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  1. Big Poppa Pump

    Bad Teeth

    I'm english, so no! Lol.
  2. Big Poppa Pump

    Type O Negative's Peter Steele DEAD at 48.

    A good tribute. One of their best song's as well. fUr6vhTzfQ8
  3. Big Poppa Pump

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    Shame they killed off Gordon Stolski. He was the classic ginger.
  4. Big Poppa Pump

    Aurora Snow - Dead (in a dream I had)

    The original thread title was - Aurora Snow - Dead. Enough said.
  5. Big Poppa Pump

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    That was pure genius. I loved the whole "no one can make fun of Mohammed." idea. It shows how ridiculous these religious nuts can be. Also loved the old school South Park references with new and improved Mecha Streisand and the Cartman's dad story. But where's doctor Mephisto with his little pet...
  6. Big Poppa Pump

    Thanks for the add.

    Thanks for the add.
  7. Big Poppa Pump

    Love the new name. It sounds like a pornstar name. Totally wicked! :thumbsup:

    Love the new name. It sounds like a pornstar name. Totally wicked! :thumbsup:
  8. Big Poppa Pump

    Type O Negative's Peter Steele DEAD at 48.

    Loved the band when I was a kid. This is why people shouldn't post fake posts about people dying. The punishment??? :ban: PS - I am of course refering to another recent post where someone said Aurora Snow was dead.
  9. Big Poppa Pump

    Cam With Carmen / Carmen Bella / Maria Bella / The Maria Bella

    Re: Cam with Carmen Schhhhhhh Schhhhhhh! :shy::nono:
  10. Big Poppa Pump

    Aurora Snow - Dead (in a dream I had)

    Not you, my friend. The thread starter. :)
  11. Big Poppa Pump

    Aurora Snow - Dead (in a dream I had)

    F**king prick
  12. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    F**king Spurs fans. I dealt with too many of those smug a-holes tonight on the way back from White Hart Lane. Then I check my facebook when I get home and it's messages from even more smug spurs fans. (Yes, I have Spurs friends, no one's perfect!) Enjoy the win Tottenham fans. It is the...
  13. Big Poppa Pump


    Ilana was hot, and I was pissed to see her go, but it's just like Ben said, the island (or writers!) was done with her. Who is that kid who keeps showing up and did he look older in that episode when he appeared before Desmond and Locke.
  14. Big Poppa Pump

    Ashlynn Brookes or Bree Olson

    They look like twins, but I've never had online chats about South Park and Nintendo with Ashlyn Brooke so it's gotta be Bree Olson. :thumbsup:
  15. Big Poppa Pump


    That's mine too! The best one. Hurley's story and the classic line "What's your problem, Jumbotron. The whole scene with drunk Sawyer with Jin and Ben Linus' deceased dad is just classic. And, oh yeah, that music makes the episode! :thumbsup:
  16. Big Poppa Pump


    I really like this theme. C4hkHzoZXFs&feature=related
  17. Big Poppa Pump

    What Irritates You or is Annoying When It Happens In A Porn Scene?

    I hate overdubbing. That can ruin a scene for me. Also, as mentioned earlier, excessive screaming. A big offender is Eva Angelina. She is hot as fuck but damn does she scream a lot! :eek:
  18. Big Poppa Pump

    I am back BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lol, I meant that you took but I'll rep you for that anyway! ;)
  19. Big Poppa Pump

    I am back BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You got any pictures of her ass?
  20. Big Poppa Pump

    Father of marine killed Iraq sues anti-gay group picketing sons funeral

    My attitude is although I'm not 100% sure why America and Britain are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the soldiers are there risking their lives and when a soldier dies his family deserve dignity at the funeral and not this crazy shit. That woman is crazy and the saddest thing is she has brainwashed...
  21. Big Poppa Pump

    Droppin' like flies around here

    I got a three day ban a while back for calling someone who flamed Bree Olson an a-hole. I didn't appeal it because I felt i did the right thing defending a OCSM against a guy who was slating her. I might have broke a Freeones law but I would probably do it again if I felt the need to defend...
  22. Big Poppa Pump

    Thanks for the add. Your posts are legendary!

