Why does the KKK still exist?

Will E Worm

the kkk exists because of Louis Farrakhan and because of black, asian and latino gangs.Gang members have always been a target of the kkk.

"I'm to black people, what the Pope is to white people". Louis Farrakhan


That's a wide blanket statement. I don't care about what the Pope says.

A delusional man in a hat.


Closed Account
They still exist because there is still a lot of hate, and racism in the world. Imagine if Hitler ruled the world like he wanted to, we'd all basically be clones. The KKK was designed by angry men who don't get laid and feel they need to take their anger out on everyone else in the world, which is why they hate everyone. They are a bunch of self loving Nazi's and deserve to be executed based solely on their stupidity.
My question to you all? Is Reverend Wright's church that preach hate against white america: a black KKK? I think everyone is racist or bias or prejudice in one way or another. Im tired of how sensitive society is. Anything anyone does is racism. If anything I think reverse racism is as prevalent as racism today. Just like that episode in South Park where Randy used the ****** word. Like I said everyone is bias, just as long as we dont need to kill each other, which is why I do disagree with the KKK.
:2 cents:


Closed Account
My question to you all? Is Reverend Wright's church that preach hate against white america: a black KKK? I think everyone is racist or bias or prejudice in one way or another. Im tired of how sensitive society is. Anything anyone does is racism. If anything I think reverse racism is as prevalent as racism today. Just like that episode in South Park where Randy used the ****** word. Like I said everyone is bias, just as long as we dont need to kill each other, which is why I do disagree with the KKK.
:2 cents:

There is no such thing. Racism is racism- PERIOD! Reverse racism means it ain't happening. Why does the term "racism" automatically mean white hatred of another?


Closed Account
Maybe because thoughts and ideals change?

Dees and the southern poverty law center have been instrumental in hurting such groups by winning awards against them and bankrupting them.They use the convicted former members of such groups a lot of the time who now feel remorse usually for their awfull deeds to testify that they were indoctrinated to do violence by the leadership of the groups they belonged to.It's much like the the way the govt got the mob with rico laws.They prove to a jury's satisfaction that these groups were involved in criminal conspiracies and get multi million dollar judgements which effectively put them out of buisness.:thumbsup:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
For the same reason the Neo Nazi's or the Black Panthers still exist. Because this is America, we have a Constitution, and like it or not, people have the right to have their beliefs and freedoms of expression...and I think if you look closely, you will see just as many racists in other ethnicities. Last time I check Farrakhan wasn't saying the most tolerant things about Jewish people, or the Whites. You can always skip to the next article, page, station, or channel if you don't like whats being said...and no one is forcing you to stand and watch the protest in the park either. It is what it is, you can be offended all you want,and whole heartedly disagree with everything being said, but you have just as much rights to believe what you want, as they do.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
the kkk exists because of Louis Farrakhan and because of black, asian and latino gangs.Gang members have always been a target of the kkk.

Another erroneous observation by you, Georges. I live in a town where there was a a KKK rally a couple of years ago....it's still the same hate for anything other than white Anglo-Saxon Protestants. It isn't focused on Farrakhan or gangs at all....it's hatred knows few boundaries other than the one I just mentioned.


Closed Account
My question is, are there still any "pure" white Anglos left? Seriously, most of the people who are called "white" by definition aren't. I'm considered white, but I'm 1/4 native American, and 3/4, uh, every damn thing you can imagine. I've traced Spanish, German, Belgian, Irish. Honestly, I look Samoan. Here the hell was I going with this anyway (sorry, cold medicine)?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Why does the KKK still exist?

Because I've been secretly funding it's racist-minded, anti-white efforts through 3rd party "ghost" accounts, all of which have been syphoning millions and millions of dollars through Swiss bankers.

I KNOW, I KNOW...my bad.
My question is, are there still any "pure" white Anglos left?

nope, and there hasn't been for about a thousand years. I guess all these "purists" forgot that Rome conquered Europe mixing Anglo-Saxons with Slavs (who had long mixed with north Asians) and Mediterraneans (who had long mixed with middle-easterners.)

The term Caucasian refers to all these people, while they are different ethnic/national and culturally, it seems to acknowledge the above stated fact and is a bit more accurate assessment of "race".


Closed Account
nope, and there hasn't been for about a thousand years. I guess all these "purists" forgot that Rome conquered Europe mixing Anglo-Saxons with Slavs (who had long mixed with north Asians) and Mediterraneans (who had long mixed with middle-easterners.)

The term Caucasian refers to all these people, while they are different ethnic/national and culturally, it seems to acknowledge the above stated fact and is a bit more accurate assessment of "race".

So by definition, you have pretty much Asian, Black, Latin, and white- where white typifies everything not black or asian or Latino. Well, no WONDER everything is blamed on white people. I guess that's also why you don't see predominantly "white" holidays in the US (would a Jewish person be considered Caucasian :confused:). I'm making my brain hurt. Time for more NyQuil.:glugglug:
would a Jewish person be considered Caucasian :confused:).

well it's kind of complicated. Judaism is a religion and not an ethnic group, so anyone can be Jewish. The use of the term in relation to ethnicity usually means a person that traces their lineage to the original inhabitants of the nation of Israel, which was where Judaism was founded. Technically, Israeli people are considered to be Caucasian because the term is based on geographical location and not on race/ethnicity.

The problem in this case is that other people in the middle-east or near-east aren't Caucasian but they share the same ethnic ancestry as those that are. On the other hand, you have European Caucasians that don't share the same ethnic ancestry as other middle-eastern Caucasians.

The middle east is divided up by geographic regions: The Anatolia Peninsula in the north west, the Levant or eastern Mediterranean (where Israel is located), Mesopotamia in the middle, these people are usually classifed as Caucasian. Then you have the Persian Plateau to the east, and the Arabian Peninsula to the south-east, not usually classified as Caucasian. Each one of these regions has ethnic/cultural groups more or less in common and distinct from the others.

Pretty much all of these people come from the ancestry of the original inhabitants called the Semites, a bunch of different groups of people that all share the same roots of language. basically everyone from the different regions has conquered each other multiple times, as well as the area also having been conquered by Europeans and Asians. So pretty much the exact lineage of anyone in the middle east is kind of hard to determine, even though they all hate each other and insist that they are different.

basically it's kind of hard to come up with any biological basis for what differentiates races, and I'd say nearly everyone on the planet, except for small groups of indigenous peoples that have never migrated or been conquered, has an ancestry that involves interracial mixing at some point.

The again everyone on the planet can trace their lineage to a group of about 3,000 people that lived in Africa around 150,000 years ago, so we're all black.

problem solved. go fuck yourself KKK.