I wanna get to know you!

Welcome, my dear.

My question, that I'd like to know, is there any type of sweets that arouse you?

Strawberries? Chocolate? Caramel?

Hi! My name is Easy to love, but hard to hold.
The only thing you need to know about me is that I am the only one on the board who makes a damn bit of sense.:D

Actually, there are some pretty damn good people on here. Just don't tell anyone. It will spoil the illusion of depravity.

That however does not apply to lurkingdirk, Blueballs or andro ry. Those guys are assholes.;):1orglaugh


Lord Dipstick
Hi Stacy,

As one of those most interested in your derrière I noticed that you have a very nice butt, and I found one perfect picture of you showing it off:

This is perfect and just what I like to see, you bending forward while spreading your ass wide and giving us a perfect view of your anus. And you get extra points for being so well shaved. :)

Do you feel different taking a picture like that as compared to, say, plain doggystyle?

Yeah....among other things you have a nice anus! :hatsoff:


Hey, Freeones is one of my favorite sites, so I want to get to know it's members better! So I wanted to make a thread where you can get to know me better and I can do the same! So ask me anything! Anything is game, I am not shy! Ask away!

Oh I bet you say that to all the porn sites, but Freeones is easily seduced

and by Freeones I mean me.....
What are your feelings on the concept of replacing federalism and capitalism with a strict system of antidisestablishmentarianism? Would it be possible in a federation of united states, such as the USA, or would it work better if introduced into an oligarchical or theocratic society?

The only thing you need to know about me is that I am the only one on the board who makes a damn bit of sense.:D

Actually, there are some pretty damn good people on here. Just don't tell anyone. It will spoil the illusion of depravity.

That however does not apply to whimsy, Blueballs or andro ry. Those guys are assholes.;):1orglaugh

I fixed that for you, RedWing.

:nono: I'll have to get out the spanking tool again.
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That however does not apply to lurkingdirk, Blueballs or andro ry. Those guys are assholes.;):1orglaugh
Hey! I resent being categorized with those two assholes.

I consider myself to be far more a 'cunt stain' than an 'asshole'. Get it right . . . BlueWing!

Yeah I went there!!!

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Actually, there are some pretty damn good people on here. Just don't tell anyone. It will spoil the illusion of depravity.

That however does not apply to lurkingdirk, Blueballs or andro ry. Those guys are assholes.;):1orglaugh

So we're warning people about me now? That's what's going going on? Wouldn't it be better for new users just to experience me in all of my glory without any preconceived notions of my behavior? I happen to think that I'm very cordial towards the members of this board. Well, the ones who don't annoy me. And the ones who aren't stupid, make new threads, ask questions, start polls, or try to get to know me. But other than that, I'm like a gigantic ray of sunshine. Honestly.
Hey! I resent being categorized with those two assholes.

I consider myself to be far more a 'cunt stain' than an 'asshole'. Get it right BlueWing!

Yeah I went there!!!

In reference to you I was going to say 'unfortunate twat discharge,' but I didn't want to go there.

Really I'm more of a 'recently lanced donkey hemorrhoid' myself.
If I were to leave this pit of pain we call 'civilisation' and return to nature in a kind of running wild and free, naked and alone, living in the woods amongst the animals kind of thing. Would it be justifiable for me - as this hermit/wild man - to sample the fleshly delights of the woodland creatures that surround me? Maybe even attempt engage in a power struggle with the local dominant male wolf in an attempt to gain control of its pack and thus the trust and affections of the various lusty females in heat. Or would the morals of my old world still fix me in the position of fault? As a person who feels that moral and societal norms are nothing but subjective I feel I would be well within my own and natures rights to sample those said delights - at least this is what I choose to tell myself. But if there were ever to come a time where I became disillusioned with my new life in the wilderness, would the stink of long dead deer musk still radiate along with the many other smells the forest felt justified in laying upon me and more importantly, would I be accepted back?

If not then this entire endeavour seems like a waste.

Yes :thumbsup:
Hello cute miss Shey
I'm an artist, idealist, spiritualist, - and part time cynic.
I came to Free Ones to look for drawing reference and got addicted to lesbian porn (namely tribbing) after a couple of lady friends of mine got a little buzzed and put on one Hell of a show in front of me.
it obviously wasn't for me - but I enjoyed it none the less.
I would consider myself a sort of professional amateur in sex, - I'm active but like to keep my distance from some circles that are far more active, part voyeuristic, part wanting to keep some sense of mystery.
this is the best place on the net for open discussion on anything.
so I keep coming back.
What do like best about Free Ones?
When will you start answering questions?