Search results

  1. PretoDragao

    Finger Soccer

    Someone has way too much time...
  2. PretoDragao

    Another question people! Lol

    That joke when right over my head...
  3. PretoDragao

    Another question people! Lol

    I will. It's just another one of those things that was before my time, isn't it?
  4. PretoDragao

    Another question people! Lol

    I'm hoping that you're not serious Greg. If you are, here you go: The guy cut his ear off and gave it to his girlfriend...
  5. PretoDragao

    Another question people! Lol

    Van Gogh FTW!!!
  6. PretoDragao

    Nikki Next Door VS>>>Tiffany Teen

    Tiffany for sure
  7. PretoDragao

    Another question people! Lol

    I'm telling you man, he's just a lost little softy... "The Pefect 1" as in "the one"... Like the girl you're going to marry... Any guy who puts that as his username on Freeone's is seriously confused what this site is about.
  8. PretoDragao

    Tiffany Teen is not Tiffany Lang

    Look at them side by side. How could anyone even get them confused? They look nothing alike..
  9. PretoDragao

    Priscilla Sin - AKA: Chloe Knight, Chloe Von Elson, Priscilla Russo, Priscilla Sins

    What the fuck... I typed her name into the search and I didn't get shit! Now there is a thread with her name for the title?! That's bullshit...
  10. PretoDragao

    Priscilla Sin - AKA: Chloe Knight, Chloe Von Elson, Priscilla Russo, Priscilla Sins

    I stumbled upon this bombshell of a MILF today and I just had to share her with you guys. I just can't believe she doesn't have that much out there. She's drop dead gorgeous! If anyone has any content other than what little is posted in the FO's database, link it here...
  11. PretoDragao

    17 Hidden Wolves Illusion

    I found thirteen for sure. Another one could possibly be the entire rock and the two wolves on top of it could be the ears. Is there a solution out there? It's tickin' me off that I can't find them all, lol
  12. PretoDragao

    Bangbros Latina
  13. PretoDragao

    8 girls

    Thanks, Greg and Rekill. That just leaves #3, 5, 7, and 8.
  14. PretoDragao

    8 girls

    Sorry for my laziness, I just didn't feel like making eight separate threads for each girl. I realize that some of the websites give first names, but I'm looking for full names. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. 1...
  15. PretoDragao

    Are You a Courtesy Flusher?

    Only if I can't stand the smell of my own shit... which usually happens after I wake up with a hangover.
  16. PretoDragao

    You Are Trapped…In The Butt-Cage

    What is with you and girls with the last name "Teen"? lol
  17. PretoDragao

    MOM!! Call the priest!

    Tittenman... You need to watch this video...
  18. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    How can't you get turned on by that? What the hell is wrong with you?! :1orglaugh
  19. PretoDragao

    Equal Opportunity Pothole

    There you go!
  20. PretoDragao

    Cumming down shirt / clothed tits

    Dude... Seriously hot! Great find!
  21. PretoDragao

    Yea *jedi mind trick* And you don't recognize the jersey or the name on my sweatshirt...

    Yea *jedi mind trick* And you don't recognize the jersey or the name on my sweatshirt...
  22. PretoDragao
  23. PretoDragao

    Babes in Bathrooms/Restrooms/Washrooms

    Re: Babes In Restrooms, Public Restrooms, Bathrooms [Washrooms] Having Sex/And Much M You should make a "Mile High Club" thread next, Nichelle. lol
  24. PretoDragao

    You know what I just realized Whimsy... You already know what I look like, because I've posted...

    You know what I just realized Whimsy... You already know what I look like, because I've posted pictures before! Creepy! lol
  25. PretoDragao

    New Years Eve.

    Si Senora!
  26. PretoDragao

    Rofl, you'll have to do better than BB, though. She lost my interest pretty fast. Try yelling...

    Rofl, you'll have to do better than BB, though. She lost my interest pretty fast. Try yelling "Gianna Micheals" instead. I'll be the one knocking everyone over.
  27. PretoDragao

    New Years Eve.

    See if my local party animal is up to anything. Otherwise, I'll spend it with the folks... sober...
  28. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Dammit, STDiva... You beat me to it! lol
  29. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Perhaps his girlfriend is Jennifer Lopez?
  30. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    I wonder if Perfect 1 is even reading this thread anymore? We really took this for a spin!
  31. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    I know I know, I'm going to be attending Wright State though. Technically, it's in Beavercreek, not Dayton... White Suburbs FTW!!!
  32. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Yea, but unlike Cincinny, the school in Dayton isn't located right in the middle of the ghetto. Plus, the 937 are my people. I'm "safer" there, lol
  33. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    1. Don't have a car 2. Moving back to Dayton and going to school there after this quarter. I know some bars back home I can go to and I will.
  34. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    :tongue: University of Cincinnati For example, we had a student robbed at gun point by a 7-year old a few months ago...
  35. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    No! Ping-Pong!... Of course beer pong, silly... I would go to the bars with my fake, but Cincinnati isn't a safe place to be offcampus after dark. Kids get stabbed and mugged everday down here.
  36. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    and after that, get black out drunk and scream about how my life sucks ass and how I wish I had a girlfriend to fuck 24-7!(*hint* *hint*)
  37. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    As I said before... I'm an engineering student. I don't have much time nor tolerance for frat parties. I'd rather hang out with a few guys and gals I know and play some pong.
  38. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Maybe I should try and get my hands on some Hennessy already. I got sick of Jaggermeister after the second bottle I bought.
  39. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Even Earl knows how to pleasure a woman...
  40. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    For those of you who went off on the "booze" tanget... He's nowhere even near any of those levels! You guys lost me at Jagger and we all know I'm better off than he is! lol
  41. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    And don't forget to use this! :condom: Or you'll just have more problems...
  42. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Perfect idea Dirk! We'll all get custom body suits that look like you, just like in Big Mama's House! That way, we can take turns fucking her for you!
  43. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Well, we do the best with what you give us! :D I say FUCK HER or FUCK IT ALL!
  44. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

  45. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    ... so that's what it's about... LOL! She's a control freak! RUN DUDE RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! No matter what you do, you'll always be wrong! RUN FOREST! RUN!!!
  46. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    Amen! If she's around, get of FO's and fuck her! If not, tell her to get her ass over to your place and be ready with you pants down for when she gets there. Otherwise, you might as well tell her to drive down to Cincy and let the 'ol Black Dragon take care of her!
  47. PretoDragao

    Am i wrong?

    When it all boils down, isn't making her happy the most important thing to you? I mean, you are taking the time to ask a bunch of old perverts (sorry guys) and one in training (that's me!). If you want to make her happy, fuck all the romantic and "mushy" stuff just fuck her! When she starts...
  48. PretoDragao

    Good, how are you? And just one question... WHAT HAPPENED TO KIMMY?!

    Good, how are you? And just one question... WHAT HAPPENED TO KIMMY?!