Girls wants hat I make pictures from her naked body

I have a problem, but this problem is to, you know, you can´t speak abou it with everyone, so I though I go online and ask the guys from Freeones, maybe they can help me a bit. So, what´s my big problem? Well, I asked for fun, a beautiful young girl if she would like to make pictures with me. Naked. I would like to make pictures of her, posing sexy and using a dildo and maybe a few things more. Who knows? flylicker I thought she will say no and never ever again speak to me, but she likes my idea and asked me if this camera is a good one? Well it´s the Canon EOS D 450. It´s a very good camera. So she said I can take pictures of her naked beautiful body. My problem is, that I´m a bit shy. I mean I just asked for fun, and now that situation... I play with the idea to tell her I´m to shy to make pictures like that of her beautiful naked body and pussy. Well, I could upload it for you all. Hey guys, what do you all say?


Member, you member...
Sure, you could've uploaded it on your first post, but now that is shot to hell.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Go for it. We'll get to see her naked and You Might get to fuck her! :thumbsup:

win, win for everyone!!!


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
I agree with Legzman, go for it. Don't be a pussy your whole life.
Wait a minute? A woman showing her naked body!?

That's just craziness! Let alone on the internet, show some damn class! This is the internet! Not some strip club!
To make pictures of beautiful naked woman.....Make her take of her clothes ya

Get camera make many snaps

Pressy button

Maybe she will ask you to make fuck

Who knows?

Jizzing your pants not good my friend, Not good.

Make a post on FOs as proof


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I have a problem, but this problem is to, you know, you can´t speak abou it with everyone, so I though I go online and ask the guys from Freeones, maybe they can help me a bit. So, what´s my big problem? Well, I asked for fun, a beautiful young girl if she would like to make pictures with me. Naked. I would like to make pictures of her, posing sexy and using a dildo and maybe a few things more. Who knows? flylicker I thought she will say no and never ever again speak to me, but she likes my idea and asked me if this camera is a good one? Well it´s the Canon EOS D 450. It´s a very good camera. So she said I can take pictures of her naked beautiful body. My problem is, that I´m a bit shy. I mean I just asked for fun, and now that situation... I play with the idea to tell her I´m to shy to make pictures like that of her beautiful naked body and pussy. Well, I could upload it for you all. Hey guys, what do you all say?

It's posts like this that make me miss Torre. AHH, we would just mock this together and laaaaaugh and laaaaaugh. SIGH :(
Tell her you can put her on Freeones and make her famous!!!!!!!!!!!!

That line works wonders ;)
Go for it. We'll get to see her naked and you might get to fuck her! :thumbsup:

win, win for everyone!!!

Well, the problem is that this girl is married (one child they have together) and if her husband see´s what we write all day over "who-knows-who", her husband will kill me. I just ask myself what way he will kill me... uhm.. I mean I made it somehow to get his girl (she´s 20 or so) to take of her clothes and get naked, hey, when he will find this out he will shoot me AND her!! LOL Oh boy, so I´m a bit afraid. I mean is it okay? This isn´t nice in many ways "to him", but on the other side, a naked sexy girl could hang out in my house, okay, she´s married to another guy, but hey, is this my problem?! No, not really, so hey thanks my brothers on freeones, I will make really hot pictures. But again I need your help. WHAT pictures should I make? I mean, really "hard" ones? Asshole, gaping and stuff like that? Or just beautiful normal pictures? I just asked her minutes ago in my email "how far she would go". So guys, I will let you know in a few hours what she said... uhm.. should I ask her if she has got a dildo and if she would like to play with it? She´s very beautiful. Is it allowed to upload pictures? I could upload so beautiful pictures of her, but normal ones, not naked or so. Should I asked her if she would like to do a little pornvideo? With me? Or alone? Or with her husband? Or another guy? Questions over questions... She´s a very hot brunette, magical eyes, oh boy... what a girl!



tell your dad to relax a bit, it's normal for sons to take pictures of their moms, as long as they are hot. you are the kid they have together, right? and tell the old bastard to buy you a decent camera.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
You two should take those old timey photos she can be a Civil War soldier and you can dress like a 1930's gangster. That would capture the moment.