    Thanks for the add. Your posts are legendary!
  23. Big Poppa Pump

    Droppin' like flies around here

    Totally agree.
  24. Big Poppa Pump

    Sexy .gif picture

  25. Big Poppa Pump

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    Hey fella! :1orglaugh This whole season is gearing up to be the best ever. So far all have been damn near classic. It's their 200th episode this week so hopefully will be good!
  26. Big Poppa Pump

    Thanks for the add. Lost is awesome.

    Thanks for the add. Lost is awesome.
  27. Big Poppa Pump

    Who is gay?

    What color was the handkerchief in the picture. For all of you who answered "yellow," well done. For those who answered, "what handerchief," you are officially sex addicts and should be rehabilitated immediately.
  28. Big Poppa Pump

    Total Nonstop Action wrestling thread

    It is very similar to the Golddust gimmick like when he was going after Razor Ramon. Orlando Jordan's going to freak out Rob Terry so that he lets his guard down and Jordan wins the Global title.
  29. Big Poppa Pump

    Total Nonstop Action wrestling thread

    What was that crap with the edible oil about??? Is Orlando Jordan the new Golddust?
  30. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Awesome. Spurs are cack! :1orglaugh
  31. Big Poppa Pump

    I got my Kimora Klein backdrop. Who-hoo

    I got my Kimora Klein backdrop. Who-hoo
  32. Big Poppa Pump

    EASTER PRESENT! Round 3 of Fansigns.

    AWESOME!!!!!!! Thanks Kimora! That fansig rocks! :glugglug:
  33. Big Poppa Pump

    Lol, that's awesome. Here is a gift for you. The facepalm smilie. Feel free to use it everytime...

    Lol, that's awesome. Here is a gift for you. The facepalm smilie. Feel free to use it everytime you deal with someone like that!
  34. Big Poppa Pump

    A present for you.

    A present for you.
  35. Big Poppa Pump

    Sex stats

    Feel free to PM me if you would like this smilie.
  36. Big Poppa Pump

    become my fan!

    Lol! :1orglaugh
  37. Big Poppa Pump

    Most perfect girl? 2

    September Carrino is gorgeous, but my vote has to go to the damn near perfect Southern Brooke.
  38. Big Poppa Pump

    The brunette is hot!

    The brunette is hot!
  39. Big Poppa Pump

    Who's in your Avatar & Sig..........and why?

    Sara Jean Underwood. Why? because she's hot!
  40. Big Poppa Pump

    No problem. I always follow Notre Dame on ESPN. They can only get better! without Charlie Weis...

    No problem. I always follow Notre Dame on ESPN. They can only get better! without Charlie Weis around.
  41. Big Poppa Pump

    Sex stats

  42. Big Poppa Pump

    I'm slightly puzzled at that sex stats posts. Think that guy has a lot of growing up to do.

    I'm slightly puzzled at that sex stats posts. Think that guy has a lot of growing up to do.
  43. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    They can fuck off! Doubt it will happen. A friend of mine went to Dallas for the Pac-man Clottey fight and he said they were doing checks at the Dallas Stadium. I would assume they will check people for weapons and bombs at the entrance. Stupid a-holes. How does attempting to ruin people's fun...
  44. Big Poppa Pump

    what time zone is freeones in?

    Yeah, Freeones is a dutch site so I assume its on Dutch time.
  45. Big Poppa Pump

    Best Beer You Have Ever Drunk?

    Lol, you have that in Indiana?
  46. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Ronaldo has no loyalty and sulks when he doesn't win so could see him coming back to Premiership for money. As far as Kaka and Torres goes I would say no because they seem more loyal. Think Cesc will go but never to another British team. From his point of view who wouldn't want to play for...
  47. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Lol, I want Fulham to win that. Hope they do. Once Man City have champions league status they will make crazy bids for players. I could see someone like Cristiano Ronaldo going to city and getting paid truckloads of cash.
  48. Big Poppa Pump

    Most perfect girl?

    Let's not be too hard on this guy. Maybe its a language thing and it was meant to be "best looking out of this list of girls???" After all, Southern Brooke is not on this list and it looks like he's a fan.
  49. Big Poppa Pump

    2009/2010 WORLD Football (EPL, Serie A, La Liga, Bundesliga, etc)

    Think you got it right there Titsrock. It's pretty much those teams who'll get relegated. I see Man City getting fourth spot but that is bad for Arsenal, Man United and even Chelsea because if Man City get champions league football they can get pretty much anyone they want to play for them.