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  1. Lust

    Your Favorite Dorito

    banana.... well that or cherry but mostly banana
  2. Lust

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    looks like Vandy got him
  3. Lust

    Historical event you would have liked to have witnessed?

    Santana at Woodstock (but without the brown acid) Jimi Hendrix at Monterey Pop Festival Jesse Owens at the Berlin Olympics Arizona Meteor The Big Bang (no not Houston 500, damnit) Someone said them already but the assassination of Ceaser, Alexander's Campaign and the 300 spartans
  4. Lust

    Best Song Mash Ups

    Heartbreaker Hotel (end of lonely street) rAM1MKi7bNU
  5. Lust

    Where's the last place you ate out and was it any good?

    Had a Gyro at Krivaar Cafe and it was awesome as usual. There's too many good local cafes in San Francisco to even bother with the big chain stores, and thank goodness for that.
  6. Lust

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    i think the teams would have just shot themselves before second overtime. which would make for good reality tv ;) so....anyone think Florida will be pursuing Mullen with Meyer stepping down? Or will Meyer return in two weeks? Maybe Charlie Strong? Oh! Shannon is available!
  7. Lust

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    as long as there's not another '08 Sun Bowl type game this should be a fun bowl season......well with the exception of the Fiesta. Sun Bowl '08 = All the world's a stage and we are merely punters 20 freakin punts!
  8. Lust

    What are you listening to right now?

    Grouch & Eligh ~ Say G & E SrZ05tsnTaI
  9. Lust

    Star Wars - Explained by someone who hasn't seen it

    I heard she's writing a spin off of star wars called "Chewie the deformed Ewok (a love story)" starring Hans
  10. Lust

    wassup my mega? i think the gator bowl is going to be fun and i'll be pullin for you guys to...

    wassup my mega? i think the gator bowl is going to be fun and i'll be pullin for you guys to whoop some SEC ass! Although I like Mullen and wanted him to go to Miami, I'm still a temporary wolverine during the gator bowl, then back to my beloved Cardinal! I'm really hoping the Pac10 can redeem...
  11. Lust

    I hear ya, if you listen to just the music in that song it sounds like this happy cheery tune...

    I hear ya, if you listen to just the music in that song it sounds like this happy cheery tune, then when you listen to the words you're like what the fuck??? Sublime does this well. Anyway.... [img]
  12. Lust

    Jenny Poussin's tit job.

    She's smoking hot and her boobs don't distract me at all, but it's her personality that really turns me on. if you read her interviews, posts or get pm's from her you'll know what I'm talking about. Hot women are and cool and all but hot women with awesome personalities are the complete...
  13. Lust

    I want to be President of the United States

    Icecold322 2012! bringing the truth, honesty, integrity and porn back to the american way of life!
  14. Lust

    The Vanilla Ice Project

    Cool that he found something he likes to do and make a show on it. I'm too young to know much about him except all the parodies and satire on him. I don't watch much TV but I do like the home improvement shows and learn some tricks from them. Kevin Bacon did a good Vanilla Ice thing on SNL...
  15. Lust

    What is the best song for the holidays?

    Serious side: Peter's Carol of the Bells fBgHTJOsi6c Super Duper Serious, gotta go with the Silent Monk's Halleluia ZCFCeJTEzNU
  16. Lust

    yo spleen! thanks for covering my back! how much for the ape? [img]

    yo spleen! thanks for covering my back! how much for the ape? [img]
  17. Lust

    heya Bearded, thanks for balancing things out with your rep. Raquel wanted to know if your busy...

    heya Bearded, thanks for balancing things out with your rep. Raquel wanted to know if your busy tomorrow..... [img]
  18. Lust

    good luck in the bowl picks! oh and... [img]

    good luck in the bowl picks! oh and... [img]
  19. Lust

    What are you listening to right now?

