Search results

  1. calpoon

    First acid trip

    If you can, you should get the stuff from a friend or someone that you trust who has done it before and can verify the source. It would be best to have that person around with you at the time too. As others have said, you are very susceptible to suggestion and people can really fuck with you. A...
  2. calpoon

    ATMs: The Hidden Cost of Convenience

    What's PSTD? Is that post traumatic stress disorder with dyslexia?
  3. calpoon

    Bees in a jar.

    I feel kind of sorry for those bees. let them out of that jar.
  4. calpoon

    ATMs: The Hidden Cost of Convenience

    E. Coli is the hidden cost of ATM convenience.
  5. calpoon

    Solo model website - do you pay???

    Paying for porn is like fucking for virginity.
  6. calpoon

    In Your Opinion - Biggest Story of Oh Nine

    The US economy "crash" and Obama's election both happened (or rather started happening) in 2008, not 2009.
  7. calpoon

    My list of the top 30 movies of 2000-2009

    ^ lol same posts at the same time.
  8. calpoon

    My list of the top 30 movies of 2000-2009

    That movie sucked. It's all about Anal Dildo Sluts XIII. Sequels are never as good.
  9. calpoon

    Avenged Sevenfold Drummer Found Dead.

    It's not 2001 anymore, why would anyone be thinking of Drowning Pool?
  10. calpoon

    Report Puts Hidden War Costs at $1.6T (to date!)

    That's because they got the money for the war from an ATM.
  11. calpoon

    My list of the top 30 movies of 2000-2009

    Kudos for compiling a list like this. I don't even remember what movies I've seen this year. (Not that I don't care about movies, I watch them all the time. Just not a good memory.) Sure I don't agree with all of your choices, but it's easy to criticize. It's harder for someone to put in the...
  12. calpoon

    Is It Just Me? (Question about 'The Big Names' in Porn)

    I don't run with the pack, I have my own taste. Just checked out the "who to look for in '10" thread and I hadn't heard of 90% or more of the girls that people were picking.
  13. calpoon

    In Your Opinion - Biggest Story of Oh Nine

    I guess "No more" war in Iraq would be the only thing of lasting significance.
  14. calpoon

    Avenged Sevenfold Drummer Found Dead.

    He died too young. Just imagine what he could have gone on to accomplish. Now he'll always be remembered for being in a shitty band.
  15. calpoon

    Prince William Sleeps in Alley to Raise Awareness For Homeless

    I guess it's good for him to gain some perspective- but that perspective is a little bit different when you get to go home to your mansion afterward, as opposed to the people that don't have any choice about spending the night on the street. If he really wanted to help the homeless he could...
  16. calpoon

    Anti-Immigrant Song: "Illegal Aliens in My Yard"

    That about sums it up.
  17. calpoon

    5 Questions on the Origins of Christmas

    More liberal nonsense trying to undermine our good family values. STOP THE WAR ON CHRISTMAS!
  18. calpoon


    The promo just shows a montage of previously seen clips set to that Willie Nelson song. No spoilers... no hints either.
  19. calpoon

    Ten Commandments

    I voted for murder and false idol. But I'm only gonna refuse to worship a false idol because all idols are false, including the one that the first 4 commandments are about. Just because my parents fucked doesn't mean I'm going to honor them, especially if their fucking was a violation of the...
  20. calpoon

    York Vicar Encourages Shoplifting

    I would assume that a "real" holy man would not believe that the things God created should be able to be owned and divided by man. By that I mean that no one should be deprived of food and shelter for lack of pay.
  21. calpoon


    I don't really have much to say about season one that hasn't been said already. I guess the main thing is that the first season focused on the characters trying to survive and cope with the fact that they were stranded on an island indefinitely. The idea that the Island is magical and mysterious...
  22. calpoon

    ATM Machine

    An ATM machine is a machine that makes ATM's, right?
  23. calpoon

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    I don't think it's necessary to call spoilers if the movie is more than two years old. Hell, it's the net, make it two weeks.
  24. calpoon

    What's the best Sports movie of the decade?

    I thought I'd made that clear? Plus it wasn't stipulated which decade we are referring to.
  25. calpoon

    Coroner looking into leak of Brittany Murphy info

    Because TMZ is the one that killed her. And Michael Jackson. Probablly Billy Mays too. kind of suspicious that they always get the first scoop on all these celebrities dying from "heart failure".
  26. calpoon

    What's the best Sports movie of the decade?

    I didn't see any of those movies. The best sports movie of the decade is Cool Runnings. It's so good that it time travels. The Mighty Ducks is second. In fact, they needn't make any more sports movies and should have known enough to stop after 1994.
  27. calpoon

    Stern to quit Sirius...

