Yogi Bear Movie

Any worse than this?



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Why? Haven't they already destroyed enough of the beloved cartoons of yesteryear? Scooby Doo, the Smurfs, & now Yogi Bear? When will it all end???


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
When there is no more classic cartoon.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Justin Timberlake gets any notice in Hollywood anymore. He is not a good actor, he is decent. He is not a great singer, he is decent. he is not that good-looking, he is decent.

He may be the epitome of American celebrity. He has name-recognition, so producers can bank a little on him rather than taking a chance on someone who may actually have real talent.

I heard Aykroyd on a local radio show talk about the movie and do some Yogi, he was pretty good.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Dan Akroyd and Justin Timberlake? What the fuck is that about?

Worst. Idea. Ever.
I just hope they don't touch Jayce And The Wheeled Warriors or Ulysses31, mind you Ulysses 31 could be good as a non animated film


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
The live action of Mr. Magoo rules! It was better than Jungle 2 Jungle!
They did it, I guess money makes people do anything, even stupid movies for children. I loved the cartoon when i was a lil boy, but this thing make me sick, to be honest.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Mother fuck, and it's live action, too.
Why is my childhood being constantly anally raped by today's society?
What next? The Red Hand Gang Gets Fisted? The Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner/Scrappy Doo Hour? Shazam: The Vampire Years? The Plastic Man Comedy/Adventure/American Idol Hour?