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  1. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    I am AMERICAN....DUH?
  2. Toyfriend

    Yeah man. U R RIGHT

    Yeah man. U R RIGHT
  3. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

    oh young one, A-Team you damn CANADIAN!
  4. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    No, WINZ!
  5. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

    I love it when a good plan comes together
  6. Toyfriend

    Yeah...I Said It. FUCK The MOB

    FACTIONZ. This is not WARCRAFT.
  7. Toyfriend

    Country Music Sucks

    WOW all this on BIG day. TOY has started a revolution. (SMH)
  8. Toyfriend

    Yeah...I Said It. FUCK The MOB

    I'm a HATER and you are BITCHEZ. EAT a Dick.
  9. Toyfriend

    Rap "Music" Sucks

    Jagger should go join the MOB.(HATERZ)
  10. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  11. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Portishead - Motherless Child
  12. Toyfriend

    Rap "Music" Sucks

    Opinions are like ASSHOLES, everyone has one and they ALL stink. This ASSHOLE loves HIP HOP. (JUST SAYING)
  13. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

    Ahahaha, Elwood is a FOOL! Dude is funny as hell!
  14. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    You know what else is dope? All my FAVES are posting in my thread. (TIGHT)
  15. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Maybe you should read instead of just look for boobs?
  16. Toyfriend

    Homemade Piercing

  17. Toyfriend


  18. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  19. Toyfriend

    The Computer . . .

    3 G is not enough to start my day
  20. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Mathew Sweet - Girlfriend
  21. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    First Thread, maybe I should not trip. Kinda feel like I own this one. Got my head on straight. Thanks fellas!
  22. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    YEAH! My BOI ALEXPNZ is on board!
  23. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Tom Dumont - Ex-Girlfriend
  24. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood
  25. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    we can have NET BEEF all day. TOY does not quit. Respect the RHYME limp wristed cock sucking FAG
  26. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    or SHARP can find another thread because this is FREEONES and not GAYones. (suspect, MOB bitch)
  27. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Sharp is a rocker so bang your head againt my dick, or blow the fucker out Cobain BITCH
  28. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy
  29. Toyfriend

    Logos gone wrong!

  30. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Still winz!
  31. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Sharp go join the MOB. FAG
  32. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    "...Bitches I like em brainless Guns I like em stainless steel I want the fuckin Fortune like the Wheel I squeeze gats till my clips is empty Don't tempt me..." WINZ!
  33. Toyfriend

    Post a random song lyric

    Bitches I like em brainless Guns I like em stainless steel I want the fuckin Fortune like the Wheel I squeeze gats till my clips is empty Don't tempt me
  34. Toyfriend

    Who has the best musical culture?

    Motley Crue - Dancing On glass
  35. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

  36. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Air Force ONEZ are orthopedic SHOEZ. Cortez BITCHEZ! WINZ!
  37. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    You know how this can end up....(SHOTZ) BTW did I say FUCK the MOB!? BITCHEZ. THATZ how we roll.
  38. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    OnezTwoz, I do WINZ!
  39. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

  40. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Ya know Ry... I used to like you until just then. Must be a Pac fan.
  41. Toyfriend

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Thankz For the RESPECT! My first thread.
  42. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

    FUCK THE GAY AZZ MOB (Just saying) . WINZ!
  43. Toyfriend

    Random Statement Thread II

  44. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

  45. Toyfriend

    The last person to post here WINS!

  46. Toyfriend

    Do they deliver

    This is where I work. Ladies just give us a call!
  47. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  48. Toyfriend

    Word Association

  49. Toyfriend

    Word Association
