LSD is not a recreational party drug,especially when your new to it.Bad vibes ,people who want to mess with your head can cause you to have a bad trip.Acid enhances and magnifys everything, good or bad.
Your emotions can twist in an instant and then you have a bad trip. So my advice have someone around who is not fucked up to keep you calm.
Very good advice. I haven't tripped in 10+ years, I did it about 30-40 times in early high school, and I remember great times and terrible times that I don't remember but as weird as it sounds, it came back to me in a dream... no bullshit.
I remember seeing the weed in my baggie crawling around and looking like crickets, I remember seeing 100's of crabs marching out of the ocean at night(I knew to close my eyes so it didn't go south), I remember riding my bike and at the crosswalk intersection the ground separated, lifted and began shaking, I remember walking under a mile long row of trees where the leaves turned into wings and then into crawling birds or bats... whatever the hell they were... crazy times
I also remember tripping with my friend and we were walking around town and the last thing I remember was starting to walk through a tunnel. When the tunnel seemed like it was closing on my, we turned around and that's the last thing I remember. I guess we walked back to the street, a very busy main street, and I decided to jump into the street in front of rushing cars. I then proceeded to jump over peoples fences through their back yards while shedding my clothes. I think I was down to my shorts and shoes when the cops showed up. At that time I was about 125 lbs but the police report said it took 5 cops to subdue me.
Next thing I knew after recalling the tunnel was being rolled around on a gurney with my Dad over me saying it was OK and that I had OD'd and was in the hospital.
All this stuff had happened and I had completely blacked out, I couldn't remember a damn thing. A year or so later I dreamed I was running through the street in a neighborhood and the next thing the cops were chasing , tackling and subduing me. I woke up from the dream because of the feeling I got when the cop twisted my elbow behind my head... Crazy but very true story.
It's fun stuff but when things go south, it's very hard if not impossible to control. If you're set on a psychedelic, try mushrooms, they're a little more mild and you can control the trip with the amount you eat...
my $0.02