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  1. Big Poppa Pump

    Its now going to be hisEXslave.. its over

    It's so true! Not taking the moral high ground or nothing, but a lot of these "good luck" posts seem to end in a "Can I PM or email you." Maybe all Hissy needs is just support from all here at Freeones and not men (and women) trying it on with her. Just Sayin
  2. Big Poppa Pump


    I think that the incarnation of Christian Shepherd (Jack and Claire's dad) in Season 4 was the Smoke Monster. Remember the last time we saw him he was with claire in Season 4 and now he's nowhere to be seen. Claire even referred to Flocke as her friend. The smoke monster took the form of Locke...
  3. Big Poppa Pump

    Its now going to be hisEXslave.. its over

    Read the previous posts dude.
  4. Big Poppa Pump

    Okay So I want a new last name..

    Yeah, that's how I did mine when I took my mother's maiden name after my parents divorce. It was very easy and didn't cost that much. Not sure how they do things in Canada STDiva but can't imagine the process being much different from UK.
  5. Big Poppa Pump

    Why do some guys try to act like the Sopranos???

    Lol, I cannot wait for Alexpnz's reply! :D
  6. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Yeah, England are just not good enough. My money's on Spain
  7. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Ouch, Owen (not very good anyway) Ashley Cole and now Becks. That's his international career over.
  8. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    It'll be either Arsenal or Man Utd. Just don't see Chelsea doing it. Wenger and Ferguson have the management experience to go all the way in the premiership.
  9. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Fed up with these teams in massive debt being on top when Arsenal have kept within budget all these years. :2 cents:
  10. Big Poppa Pump

    Thanks for the rep

    Thanks for the rep
  11. Big Poppa Pump

    Glenn Beck Calls Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA" "anti-American"

    That didn't make any sense to me either.
  12. Big Poppa Pump

    Glenn Beck Calls Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA" "anti-American"

    Is this song patriotic enough for you Glenn Beck you A-Hole. :thefinger no6-vsHgHJg
  13. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    But if Benzema leaves and goes to Arsenal on the cheap Wenger would turn him into the next Henry.
  14. Big Poppa Pump

    Abused boy ate feces, drank urine to survive

    Some things you just don't joke about. :lame:
  15. Big Poppa Pump


  16. Big Poppa Pump

    Abused boy ate feces, drank urine to survive

    I hope those prison girls tear her apart. If the Louisiana penal system protects this cunt with protective custody then thats another example of lenience towards those who deserve none.
  17. Big Poppa Pump


    She'll always be the geeky girl from Malcolm in the Middle to me! (As will Hayden Panettiere)
  18. Big Poppa Pump


    Next week is Sawyer. The week after is Richard though.
  19. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Pelligrini gone by weekend methinks.
  20. Big Poppa Pump

    My Maxim Hot 100 Top 10 Prediction for 2010:

    How about some fishsticks?
  21. Big Poppa Pump

    My Maxim Hot 100 Top 10 Prediction for 2010:

    YO, YO, Im a let you finish, but Zoe Saldana has the greatest body of all time.
  22. Big Poppa Pump

    Real Fuck Site

    That is absolutely awesome, Blueballs. I'm going to get me some of those Fuck stickers and have some fun placing them in certain places. Your post is a whole lot better than the first post in this thread and made looking at it worthwhile. :thumbsup:
  23. Big Poppa Pump

    Do you like Kagney Linn's tits?

    Yes. They are spectacular.
  24. Big Poppa Pump


    Remember at the start of the first episode of season 6 the entire island was deep underwater so it's unlikely anyone is on the island in that reality. :thumbsup:
  25. Big Poppa Pump


    I was blown away by the last episode. Love the alternate time thing where Ben has a choice to help Alex and does so. Also like the way they've finally explained Richard's immortality??? Hurley asking him if he was a terminator was classic! But the highlight for me was Charles Widmore's return...
  26. Big Poppa Pump

    No problem. Orton is the best guy in WWE right now. It should have been Edge Orton at Mania...

