Search results

  1. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Not really a movie, but rented Jimmy Carrs new stand up. I've never been a fan of his live stuff, but as a presenter he's great. There is no denying the guy is one of the quickest guys in comedy. His stand up may be relentless joke-after-joke of yesteryear, but it is genius stuff.
  2. Spleen

    300,000 Animals To Be Slaughtered At Festival

    What the fuck, why didn't anyone tell me sooner? Now it's too late to go see it :(
  3. Spleen

    Rotten was the original gross out website, brings back a feeling of nostalia watching it. But the fact is, it's now shit. They don't update it enough. I haven't been on that site in about 2 years, but after looking at about 10 links I was back the same shit I saw all those years ago. You need...
  4. Spleen

    Has PornstarsPunishment gone too far?

    What? YOU DON'T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE!!! I like this forum. And I think people like me being here. How often to you get dissed in front of everyone? At least once a day...
  5. Spleen

    Biggest slut to not do anal?

    Sara Jay probably. Priya isn't that much of a slut :dunno:
  6. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Looks like very entertaining nonsense! Definately wanna check it out on the big screen, looks like it's all visuals.
  7. Spleen

    Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It?

    Re: Does It Matter To You If A Girl Doesnt Look 'Into' The Scene Or Isn't Enjoying It I love amature asian porn, but most of the time it seems the girl is on the verge of crying, and that puts me off. I think that's just how they act when they are faking it? But I think it's very important in...
  8. Spleen

    Paralysed Belgian misdiagnosed as in coma for 23 years

    Holy fuck that is terrible. My idea of hell. Fucking torture!
  9. Spleen

    Has PornstarsPunishment gone too far?

    No, not me and not Jason, YOU. Was my sentence really that hard to understand? This being wrong has nothing to do with the actors who are getting paid and just "acting". It's the people who watch it, and the message they send. And the fact you can't see that is why you are so "backwards".
  10. Spleen

    Has PornstarsPunishment gone too far?

    Will E's backwards view on pretty much ANY topic is fucking astounding.
  11. Spleen

    What a weekend!

    Are we forgetting we are on the internet? Allow me to be the first to say; Pics or it didn't happen.
  12. Spleen

    Seriously one of the creepiest things I've ever seen

    Creepy, but pretty cool at same time.
  13. Spleen

    The Top Ten Best Desserts

    Banoffee pie.
  14. Spleen

    Your Favourite Albums Of 2009

    Whats the better album... Red or Blue?
  15. Spleen

    Your Favourite Albums Of 2009

    2008! I know because I had to double check on Death Magnetic, otherwise it would have made my list too. Superb taste my dear boy
  16. Spleen

    Your Favourite Albums Of 2009

    Mastodon - Crack The Skye (soundtrack to my summer) Baroness - Blue Record Them Crooked Vultures - Self titled (Late in the year, but it's won me over already) Clutch - Strange Cousins From the West
  17. Spleen

    World's Tallest Model to Grace Cover of Aussie Mag "Zoo Weekly" (w/ PICS)

    I'd let her beat me up. That would be awesome.
  18. Spleen

    who would you do

    Congrats! You've probably got a thread in the members section too saying well done, but I rarely go in there.
  19. Spleen

    Left4Dead 2

    Half Life 1 and 2 are two of the best shooters ever, and fucking interesting too. Portal is the most addictive "tech demo" to come out in recent years. TF2 and Counter Strike are two of the most popular online games, even with an old engine. Lachemo = fail
  20. Spleen

    Left4Dead 2

    ^ We don't need to say anything, everyone knows how fucking awesome Valve is already.
  21. Spleen

    Zup everyone!

    ^ Fucking with you because you're new. Ignore it. My advice, if you are new to a board, don't advertise it. Walk in, make yourself at home, pretend you've always been there...
  22. Spleen

    Penguin Loves Zookeeper

    Penguins are awesome, I'd love to have one like that as a pet.
  23. Spleen

    Evngelicals Pray for Climate Change Deliverance

    Can't read the word Deliverance without thinking "Squeal like a piiiiiig"
  24. Spleen

    Best Ass (MILF edition)

    Fuck that is an awesome pic of Asia Carrera. I wanna stick my face in her ass.
  25. Spleen

    This is hilarious news!

    This news is gonna work wonders for this kid.
  26. Spleen

    Has the vampire/zombie thing run its course?

    Clearly you haven't seen Twilight. The new breed of Vampires taking over TV/movies are fucking pathetic. Bring back the ones from 30 Days Of Night, they kicked ass.
  27. Spleen

    Child Sex Scare Ends Santa Letter Scheme

    My god, fucking pedophobia. I swear the media would have you believe everyone over the age of 18 wants to fuck a child.
  28. Spleen

    Zup everyone!

    Yeah buddy. Let's you and me leave these jerks. We'll start our own damn forum. YEAH FREEONES, WE DON'T NEEEED YOOOOOOOOU ANYMORE
  29. Spleen

    Zup everyone!

    Wow this guy just said hello and got completely cunted. I thought it was a pretty solid first post. DON'T WORRY MAN, I LIKE YOU.
  30. Spleen

    Zup everyone!

    Nothing much fellow human, what is zup with yourself?
  31. Spleen

    Who do you kill a dog?

    Who do you kill a dog?
  32. Spleen

    Have you ever given negative rep??

    Fuck yeah I have, I'm a complete bastard.
  33. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Total guilty pleasure. Saw it in the cinema, drunk off my tits with about 5 girls. They dragged me there against my will and I ended up enjoying it.
  34. Spleen

    Literary Series That Sucks The Least

    If it ain't Goosebumps, it ain't worth shit.
  35. Spleen

    How long can you go without jacking off?(that includes sex as well)

    Why the fuck would anyone wanna stop?
  36. Spleen

    Pepsi or Coca cola ??

    The expression "poor mans ____" doesn't always refer to price.
  37. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Huh? Snatch is an awesome film :dunno:
  38. Spleen

    Best take away food.

    For those who said Pizza, it's gotta be Dominos, RIGHT?!
  39. Spleen

    The 'SOUTH PARK' Thread

    I'm still hooked on... FUCKA YOOO DOLPHIN, FUCKA YOOOO WHALE!
  40. Spleen

    Could you date a stutterer?

    ^ Doesn't count, tourettes is awesome.
  41. Spleen

    Could you date a stutterer?

    Couldn't deal with it. I love conversations too much.
  42. Spleen

    ladies, pornstars, wives, girlfriends, if you have a vagina this poll is for you

    This thread wants to eat your brains.
  43. Spleen

    Best take away food.

    Pizza. Curry should have been on the list though.
  44. Spleen

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    My favourite gangster movie. Doesn't get enough respect I don't think.
  45. Spleen

    who would you do

    The blonde is Malin Akerman, as in Watchmen / Silk Spectre. I'd do her.
  46. Spleen

    Tokyo world's best place to eat

    I think they would cook up some weird shit, but I'm not scared of it. I've eaten a lot of different animals, and if the chance came to eat dog or horse, I'd probably take it.
  47. Spleen

    What grated your cheese this year, 2009?

    In this foul year of our lord, 2009, I was mostly irked by anyone preaching about global warming and how we are going to destroy ourselves.
  48. Spleen

    Peru Gang Accused Of Killing To Sell Human Fat

    Sent the link to a buddy of mine who's going to Peru in a few months heh
  49. Spleen

    Painless or painful death

    I don't wanna live 1000 years.
  50. Spleen

    Man arrested for FINDING gun in his backyard

    While he did do the right thing, he went the wrong way about it. If I had found the gun, I would of let it just sit there and phone the police to come pick it up.