Search results

  1. PretoDragao

    :wave2:Hey Brynn!:wave2: *waves arms frantically trying to get your attention*

    :wave2:Hey Brynn!:wave2: *waves arms frantically trying to get your attention*
  2. PretoDragao

    world's sexiest teacher !

    Dammit... he's right... :( The stripes on the sweater get extremely larger as they go down.
  3. PretoDragao

    Who should Brynn do girl on girl with?

    #4 :nono:
  4. PretoDragao

    Vids where cum is hanging down from the chin

    Re: Cum hanging down from the chin
  5. PretoDragao

    Bacon Sandwich

    Judging by the bottle of Wild Turkey, I'm thinking that someone has a serious case of the drunk munchies.
  6. PretoDragao

    Dubai Cargo Airport

    Is the owner seriously too cheap to buy some animal crates?...
  7. PretoDragao


    Especially Chiuauas :(
  8. PretoDragao

    Move Along Now

    *throws rock*
  9. PretoDragao

    Must click...

    Take those off and I'll eat it! :1orglaugh
  10. PretoDragao

    Stupid Questions

    :rofl: And she probably believed him too :1orglaugh
  11. PretoDragao

    Salad Cat...

    What the hell is that costume supposed to be anyway? A pumpkin?
  12. PretoDragao

    In the mouth or on the face?

    Facial, and here's the best one out there IMO:
  13. PretoDragao


    Sorry man, I have no idea. Don't you think you're over doing it with the bumps?
  14. PretoDragao

    How long has it been since you last had sex?

    Let's just hope it isn't 20 years later! :1orglaugh
  15. PretoDragao

    Original Ipod Advert

    :rofl2: ...and back then 20 min of music was like 4 songs
  16. PretoDragao

    Heard her killer

  17. PretoDragao

    How long has it been since you last had sex?

    Never! :bawling: (big shocker there...)
  18. PretoDragao

    Everyone's A Little Bit Racist!

    I'd like to see a ventriloquist sing that well...
  19. PretoDragao

    Which one of these girls would you fuck?

    I has been 4 days, you cliff-hanging bastard... :cussing::thefinger:mad:
  20. PretoDragao

    I found him!

    Lol, it would be even funnier if it was a neon sigh
  21. PretoDragao

    Who should Brynn do girl on girl with?

    Brynn + Jane = :nanner:
  22. PretoDragao

    Favorite Legendary Creatures

    <----- Dragons, of course
  23. PretoDragao

    Need a Kid?

  24. PretoDragao

    Plumbers butt redefined

  25. PretoDragao

    Blind to the fact

    You bet your ass he is! T-man, where do you keep finding these? They're hilarious!
  26. PretoDragao

    Not Now.

    Me love you long time!
  27. PretoDragao

    So That's Where Mommy Works

    Poor kids... They're fucked for life... :(
  28. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    :nono: I already called dibs, sorry joe!
  29. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Love triangle? lol
  30. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Remember how you told me that Kimmy is yours? Well, Brynn is mine! :tongue:
  31. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Nah! Words don't turn me on like that! :tongue:
  32. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Oh yea! Brynn is drinkin'! Preto is getting lucky tonight ;)
  33. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Fine Whismy... Fine... I choose this one! :love-smi:
  34. PretoDragao

    Everyone's A Little Bit Racist!

    The song they are singing is called "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist" :1orglaugh You obviously didn't watch too much of it... :tongue:
  35. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Only if you're involved... :eek:
  36. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    You've got a point there
  37. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    :bawling: Aye... I have no life...
  38. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    Nope, I died...
  39. PretoDragao

    My 666th Post!

    I just got my 666th post on FRIDAY THE 13!!! I am so fucked!!! :eek::eek::eek:
  40. PretoDragao

    seriously .. which one is better

    Cheers to Big, floppy, natural tits! :glugglug:
  41. PretoDragao

    Actual Pic / Video that made you cum today?

    Re: Who made you cum today? Marie McCray... Again... :tongue:
  42. PretoDragao

    Whims, I have to say 'bravo' on the new sig. If the turkey in the middle is supposed to be Mr...

    Whims, I have to say 'bravo' on the new sig. If the turkey in the middle is supposed to be Mr. Gobbles from South Park, then you just earned yourself some bonus points! :D Nice choice of Kimmy pics too. I'd bet you'd love to stuff that turkey! :tongue:
  43. PretoDragao

    Everyone's A Little Bit Racist!

    No one has anything to say to that? :eek: I thought it was absolutely hilarious and true! :1orglaugh
  44. PretoDragao

    seriously .. which one is better

    Gianna Michaels without a doubt!
  45. PretoDragao

    Would you participate in a "Mr. Freeones" contest?

    Isn't that the truth! :rofl2:
  46. PretoDragao

    Would You Fuck The Girl in The Avatar Above You

    If I were a girl, I guess I'd fuck him. :1orglaugh And for the person after me, my avatar is of a suit of armor posessed by a little boy's spirit...
  47. PretoDragao

    The last person to post here WINS!

    I doesn't matter, because FIRST PRIZE IS MINE!!! Muhahahahahahahahaha!
  48. PretoDragao

    Welcome to Freeones, Miss Hendrix! :D

    Welcome to Freeones, Miss Hendrix! :D