Glenn Beck Calls Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA" "anti-American"

Glenn should not expect to be welcome with open arms by most people in New Jersey, I'm guessing...


The conservative TV host said that many people are filled with patriotic pride when they hear the song on Fourth of July and then "find out that Bruce Springsteen's Born in the U.S.A. is anti-American." Beck then grimly read the lyrics for the song — which chronicles a working class man sent to Vietnam, has a friend who dies in the war, then comes home and struggles to find work — and suggests the song is propaganda, the report said.

"That's what America's about, according to Bruce Springsteen," Beck said on the program. "It is time to wake up out of our dream state, wake up out of the propaganda. You know, this is the thing that people who come from the Soviet-bloc or Cuba, they're all saying, 'How do you guys not hear this? How do you not see this?' Well, that's 'cause we don't ever expect it."

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Wouldn't say propaganda but Bruce as well as John Mellencamp have different views of America, that is until the royalty checks arrive.

Dumbest argument ever. By that "logic" the only person who could critique the socioeconomic system would be a homeless person without a dime. I'm sure you'd pay attention to what they have to say... A person can "win" in the rat-race and still be smart and honest enough to call it a rat-race

Funny how the tolerate left can't tolerate an opposing view or opinion.

Please elaborate on how Beck's opinion isn't being tolerated.

If one is being tolerated doesn't mean that they are exempt from criticism or contempt.

Beck can say what he wants. But people can respond to that, as well.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Only took Glenn 25 years to figure that one out, eh? Guy is a fucking genius. Maybe he'll soon realize CCR's Fortunate Son isn't all glitter and glitz, either.
BTW, not really sure how the song is unpatriotic. It's a song that laments the plight of the common man. I guess being a common man is no longer patriotic?
in my opinion i hear those lyrics as folk music.springsteen's simple take on a traditional hard luck story folk springsteen fan here but glenn beck is truely a douche.
Only took Glenn 25 years to figure that one out, eh? Guy is a fucking genius. Maybe he'll soon realize CCR's Fortunate Son isn't all glitter and glitz, either.
BTW, not really sure how the song is unpatriotic. It's a song that laments the plight of the common man. I guess being a common man is no longer patriotic?

No, no, no, Stan. BEING a common man is very patriotic, just as long as you vote for the people and policies that ensure that you'll stay as common (and dispensable) as possible. Pointing out that you've been given a raw deal (like being a homeless war vet, or having nothing after you've worked many years at one place, while the CEOs enjoy multiple homes and private jets) in some way, well, that's just unsavoury!


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I hear alot about Glen Beck, now I am waiting for Jeff Beck to come over and hit him with a guitar
So by Becks rationale, singing about how the everyday, honest guy and how he gets fucked over by an uncaring system is unpatriotic? That right! I forgot all war vets are rewarded for their service with 2 cars, a husband or wife, and a beautiful house in the suburbs. What the hell does Glen Beck know about anything? :dunno:
Welcome to 1984, Glenn. It took you 26 years to figure out that Born In the USA is not a rah-rah American anthem? You are dumber than I thought, and I thought you were really, really dumb.
Glen Beck is acting like a retard, not someone who is mentally handicapped. Those individulas have more intelligence than him.
Glen Beck is acting like a retard, not someone who is mentally handicapped. Those individulas have more intelligence than him.

FYI: The new word for that kind of person is a "palin".

What can be more American then exercising your right to free speech....says the Canadian.
This song was used as Ronald Reagan's campaign anthem in 1984. I suppose Glenn Beck is actually tearing down the Reagan-as-conservative-god myth that the GOP has been using since 1988. :dunno:

Glenn Beck is truly the incarnation of that evil media figure in the "V for Vendetta" film from a couple of years ago.
Being a Brit I'm not familiar with Mr Beck but glad to see he's on the cutting edge of popular culture. He also sticks it to that trendy pop star Woody Guthrie! Way to go Beck but I think the youth of today will be very angry with you for dissing their musical heroes! :dunno:

Cutting edge? He can be seen as a wacko, depending on your views. Like saying Amy Winehouse is a spokes girl for popularity in music, off the wall, I know, but so is he! IMHO.