    People listen to talk radio still? People listen to radio at all still? hmm. Think I'll stick with my ipod: all the songs I want to listen to, when I want to, no commercials.
  28. calpoon

    Want to hold public office in N.C.? Atheists need not apply

    Honestly, I doubt that the founding father's cared at all or even considered America 200 years in the future. The laws that they drew up seemed like a good idea at the time, and that's all that mattered. I really hope that we weren't founded by such egomaniacs that thought the things they did...
  29. calpoon

    10 ways to traverse deep space.

    Great article. Some of the comments are even more interesting. As the commentary points out one of the major obstacles to interstellar travel is space dust. Even micrograms of dust bunnies would be like firing missiles into the rocket when they are traveling potentially 1000's of miles a second...
  30. calpoon

    Cop Gets Off (CUMS ON (!!!) Woman He Pulls Over) and Gets Off !!

    He got an erection and ejaculated on a stripper? This man should not be a police officer! He should be a pornstar.
  31. calpoon

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    wtf :ban: let me guess, you don't like tyler perry's movies either because they are full of n******?
  32. calpoon

    Best Horror flick of the decade?

    One Night In Paris... Or was it Quarantine? Night vision, emaciated chick that sucks... I couldn't tell the difference.
  33. calpoon

    York Vicar Encourages Shoplifting

    shoplifting doesn't cost companies any money because they factor it into their profit margins as an accepted loss that comes as a fact of doing business along with things like lost and damaged merchandise, etc. Actually it's just a prediction and they are not capable of keeping accurate...
  34. calpoon

    Pope Benedict XVI declares Pius XII 'venerable,' angering Jewish groups

    I thought the complete idiots guide to Catholicism was called the bible?
  35. calpoon

    Favorite Comic Book Artist

    or how about Jack Kirby and Will Eisner for that matter? I'm surprised that no on has said Frank Miller.
  36. calpoon

    TV Censorhip question

    Hard times at Ikea?
  37. calpoon

    Usage of Internet Explorer

    It's true, even with IE the first thing that you do is watch porn. Then afterwards you watch more porn while you wait for firefox to finish downloading.
  38. calpoon


    Dirty Dancing? I don't want to go to Heaven if Patrick Swayze is not there.
  39. calpoon

    Pope Benedict XVI declares Pius XII 'venerable,' angering Jewish groups

    Inglorious Basterds II: Starring Sylvester Stalone as Pope Pius XII?
  40. calpoon

    TV Censorhip question

    yeah, why do religious people get offended by that? Isn't that how it's supposed to work, you ask God for shit-it's called praying. Or are you just not allowed to do that so other people can here it? It's the same thing as shouting out Jesus Christ!!! when surprised or angered. Well, don't it...
  41. calpoon

    I Saw A Woodpecker Today!!

    fuckers are always pecking on my house, no trees around here I guess.
  42. calpoon

    Pope Benedict XVI declares Pius XII 'venerable,' angering Jewish groups

    I said that because I wanted to make it clear that my opinion was just that, and not an attempt to trick people into thinking I was being objective while pushing a hidden agenda like several of the members on here do while they pat each other on the back and speak the party line. and I wasn't...
  43. calpoon

    Pope Benedict XVI declares Pius XII 'venerable,' angering Jewish groups

    At the risk of giving credence to anti-semites (and yes, they do exist outside of red armbands, just like the racists that exist outside of white hoods. They are usually in the same group and often attempt to be clever in misdirection of their goals by claiming themselves to be the victims.) Why...
  44. calpoon

    They're Taking The Hobbits To Isengard

    old, but a classic.
  45. calpoon

    Pope Benedict XVI declares Pius XII 'venerable,' angering Jewish groups

    Isn't a pope more important than a saint? A saint is supposed to help you out from beyond the grave, right? So a pope can't do that too? They lose all their power once they die? I don't understand Catholicism, somebody help me out here.
  46. calpoon

    what kind of oil do they use in bwb and bwa?

    or you want to be real smart about it, nick it from the bin out back at Mcdonalds.
  47. calpoon

    a linguistic project

    The patient is the doctors son and the doctor is the patients mother. Wait, is that a different question? oh well.
  48. calpoon

    Dark Matter

    I thought that they would be slow moving because of their low energy. The faster an object moves, the greater it's energy, of course.
  49. calpoon

    if you could travel in time only 1 time, where and when would you go?

    Why didn't you shit last Friday?
  50. calpoon

    Dark Matter

    PS. I put the word anti in quotation marks to signal that I'm using it in the general way. In scientific terms "anti" means an opposite atomic charge. For example anti-matter is not the opposite of matter, which would be nothing in the general sense. It's an atom that has a (+) electron...