Re: Got Gisele ( / Love Gisele (
I'm almost willing to bet that almost all the hardcore stars out there would almost kill to do what Gisele does as well as she does instead of what they are doing now. They don't do it because they can't. It's as simple as that. They neither have the attractiveness, the personality, or the dedication to pull it off nearly as well as Gisele if they could succeed at all.
Personally, I agree 100%...h/c porn is a trap. That shit is not the glam life it's portrayed as. I like porn, but only 10-20% of it, the industry as a whole is extremely shady/unfulfilling IMO.
I just found out about Gisele today, and I would personally be disappointed if she went h/c. She is too fucking perfect to do massive facials and IR gangbangs and the like. She's too good for it. She won't say it, but I will. I haven't even wanked to this girl, stills and the little cam things don't really get me going like that, but I've just been sitting here in fucking amazement, half-trance-like LOL, at how fucking perfect this girl looks. Wow, every photoshoot, every 'lame' cam tease....we are literally looking at the picture of perfection (aside from maybe a jacked up foot lol jk - just keepin Gisele grounded

with all the over-the-top flattery in this room). It's really something to behold.
Anyway, I believe I was supposed to be writing a paper before I stumbled upon this goddess, so I guess I best be gettin back.... (to the galleries that is, fuck the paper. lol. jaw meet floor. again.)