Droppin' like flies around here

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First of all, who are you?

Secondly...who are you?

I'm Mayhem. Pleased to meetcha. And since we're asking questions around here I have 3 for you:

Who are YOU?
How good of a poker player are you?
How well do you shoot?

If the answer to the last two aren't, "Really fuckin' good" then you are beneath me. Have a nice day. :D
I thought we going to that together in 2012??? :(

Please don't bitch out on me. This is death we're talking about here, not some mundane walk in the park you don't want to go on because it'll mess up your shoes.

Oh and for your information the Christians have moved it forward, the apocalypse is now 2011, because it'll be the anniversary of Noah's flood. Get it right! Can you not wait another year?

When you're dead, you're dead, that's it. You're not going anywhere.

Yeah you tell em' . . . extra . . . in the Seinfeld pilot . . . I think?
Only 503 posts in and already causing mayhem. And with Chef of all people.

Please don't bitch out on me. This is death we're talking about here, not some mundane walk in the park you don't want to go on because it'll mess up your shoes.

Oh and for your information the Christians have moved it forward, the apocalypse is now 2011, because it'll be the anniversary of Noah's flood. Get it right! Can you not wait another year.

When you're dead, you're dead, that's it. You're not going anywhere.

Yeah you tell em' . . . extra in . . . Seinfeld!

You're damn right I'm not going anywhere! You can go die in 2011 alone, mister! We had it all planned out too! We were going to do it the day before the 2012 prophecy and we were going to yell out: WE BEAT YOU TO IT SUCKAS! WE'RE DYING BEFORE YOU ARE BECAUSE WE ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!

I see how it is to you though. So yeah, go to your precious 2011! GO!

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
I got a three day ban a while back for calling someone who flamed Bree Olson an a-hole. I didn't appeal it because I felt i did the right thing defending a OCSM against a guy who was slating her. I might have broke a Freeones law but I would probably do it again if I felt the need to defend someone, OCSM or not.
wtf I just want a single penis for no damn reason whatsoever



Only 503 posts in and already causing mayhem. And with Chef of all people.

There's quantity and then there's quality. When I post, I have something to say. And take a look at the join date son. I ain't the oldest member here, but I don't sit in the back seat for any of you newbs.
You're damn right I'm not going anywhere! You can go die in 2011 alone, mister! We had it all planned out too! We were going to do it the day before the 2012 prophecy and we were going to yell out: WE BEAT YOU TO IT SUCKAS! WE'RE DYING BEFORE YOU ARE BECAUSE WE ARE NUMBER ONE!!!!

I see how it is to you though. So yeah, go to your precious 2011! GO!

We all die alone, no matter who's around us at the time. Death is our own personal process. All this hand holding, crying bullshit doesn't make it any better. I mean fuck, at least get some strippers in to give me a lap dance while I'm on my death bed!

What do I really want? A nice pair of tits in my face or a bunch of depressing pussy assed cry babies who couldn't hold in their pussification till I'm gone?

Tits, obviously!

Now if I could be making out with whimsy with a gun to my head I would, but dammit who has the time in this fast paced, go getter world of ours.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I've been here for awhile. Except for that one time I left.
We all die alone, no matter who's around us at the time. Death is our own personal process. All this hand holding, crying bullshit doesn't make it any better. I mean fuck, at least get some strippers in to give me a lap dance while I'm on my death bed!

What do I really want? A nice pair of tits in my face or a bunch of depressing pussy assed cry babies who couldn't hold in their pussification till I'm gone?

Tits, obviously!

Now if I could be making out with whimsy with a gun to my head I would, but dammit who has the time in this fast paced, go getter world of ours.

You know all the right things to say to me to calm me down from a fiery rage. :lovecoupl


That's it fer me. Still gotta pack and get some shut-eye. While I'm gone, someone tell a mod that if they let Will back in, they can ban whimsy, straight up trade. :tongue:

Y'all be good and wish me luck making money.

See ya in 10 days bitches. :thefinger:1orglaugh
Unless I decide to take a short hiatus again, I'll probably still be around.

I don't know how close I've been to getting banned in the past (you'll have to ask the mods & they probably won't tell you), but I've never actually been banned before.
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