    No problem. Orton is the best guy in WWE right now. It should have been Edge Orton at Mania instead of Y2J
  27. Big Poppa Pump

    Ask me (Bree Olson) any question ya want

    Who is your favorite late night TV host. My personal fave is Craig Ferguson but who's yours? :)
  28. Big Poppa Pump

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    See that's a good post and an honest opinion. There's no flaming etc. I respect you and your opinions meesterperfect. We're both Lost fans, and there's gotta be people out there who think that Lost is ridiculous. (even though it's not!) To each his own. :glugglug:
  29. Big Poppa Pump

    Favourite Playmate

    Monica Leigh I like Playboy but hate the way they photoshop the girls to cartoonlike preportions. :rolleyes: After seeing Monica Leigh without any make up in Girls Next Door I think she can look amazing in pics minus the alterations.
  30. Big Poppa Pump

    Fuck that Sharpshooter prick. What an asshole.

    Fuck that Sharpshooter prick. What an asshole.
  31. Big Poppa Pump

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    If you ask me your an A-Hole! :thefinger
  32. Big Poppa Pump

    WWE Divas/TNA Knockouts Pornstar look a likes

    Melina Adriana Sage
  33. Big Poppa Pump

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Just heard the collaboration with 2pac on Hot97 for first time in years. :bowdown:
  34. Big Poppa Pump

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Hot 97 now playing Big Poppa.
  35. Big Poppa Pump

    R.i.p. Big poppa

    Yes, I've been playing Ready to Die, Life After Death and even Junior MAFIA in the car all day today. "It don't make sense going to heaven with the goody goodies, dressed in white, I like black timbs and black hoodies." The term, "the greatest of all time" is overused, but Christopher...
  36. Big Poppa Pump

    Women vs Your Hand

    Sporty Carr, you're a legend. I'd rep you again if I could:bowdown:
  37. Big Poppa Pump

    15 Ugliest cars Ever Made..

    I'm pissed at this list. I own a Chrysler Cruiser and it is not ugly. :mad: Also, those seventies cars have character and the Aston is awesome in an eighties James Bond kind of way. That list SUCKS! PS The G Wagen is awesome. So rare and so precious none of the soccer players with ghastly taste...
  38. Big Poppa Pump

    200+ Nigerians Slaughtered With Machedes...

    Towns being set on fire and people being killed. Is this the f**king Middle Ages?
  39. Big Poppa Pump

    The Loneliness

    Good to have you back, dude. Remember there's a new season of South Park starting next week. :)
  40. Big Poppa Pump

    Thanks for the add. :-)

    Thanks for the add. :-)
  41. Big Poppa Pump

    Stay strong hon. Good luck with getting back to America and getting your life back together. Poppa

    Stay strong hon. Good luck with getting back to America and getting your life back together. Poppa
  42. Big Poppa Pump

    The World In Lego

    Hey Fellas!
  43. Big Poppa Pump

    WWE Raw & Smackdown Weekly Thread

    Agreed. I like Shelton but he has very little charisma. Want Christian to win MITB and then mix it up with Edge later this year when hopefully they turn Edge heel again.
  44. Big Poppa Pump

    I laughed so hard at that guy's bad poem to you that it is now officially my new sig. See what...

    I laughed so hard at that guy's bad poem to you that it is now officially my new sig. See what you do, you drive men crazy! lol :-)
  45. Big Poppa Pump

    Total Nonstop Action wrestling thread

    That's great news. People like him and Orlando Jordan are killing (TNA) WCW
  46. Big Poppa Pump

    **Official 2010 weightlifting/bodybuilding tthread*

    The official theme song of this thread... _JAa3NvP6f4
  47. Big Poppa Pump

    **Official 2010 weightlifting/bodybuilding tthread*

    That is the complete Bi-Polar opposite of those Lemonparty links where you want something good but get something horrible. I clicked on that expecting to see some steroid freak and instead got the sexiest pic I've seen today. Rep to you Roronoa. :hatsoff:
  48. Big Poppa Pump

    WWE Raw & Smackdown Weekly Thread

    I CANNOT believe Triple H is not in the title picture at WM26. This guy has been in every one since Mania 18 bar 2007 when he was injured. I thought he'd never step aside for anyone and thought Game/Seamus for WWE title was written in stone. It's good to see, but would rather see them put...
  49. Big Poppa Pump

    Thanks for the add old Gregg :-)

    Thanks for the add old Gregg :-)