Usage of Internet Explorer



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they do have that song afterall, about the internet being MADE for porn :D
It's true, even with IE the first thing that you do is watch porn. Then afterwards you watch more porn while you wait for firefox to finish downloading.
hahaha, and then sometimes firefox fucks up and WON'T play your porn and you go back to internet explorer anyways! :D

Will E Worm

I'd rather use IE than Google Chrome. Google watches what you do. :uohs:

Firefox, after the first of the year will block access to all adult material. :turnturn:
Google is like a great big watching eye. damn bastards keep a record of EVERYTHING lol and is that true about firefox? a year of happy times and the WHAM they cut you off like a hooker off heroine?

Will E Worm

Google is like a great big watching eye. damn bastards keep a record of EVERYTHING lol and is that true about firefox? a year of happy times and the WHAM they cut you off like a hooker off heroine?

Big Brother Google. :rolleyes:

I don't know possibly.

I should create my own Browser:

Worm Web Explorer (WWE)

Worm Internet Explorer (WIE)

The Worm Hole (TWH) :D
The worm hole! go with that one. Then you can just suck people's brains into it with all the free porn they want for as many years as they want :D