Search results

  1. PretoDragao

    Check out my pecs

    Here you go, Nylo!
  2. PretoDragao

    Who is this girl?

    I know for a fact that it is not Cody Lane
  3. PretoDragao

    The problem with female nymphomaniacs is

    Damn Hissy... He's lucky he doesn't read this We would constantly be bashing his manhood after that comment :1orglaugh
  4. PretoDragao

    Who is this girl?

    She looks really familiar...
  5. PretoDragao

    The problem with female nymphomaniacs is

    That and the fact that you have a ring around your finger! :1orglaugh
  6. PretoDragao

    Are the words under your name true?

    "In the afterlife I want to be a bra." Not really... Knowing my luck, it would be some f-ugly chicks bra...
  7. PretoDragao

    How Often To You Check The Freeones Boards?

    I just realized that I have no life...
  8. PretoDragao

    Check out my pecs

    You're probably better off getting a handjob from Popeye!:1orglaugh
  9. PretoDragao

    Everyone's A Little Bit Racist!
  10. PretoDragao

    Are the words under your name true?

    "I am the One" Yes I am, but I forgot what I was destined to do again...
  11. PretoDragao

    The Sanctity Of Marriage

    You have to love the bridal keg stand!
  12. PretoDragao

    Check out my pecs

    It looks like Popeye's arms inside a bra! :eek:
  13. PretoDragao

    Deer licking pussy

    That's hot... :tongue:
  14. PretoDragao

    Panty bum

    I think he's considering whether or not to rape her...
  15. PretoDragao


    That girl either has a high pain tolerance or no feeling in her vagina...
  16. PretoDragao

    No you havent been drinking

  17. PretoDragao

    Worst start to the morning

    Ahhhhh! :eek:
  18. PretoDragao

    Face paint

    Yea... It probably sounded like a cool idea... but it came out really creepy...
  19. PretoDragao

    Map of Australia

    My thoughts exactly
  20. PretoDragao

    Vader costume

    :thumbsup: Great job!
  21. PretoDragao

    Yes I am a virgin

  22. PretoDragao

    New babe added to FreeOnes: Isis Monroe

    I am shocked that there isn't more of this chick out there! She's smokin'!
  23. PretoDragao

    Good. What's going on with you, Whims?

    Good. What's going on with you, Whims?
  24. PretoDragao

    The last person to post here WINS!

    B2J, who is the girl in your avatar?
  25. PretoDragao

    How did the photo shoot go today, Jane?

    How did the photo shoot go today, Jane?
  26. PretoDragao

    The last person to post here WINS!

    You shouldn't worry about that, because you're not going to win!
  27. PretoDragao

    Would you participate in a "Mr. Freeones" contest?

    Thanks Jane, but a lot of these guys just don't have the balls needed to be Mr. Freeones! :1orglaugh
  28. PretoDragao

    How to attract older women?

    I dunno, the OP may be into that kind of thing :1orglaugh
  29. PretoDragao

    How to attract older women?

    Or you can just whip your dick out and yell "Who wants to fuck?!" Eventually some woman is bound to bite...
  30. PretoDragao

    The last person to post here WINS!

    Someone's funeral at 12!
  31. PretoDragao

    College isn't necessary

    At least it's a F+ and not an F- ...
  32. PretoDragao

    Would You Fuck The Girl in The Avatar Above You

    So Greg... you would fuck a suit of armor posessed by a little boy's spirit?....
  33. PretoDragao

    Would You Fuck The Girl in The Avatar Above You

    Ummm... Yes? :o Oh, and for the person after me...
  34. PretoDragao

    You married a grunt, God bless ya! :tongue: At least you guys are in Korea and not somewhere...

    You married a grunt, God bless ya! :tongue: At least you guys are in Korea and not somewhere more dangerous. My dad is a retired Cheif Master Sergeant (Airforce) and had to go Saudi when I was about six. We almost lost him in Kobar Towers. :( Tell your husband he has my thanks...
  35. PretoDragao

    Self Slicing Pig

    Seppuku Pig? :confused:
  36. PretoDragao

    Better Putter

    Naked... :tongue:
  37. PretoDragao

    The Internet is for Porn!

    You aren't serious are you? :1orglaugh It's always hard to tell, because it is you, Stan... :tongue:
  38. PretoDragao

    Bella Bellini

    Re: New babe added to FreeOnes: Bella Bellini I don't doubt it :tongue:
  39. PretoDragao

    'why wont my parakeet eat my diarrhea?...'

    I find it funny and ironic that you spelled "stupidity" wrong! :1orglaugh
  40. PretoDragao

    The last person to post here WINS!

    ^^ Dead outlaw... :violent:
  41. PretoDragao

    The Internet is for Porn!

    "Grab your dick and double click!"
  42. PretoDragao


    In the second video she said "Cameron" but other than that, I've got nothing.
  43. PretoDragao

    Hey Hissy, what rank is your husband? I'm an Airforce brat and I am just always curious when...

    Hey Hissy, what rank is your husband? I'm an Airforce brat and I am just always curious when someone says they're in the military.
  44. PretoDragao

    Bella Bellini

    Re: New babe added to FreeOnes: Bella Bellini My question is if you had to practice to get it down right? :1orglaugh
  45. PretoDragao

    Would you participate in a "Mr. Freeones" contest?

    Good point Ry. If I hold the contest, I'll make sure to keep it in the member's thread.
  46. PretoDragao

    How to attract older women?

    Fine... be that way mister!:tongue: