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Why Obama?


Hiliary 2020
Hi everybody.
Another political thread here but hopefully it will be slightly different than most.
My intention is not to create a debate, just to understand a bit better the answer to "Why Obama?".

So please, Obama fans, can you tell me in simple, plain english exactly why so many of you like this guy so much.
For those of you who don't like him , the same.
As a side topic, Why did the democratic party drop hillary like a maggot infested hot potato? What makes, or made him better than her?

I just would like to hear real, direct reasons as to why, because I for one am baffled.
Thank you.
As a non-Obama fan, I must say that his very left wing policies of gun control, socialized health care and "redistribution" are all very marxist. I do not feel like footing the bill for everyone to have coverage, regardless how noble the idea is. In reality it would not be feasible given how much everyone is taxed as it is, and then on top of that the taxes for the health care that Obama wants to give everyone.

Social programs are for the most part a drain on our communities and society as they only give a fake scaffolding and a temporary fix to the many problems that our society has allowed to occur.
Meester, see today's New York Times Editorial. They lay out the case for Obama. Obama has the intelligence to make "correct" decisions in cleaning up the destructive messes which Dubya has left for the next president. Obama has the charisma to return America to prominence in the opinion of The World and restore American credibility.

Hillary Clinton carried with her a sense of entitlement to the "throne" which turned me off of her. I believe she pandered to white racist voters in N.H., West Virginia and other places near the end of the Dem primary. I don't believe she campaigned enough for Obama either. When she was defeated, she should've worked harder to sweep out Pubs in all races...instead, she went to the "corner" and "pouted" like a baby, imo.

I believe Mitt Romney and Christine Todd Whitman would've been a REAL CHOICE for voters. Romney is an actual Business Leader and CTM is a qualified, moderate Pub Woman who does not incite anger amongst most Libs like me..The Pubs got stuck with their own candidate (McCain) who had a throne entitlement complex.

Who would've thought that in the greatest economic collapse of our lifetime, the Republican Party would nominate a ticket so inept in Economic Fundamentals?.....THAT is what doomed them.
What kind of question is that? Do you still beat your wife?

Why McCain after why Bush? I knew that administration had no clue pretty fast when pushing the cause for war, so why would anyone not see what to me is blatently obvious and has been for years? :dunno: I think the more information people take in, the clearer it becomes that those guys are not capabile of representing the other 90% of the population.

I've been watching the news every day for years. McCain only developed his new "strategy" and campaign in the past few months, when his clear support of Bush wasn't getting the result of Obama. This is like Microsoft copying yet another MacIntosh OS don't you think?

A good question I might ask, is while McCain hammers away on this poor Joe the Plumber paying hard earned dollars to support illegals, lazy, stupid and underprivledged, why do my hard earned dollars go to congressional dinners, corporate tax cuts, and bonuses for greedy corporate boys, raking in 10's of millions in salary a year?
As a non-Obama fan, I must say that his very left wing policies of gun control, socialized health care and "redistribution" are all very marxist. I do not feel like footing the bill for everyone to have coverage, regardless how noble the idea is. In reality it would not be feasible given how much everyone is taxed as it is, and then on top of that the taxes for the health care that Obama wants to give everyone.

Social programs are for the most part a drain on our communities and society as they only give a fake scaffolding and a temporary fix to the many problems that our society has allowed to occur.

I'm not sure if Karl Marx coined the actual phrase "Redistribution of Wealth." I'll have to look through my copy of "Capital" to see. My guess is Adam Smith probably coined it. Karl Marx did invent words--"bifurcate" "materiality" and "commodity fetishism"--but I doubt he offered many opinions on gun control or Universal Healthcare:dunno:

I know T Boone Pickens used a similar phrase --"Transfer of Wealth" in his Alternative Fuel ads. Is "transfer" different than "Redistribute"?


Hiliary 2020
What kind of question is that? Do you still beat your wife?


Beat my wife?
Why would you ask that?
Oh, ok, I get it.
If you don't like Obama than you are a stereotypical southern man who abuses his wife.
I just wanted to hear some real reasons.
Thanks for answering.
A reasonable question except for the Hillary stuff.Lets not forget she got only slightly fewer votes in the primaries then Obama and way more votes and support then McCain did in his.

I originally liked Edwards ,then Hillary over Obama.Not that I saw anything wrong with Obama I was just concerned that given how important an election I think this is his being black might mean a democratic lose.I still worry some about that but a lot less with the way things have developed.As someone who grew up in the 60s and 70s and understands what the progressive movement of then was about I can tell you that part of Obama's appeal is that he is not from that school of thought as Hillary is seen to be.That he is not nearly as tied to what some would call the same old fights and is actually IMO much more centrist and pragmatic then some think.Given the last 8 years and the current state of things all the momentum is for the dems.Add to that the really poor campaign by McCain in which he has been so erratic ( like the whole he's suspending his campaign ,then he's not that he pulled before the 1st debate) plus the Palin pick which even many republicans are still shaking their heads over and it is no mystery why Obama is seen to be clearly headed for a win.And I still think if he possibly loses or it's close we will all know why.Obama has run a very good campaign and has been seen rightfully so IMO as much steadier and thoughtfull then McCain with much better answers to every question the two have had.Pretty much every pundit even the right wing ones think Obama looked better in every debate and won all 3,McCain has looked grumpy,nasty, old and out of touch with reality with comments like the fundamentals of the economy are sound just prior to the need for the bailout and collapse of the stock market which has lost 1/3 of its value so far this year.Also I heard someone maybe here say they heard once that when in doubt especially in times of trouble vote for the more intelligent ticket.On that score I can't see how anyone could not say that would be Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin.
But the bottom line reason I think he will win is the one he said in his own acceptance speech at the dem convention.That the choice in this election is between the somewhat unknown (Obama) and the unacceptable (McCain and continued republican policys which has gotten us where we are).

Edit: To the arguement we can't afford a Universal health care system like all other countries have, I say nonsense.What we can't afford is the system we have now which we spend DOUBLE per Capita( per person) on then the countries do who have universal systems do and they cover everyone.We are being hosed!!!


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Hi everybody.
Another political thread here but hopefully it will be slightly different than most.
My intention is not to create a debate, just to understand a bit better the answer to "Why Obama?".

The same question can be asked about the man running against Obama...

Why McCain? :dunno:

Other than being an elderly war veteran who has visited the troops in Iraq, what quality does he possess that Obama doesn't?
Hi everybody.
Another political thread here but hopefully it will be slightly different than most.
My intention is not to create a debate, just to understand a bit better the answer to "Why Obama?".

So please, Obama fans, can you tell me in simple, plain english exactly why so many of you like this guy so much.
For those of you who don't like him , the same.
As a side topic, Why did the democratic party drop hillary like a maggot infested hot potato? What makes, or made him better than her?

I just would like to hear real, direct reasons as to why, because I for one am baffled.
Thank you.

why did the republican party drop giuliani like a maggot infested hot potato?
@Titsrock, Obama isn't going to revamp America's reputation, he wants to knock us down to a second tier nation by apologizing, repaying and pandering to the international community.

Sure, Iraq is not a good situation. The best thing we can do is to fix it, because we broke it. Don't just back down and then apologize while the place is falling apart internally.

Not the best reference, but...
What kind of question is that? Do you still beat your wife?

Why McCain after why Bush? I knew that administration had no clue pretty fast when pushing the cause for war, so why would anyone not see what to me is blatently obvious and has been for years? :dunno: I think the more information people take in, the clearer it becomes that those guys are not capabile of representing the other 90% of the population.

I've been watching the news every day for years. McCain only developed his new "strategy" and campaign in the past few months, when his clear support of Bush wasn't getting the result of Obama. This is like Microsoft copying yet another MacIntosh OS don't you think?

A good question I might ask, is while McCain hammers away on this poor Joe the Plumber paying hard earned dollars to support illegals, lazy, stupid and underprivledged, why do my hard earned dollars go to congressional dinners, corporate tax cuts, and bonuses for greedy corporate boys, raking in 10's of millions in salary a year?

This is what is really desperate or strange this time. The Republican Party has presented itself as the party of the "Joe the Plumbers" (Working Class) when Republican Party policies are meant to exploit the Working Class. The Republican Party likes to tell the Working Class that they have just as much purchasing power as the Rich. When, if the Joe the Plumbers actually thought about that phrase...perhaps they'd walk away from Republicans and elect Democrats. What does John McCain--a man with 7 homes have in common with Joe the Plumber--a man who, today, struggles to pay the property taxes on his own home? The fact that the Joe the Plumbers think that McCain cares about them is what is most sad.

McCain is a product of class warfare. Look at the class warfare in the Military. McCain was a privileged "legacy" officer whereas most Joe the Plumbers would've been enlisted servicemen. They would never be allowed to even mingle with John the Pilot. Why is it that McCain likes to congratulate Vets yet he won't ever vote for policies which actually reward Vets for their service--(GI Bills, VA Healthcare, Walter Reed, etc.) How could Walter Reed fail under McCain's "watch"?
And what does Obama have in common with the average person? They're both politicians who have no idea what real people's lives are like. Neither candidate is good, one just happens to be worse than the other and if you don't vote for him you're racist...
@Titsrock, Obama isn't going to revamp America's reputation, he wants to knock us down to a second tier nation by apologizing, repaying and pandering to the international community.

Sure, Iraq is not a good situation. The best thing we can do is to fix it, because we broke it. Don't just back down and then apologize while the place is falling apart internally.

Not the best reference, but...

I'm not clicking on that reference.

The "War" in Iraq has been finished since Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" 5 years ago. Saddam is gone. Iraq is free to build her nation without the threat of Saddam's military oppression. This means that whatever civil/religious tensions exist--those aren't our problem.

Fundamentally, I don't understand why Republicans are happy to spend tax money to "rebuild Iraq" yet refuse to spend money to rebuild/maintain their own country? This disconnect is why people have been against the "War" in Iraq since Mission was Accomplished so many years ago. Iraq has $80 billion in money sitting in a bank in New York. They don't need us or want us anymore.

We do have to finish the Afghan War because that is actually where Osama is. This Iraq War/Occupation has been the greatest military blunder in the history of the U.S. President Obama will end the occupation in Iraq, "redistribute" the $150billion annually we spend there back INTO American roads, schools, etc., and finish the job in Afghanistan so we can get the hell out of there within his first Administration (hopefully within his first year).


Because Obama is a funny word.
And what does Obama have in common with the average person? They're both politicians who have no idea what real people's lives are like. Neither candidate is good, one just happens to be worse than the other and if you don't vote for him you're racist...

obama started out as a regular middle class person. mccain was born rich
And what does Obama have in common with the average person? They're both politicians who have no idea what real people's lives are like. Neither candidate is good, one just happens to be worse than the other and if you don't vote for him you're racist...

Not voting for McCain is racist.........hhmmmm..........now that is strange
Neither candidate is good, one just happens to be worse than the other and if you don't vote for him you're racist...

Toasted--why can't Conservatives use non-racist words and ideas to run against Obama? Why do they have to call the parts of America that support McCain "Pro-America" and the parts that don't, "Communist America"? Is that really fair and accurate?
I'm not clicking on that reference.

The "War" in Iraq has been finished since Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" 5 years ago. Saddam is gone. Iraq is free to build her nation without the threat of Saddam's military oppression. This means that whatever civil/religious tensions exist--those aren't our problem.

Fundamentally, I don't understand why Republicans are happy to spend tax money to "rebuild Iraq" yet refuse to spend money to rebuild/maintain their own country? This disconnect is why people have been against the "War" in Iraq since Mission was Accomplished so many years ago. Iraq has $80 billion in money sitting in a bank in New York. They don't need us or want us anymore.

We do have to finish the Afghan War because that is actually where Osama is. This Iraq War/Occupation has been the greatest military blunder in the history of the U.S. President Obama will end the occupation in Iraq, "redistribute" the $150billion annually we spend there back INTO American roads, schools, etc., and finish the job in Afghanistan so we can get the hell out of there within his first Administration (hopefully within his first year).

The reference has a newspaper article about the amount of money Obama wants to give to the world to end "extreme poverty". Why is it our duty? We messed Iraq up, the least we could do is to help put it back together. The "redistribute" that you talk about isn't the same as I am talking about. He wants to give the tax money back to those who pay little to nothing into our system so they can afford to have the same nice things that I, as a fish counter worker, work hard for. I make $9.50 an hour selling fish and meat to pay for what I have. Then I get taxed, then I pay union dues. So, if anything, I am more of a "worker" than not. Why would I not want to have Obama as a president? Because I am not wanting to pay even more so that the bums and lazy asses I see when I ride the bus can have the same things as me without working.

obama started out as a regular middle class person. mccain was born rich

Who handed him his Harvard paid education? How did he pay for all of that stuff? He wasn't from an ordinary family. His family had money too. McCain isn't in my opinion a great candidate, just marginally better.

Not voting for McCain is racist.........hhmmmm..........now that is strange

You know what I mean :thefinger:thefinger:thefinger:wave:

Toasted--why can't Conservatives use non-racist words and ideas to run against Obama? Why do they have to call the parts of America that support McCain "Pro-America" and the parts that don't, "Communist America"? Is that really fair and accurate?

What has the conservative base said that is racist? Did they say that they'd like to do all sorts of things that probably would get me banned if I posted them? Did they call him the "N" word? No, they said he's not as good as the republican candidate. Typical? Yes. Racist? No. Show me where they brought up his race in a negative light. I bet you'll find stuff about McCain's age too...but lets ignore that because it isn't convenient for your "argument".


why did the republican party drop giuliani like a maggot infested hot potato?

Nationally, the pubs never even had a grasp on him in the first place.
He never played well, East of the Hudson.
Besides, he's somewhat scandal laden - wasn't there a mountain of crap going on with his appointment police chief, Bernard Kerik ? police brutality going on throughout the city ? I also believe that BK was the gobetween in NYPD's purchase of a Taser type device . . . which didn't perform for whatever reason. :dunno: Finally wasn't BK screwing that author Judy Regan ? I forgot what exactly happened with that one, but it became public, to Giuliani's dismay.
Mr. Kerik left messes all over the place ! the dem's surely would have taken Rudy down for it all, you could bank on that.

As for Obama, I think that since we're coming off of, not 1 but 2 consecutive repub. presidential terms, the dems would be voting for any number of well known radicals well ahead of liberal John McCain - Angela Davis, Maya Anjelou or our University of Colorado friend, Ward Churchill to name a few. If Obama is is elected, we're in for a rough ride. It's really depressing that the common man, no longer has representation in this land - Both pol parties suck ! Oh well, it was a good run I guess . . . some 230 something years ? We're done in this nation . . through !
Have fun with your super majority, Jerk ! . . tyrant !! :tongue: President "o" men

What kind of question is that? Do you still beat your wife?


Beat my wife?
Why would you ask that?
Oh, ok, I get it.
If you don't like Obama than you are a stereotypical southern man who abuses his wife.
I just wanted to hear some real reasons.
Thanks for answering.

Yeah, that's like not accurate at all. Not even close. Reading my posts and views in the past, is that even worth your considering? :dunno:

It's like if you take a longer term historical view on what the US says and does and what the candidates said and did before last July fourth, you are into esoteric no man's land as far as the masses that vote are concerned and Obama is some kind of cult. I think that's extremely limited, just the way you posed the question is biased. If I was a Roman I might ask why would anyone look to Jesus Christ for any insight? And I am not making a comparison there, just a point based on principal.

More Dancing With the Stars for everyone!
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