    Sublime ~ Wrong Way ZaLI1pRL11Y
  20. Lust

    John Leslie Passes Away

    didn't know much about him but he made the first feature on Naomi Russell called "The one and only Naomi" I read in an interview she said he was so good to work with it convinced her to do porn for a while. So needless to say I'm grateful to the dude. RIP, John
  21. Lust

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    I can't wait for the Beef O'Brady Bowl either! I ordered it about five minutes ago and the waitress should bring it to my table any second now.....wait, what?
  22. Lust

    i'm hoping harley quin, but the article didn't state who. if i'm lucky it will be natalie as...

    i'm hoping harley quin, but the article didn't state who. if i'm lucky it will be natalie as harley and blake as bruce's love interest and if i'm really lucky they'll throw in kierra as poison ivy! wooooooo!
  23. Lust

    wow man. i'm gone from the board for two months come back and on my first day of posting i get...

    wow man. i'm gone from the board for two months come back and on my first day of posting i get neg rep for posting the lyrics to the Theme from Shaft. Damn this board has gone to shit, not as fun as it used to be and some real dumb asses have surfaced here lately. :( But you and Dirk always...
  24. Lust

    2010 NCAA Football Bowl Challenge

    Do you really expect us to believe that you think, Mister? I know you used the throwing darts and see where it lands method last year. And well ok, you won, but thats beside the point! ;)
  25. Lust

    Anyone know who's the black private dick

    re-edited because HE1FiNEARTiST said it best. Thanks, bro I owe you one! and to the guy who neg repped me saying this thread was racist, i'm black, issac hayes is black, its part of my culture and you're a fuckin retard.
  26. Lust

    Anyone know who's the black private dick

    that's a sex machine to all the chicks? John something or other....
  27. Lust

    Who's going to a NCAA Bowl Game?

    Work is preventing me from doing much of anything these days so I doubt I'll get to go. If I have the time I may swing over to the Kraft Hunger Macaroni and Cheese bowl because its just a hop skip and jump away. Not that I would hop skip and jump over there, cos people would stare at me funny
  28. Lust

    When you go overseas to pick up girls, do your traits and features limit you?

    Overseas, no. But when I venture across the bridge to Oakland, hellz yeah.
  29. Lust

    How do I prove that I'm a man?

  30. Lust

    how do i post pics to prove that im a lady

    what the hell is a woman??? Sounds like some made up species to me. Also, how do I post a picture proving to everyone I'm LurkingDirk?
  31. Lust

    2010/2011 NCAA Football Thread

    Fiesta Bowl? More like Siesta Bowl
  32. Lust

    Chinese Bunny Crushing Women

    "you can't catch me cos the rabbit done died"
  33. Lust

    2010 USA TODAY Top 25 college football coaches' ballots

    Well I guess you can't say Urban is an SEC Homer Funny seeing Tubberville vote Auburn #1
  34. Lust

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    The Falcon and The Snowman
  35. Lust

    What are you listening to right now?

    The Black Angels ~ Bad Vibrations 3jV6TnBC2nk
  36. Lust

    2010 NCAA Football Bowl Challenge

    Winners: New Mexico Bowl: BYU Humanitarian: Fresno State New Orleans: Troy St. Petersburg: Southern Mississippi MAACO: Boise State Poinsettia: San Diego State Hawaii: Hawaii Little Caesars: Toledo Independence: Air Force Champs Sports: West Virginia Insight: Iowa Military: Maryland Texas...
  37. Lust

    Yo Whims, sorry I missed your Thanksgiving cheer. I haven't logged on in a while as work is...

    Yo Whims, sorry I missed your Thanksgiving cheer. I haven't logged on in a while as work is really demanding these days. Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome and the Turkey was yum!
  38. Lust

    that's catya washington.

    that's catya washington.
  39. Lust

    sorry for double post

    sorry for double post
  40. Lust that's racquel... that's racquel gibson. she has a sister named c.j. gibson who is just as hot.
  41. Lust

    Coco / Nicole Austin / Nicole Barrett

    Re: Ice-T's Wife CoCo they work for me in Chrome but not IE, good thing i don't use IE ;)
  42. Lust

    been caught peekin

    can't say i blame her though.
  43. Lust

    Nicole Scherzinger

    Re: Nicole Scherzinger (Pussycat dolls) random pics skimpy dress plastic beach just plain sexy yum! peace out!
  44. Lust

    speaking of katy perry...

    speaking of katy perry...... http://www.*****************/2010/07/19/katy-perry-bikini-candids-at-atlantis-paradise-island/