZ. Waffle house Mafacka!
  12. Toyfriend

    Ultimate Revenge!

    too bad Russel was gay and drunk. (Stupid BITCH)
  13. Toyfriend

    caption this

    BEARwresler is jerking off to old chickz again (lesbian convention, stupid CANADIAN)
  14. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Eminem - My NAME is
  15. Toyfriend

    Three word story

    Shamu got shit...
  16. Toyfriend

    Finish the Sentence

    a herd of REINDEER...
  17. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

  18. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  19. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

  20. Toyfriend

    The Member Below Me...

    The person below me ROCKZ because they are a fan of brunettes!
  21. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

    Bear, go back to page 677 on this thread and work your way forward...
  22. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  23. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Fuck you BEAR, I just REPd you! 500 posts! Lets celebrate!
  24. Toyfriend

    Southern Brooke

    Yeah, WOW! (500th post)
  25. Toyfriend

    Exchange student

    Exchange a kiss first
  26. Toyfriend

    Precious moments

    This is where Bearwresler and I first met.(I think)
  27. Toyfriend

    A Tiger Woods

    A bagfull of clubs and he still could not beat the PUSSY of himself
  28. Toyfriend

    Bikini math

    Chalk one up for the brunettes! YAY!
  29. Toyfriend


    Glasses (of Liquor) making sluts better
  30. Toyfriend

    Traumatize The Kids?

    Fucking Canadian. (SMH)
  31. Toyfriend


    I'll take the chickie and buy her a bottle of hair dye
  32. Toyfriend


    (DAMN DEER, now I know how they feel)
  33. Toyfriend

    'm Sorry

    Can I try those on as headphones?
  34. Toyfriend


    Is this church? Then why are you preaching to us? Dude loving angel. I like to pray to newborn infant Jesus.(Ricky Bobby)
  35. Toyfriend


    I wold be quite happy playing in her infield
  36. Toyfriend

    WOW Three Puppies

    Is that L3ggy?
  37. Toyfriend

    Balls and pins

    I would never be able to roll a stike
  38. Toyfriend

    Post a random song lyric

    She was doing the butt Hey, pretty, pretty When you get that notion Put your backfield in motion, honey Doing the butt Hey, sexy, sexy Ain't nothing wrong if you Wanna do the butt all night long
  39. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  40. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Snow - Lonely Monday Morning
  41. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

    A California man killed in a shootout with Pentagon police drove cross-country and arrived at the military headquarters' subway entrance armed with two semiautomatic weapons, authorities said Friday. The shooter apparently left behind Internet postings resentful of the government and airing...
  42. Toyfriend

    PirateKing can party!

    looks like he shaved his legs for this one
  43. Toyfriend

    Poo pen

    My handwriting already looks like shit
  44. Toyfriend

    Lara Croft in the Year 2030...

    I see she got a sex change too. This is one ugly dude.
  45. Toyfriend

    Eve Lawrence / Eve Laurence / Envy

    I like IT!
  46. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    AC/DC - Hells Bells
  47. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  48. Toyfriend

    2 Dicks in one hole

    Yup, GAY
  49. Toyfriend


    He is a hardass