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Wisconsin Voter ID Law Rejected By Federal Judge

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
One of the main arguments against voter ID laws in question is the fear that such laws would prevent a large number of poor and minority citizens from being able to vote. Opponents of the laws claim that the laws would disenfranchise the poorest of Americans, because they are unable to afford the time to vote, or pay the fees required to acquire the needed identification. The secondary argument against voter identification laws is that they are racist, as they discriminate against minorities.

One must only think about how often an ID is required in modern life, to realize the first argument does not have a strong basis.

Listed below are the functions of modern life that require photo identification:

You must have I.D. to:

Operate a vehicle
Purchase alcohol (weed, too. In WA and CO)
Get on a commercial flight
gain admittance to an R rated movie (to be honest, this has never happened to me)
Purchase a handgun
Properly file a w-9 form
collect social security
purchase items with a credit card (sometimes)
Cash a check
Pick up certain prescriptions
sell anything at a pawn shop
take the SATs and the AP tests
rent an apartment
purchase tobacco (again, never happened to me, even when I was 16)
Rent a car
apply for a permit to hold or attend a protest or rally
visit any k-12 school
enter any government building (even the dept of justice)

Are these everyday requirements for a photo ID racist or prejudiced against the poor? It is difficult to justify any claims of a racist basis for ID laws, as race does not figure in the ability to obtain an ID. Even using the weak argument of cost, there are far fewer minorities below the poverty level than there are among the Caucasian majority.

The only thing racist about voter ID laws are the progressive asshats who believe minority people are too lazy/poor/stupid to obtain proper identification.

Very good post. Perhaps the Government should require all citizens to get an photo ID, and rate the cost on income levels, just like health care. The amount you pay, is based on how much you make.


Not a valid reason to keep a fellow citizen from voting. Voter fraud is a giant myth, all part of the right wing 'be afraid be very afraid' campaign.

Maybe to read this you can take your head out of your ass, zeeblowschickens.


Q. Do I need identification when I go to vote?

If you have voted before and your name is on the roster of voters, no. You will just be asked to state your name and address and sign the roster.
If this is your first time voting and you registered by mail without giving your California drivers license or state identification number or the last four digits of your social security number, then you may need to show photo identification (e.g. valid driver's license or state ID) or a paycheck, utility bill, or government document that shows your name and address.

To be safe, take a photo id with you to the polls.

All an illegal has to do is know someone who isn't voting, get a bill copy, and vote.
That's so easy...
There may be a few illegals in L.A. fer instance, who are political and want a few hundred votes to go a certain way...times a thousand polling places that's a lot of unknowable fraud, ya think?
Just why are poor minorities so out of the mainstream as to find ID so onerous?
'Cause there are millions of welfare happy illegals who sure wanna vote for more of the same, and fall for Demtard Chicken little propaganda ...La Raza!
If there's no problem now (how to prove a negative?) there should be one soon...close the door BEFORE the horses escape the barn, not after.
The panic is over a possible problem, not one anyone can see in reality...since there is no ID rule in place in most places how can a problem be shown with ID required? Except for fraud ...that would be harder with ID.
I see a response to losing the "wild" voting that goes on in hot areas, like heavy minority precincts and mono-party areas in a mixed party state.
Since less than half of registered voters vote, who really cares except fraud perps?
If Granny votes in every election nothing is keeping her from voting this time or next time.

Shame on family members who don't help crazy ID-less Granny to get an ID.

How do dead voters get their sigs verified?...yet every election dead voters and felons are found on the voter tallies...are poll watchers and such required to pass a sig/handwriting analysis course? No...any scribble looks like any other scribble to an untrained eye.
I got lots of samples of my dead parents' sig to copy, that's 3 votes if I wanna do it.

Methinks he doth protest too much, as Willie once said.

The problem is the Demotard Party...they don't wanna lose any votes to keep the power. Insecurity as it were...the Emperor stands revealed as naked, and the Libbies are terrified.

How lazy do ya'll think the minority voter is...or should I say stupid?
Racism at it's finest...

Lots of Latino sigs are circles and shapes, no letters recognizable.
Fraud is easy, ID won't cure the problem, but it closes a big hole in the process.
As much as I think MBG is a paranoid, tree hugging kook,

Tree hugging kook?

Whatever, you keep that in the back of your mind then.
Third time I mention this, I'm a moderate.

I just find the TEA Party as a problem for this country to move forward. After Obama won in 2008, some got together right away to make him a one term President. When that failed in 2012, they divided to be the party of no:


Keep labeling people, but I can't stand racism or practice it.

After all every single ethnic group help develop this country and fought/died for this country.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
The right could have shed itself from the loonies but no. They had this brilliant idea, the Tea Party's Contract From America (which is kind of like a Pledge for America or whatever kind of other shit on previous list) could be all of the conservative selling points packed into a neat little package. No need to campaign about these topics, the Tea Party would do all of the leg work. End results? The right side leaves the screen door open to fill the house with loonies. John Boehner doesn't want to shake these fools off since they all represent house votes, local election votes, and tons of party money.

To all of you Democrats in red states, Register Republican and shake these asshole incumbents out in the primaries. Vote left or right in November.