Worst Genre of Music?

Eurodisco is by far the absolute worst genre that has ever existed!
I tolerate lots of noise and crap as music but not this.:fight:

And btw,grindcore and it's subgenres isn't supposed to sound bad,it's supposed to be extreme.
Meatshits is a good example of porngrind,but will not likely change anyones opinion.
I prefer the original grindcore like early Napalm Death,Insect Warfare and so on.:thumbsup:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
What in your opinion is the worst musical genre?

I have to say Porngrind which I have just recently come to know and with a name like Porngrind to me as an active member of a pornsite left me so dissapointed :D I mean yeah Torsofuck's song Raped by Elephants sounds great but to listen to ..... not so much. :rolleyes:

I mean isnt this just the worst thing you have ever heard? Or is it just me? This is just my opinion if there is anyone out there who actually likes it explain why, please? To me it just sounds like a band who werent good enough to be a death metal band but for some reason decided to carry on.

I like metal, most kinds of metal. But this, I just cant get.

Here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX17Ur7dEBg

I suppose Porngrind is more of a sub-genre of grindcore (or whatever :dunno:) but I still feel it's a valid choice :D.

Your thoughts?


ya know what I'd call that BELCHCORE! coz it sounds like a long belch/burp to ...well not MUSIC but the clanging of instruments!

Fuck i laugh my ass off antime i see anybody dressed like that jackoff daddy yankee or any of those douchebags! seriously these "artists" have no sense of individualism. they all dress the same,have the same stupid haircuts,sing the same. just fuckin die already daddy jackoff!
I'll have to disagree...
Music is a panoply sounds, no matter what produces it, it remains a sound...

Oh and BTW, rap is not that bad if you don't count the shit they make you play on the radio and calls it rap.

Lil' Wayne is the main guy in the hip-hop scene I believe, but he's NOTHING compared to the main guy (in my book), KRS-One.

I listen to all sorts of music and I know what I'm talking about, if you wanna have a discussion on Black Metal, Reggae or on classic Rock n' Roll I'm your man. :D

For the win!

Opera and Classical, tried them both even wish I could get into classical but they don't work for me!

What composers have you tried?
Music that glamorizes rednecks (which cannot be glamorized) is just horrible music. The worst genre for me is "honkey tonk" or country. "Soft" rock is a close second.
Only an elitist would outright determine what the "worst genre of music" is. This thread title should be changed to something like "your least favorite genre of music" because no one can solely determine what the worst genre of music is since 1) people have different musical preferences and no one should bash anyone for their musical tastes (unless they listen to Soulja Boy) and 2) there are many different aspects to base genre quality off of such as the amount of people who listen to it, the amount of money it makes, or its which is obviously based off of opinion.

Did you even read my first post?

I clearly stated I wanted opinions, and as I have said when I had to explained the nature of this thread to another memeber. All I was looking for were peoples opinions, I cant see where in my original post I asked for the entire board to come to a consensus as to what we think the worst genre in music is. No all I asked for were opinions.

Yes, maybe the title of the thread is a little misleading but I would expect those of you who actually came and posted on this thread would actually read what the intentions of the thread were when I started it.
I clearly stated I wanted opinions, and as I have said when I had to explained the nature of this thread to another memeber.

Are you talkin to me?! :D