Why does the KKK still exist?

An awful but true statement.

Since Obama made it to the top, why do the Black Panthers or the NAACP exist?

There will never be such a thing as a post-racial society.

Because just because some have been able to succeed in the society (Obama) and others who have come before him does not signal that equality is really at hand.We will know when the whole of a group has made it to general equality,it will be easy to tell.When unemployment rates,incomes and everything else are the same regardless of race will be when we can say we are in a "post-racial" society.When that happens(if ever) you will see groups like the ones you listed disapear quickly as there reason for being will be gone.
the kkk exists because of Louis Farrakhan and because of black, asian and latino gangs.Gang members have always been a target of the kkk.
For the same reason that the media and almost everyone became obssesed with electing the "first african american" or "black" president.

BTW how come I don't hear no big deal about those black panthers where was it in Philadelphia at a voting place...
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Will E Worm

For the same reason that the media and almost everyone became obssesed with electing the "first african american" or "black" president.

They did become obsessed. The coverage was one sided. The Elite put in their guy, just like they always do. The sheeple need to wake up.

BTW how come I don't hear no big deal about those black panthers where was it in Philadelphia at a voting place...

I mentioned that and no one has said anything, but you. ;)
the kkk exists because of Louis Farrakhan and because of black, asian and latino gangs.Gang members have always been a target of the kkk.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is just crazy or is it just me?:dunno:
The KKK started soon after the civil war was/is a group that almost exclusively picked on the more defenseless minorities to "keep them in there place".I have not ever heard of one case of them lynching or cross burning in response to some gang activity.I would love to see a link thats states that ever happened,especially one that says that was common.And the idea that gangs came first and that the KKK was some sort response to it is also totally incorrect.Your correlation is totally without merit Gerorges.The truth is the KKK is smaller now then it was in the past,much smaller.It had a huge membership back in the 1920s and has been declining ever since with some little fluctuations like the 60s during the the civil rights movement.But for the most part they have been marganilized to a very small hardcore fringe element today.Gangs on the other hand have grown in the last few decades while the KKK has been disapearing.And as I alluded to earlier the KKK is(always has been) a bunch of dispicable cowards who have never taken on anyone who can defend themselves.


It's good to be the king...
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It's good to be the king...
It's called the human condition, I'm afraid.

One man will advocate loving thy neighbour, another will want to string up said neighbour because he/she/they are of a different race/creed..:(
I saw on the news a few hours ago that there is a trial of a group of KKK members here in Kentuckythis week where a Hispanic man was assulted by a large group of clan members. Very sad.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The KKK or any similar hate group exists due strictly to ignorance that is totally based on fear. These pathetic individuals continue to exist and, unfortunately, thrive in some areas of the USA. It is my profound hope that, as each new generation comes into being and the social, religious, racial and ethnic barriers that have historically defined such archaic institutions will be broken down, that these abominable organizations will simply fade in to oblivion where they so richly belong.

Why indeed does the KKK still exist?
BTW how come I don't hear no big deal about those black panthers where was it in Philadelphia at a voting place...

Probably because out of the thousands upon thousands of polling places across the nation the incident you're referencing involved the presence of exactly two men dressed as black panthers at exactly one polling place. The event was insignificant enough that only one of the two was even escorted off the property (for possessing a night stick). The other was allowed to remain on site, and neither was cited or arrested.

Is there anyone out there that thinks this is just crazy or is it just me?:dunno:

No, it's not just you.
It's certifiable.

Sorry to break it to you, but La Raza isn't a racist organization.

Try telling that to Facetious :)
I wonder what would it be if it was the "first native american" or "red skin" or "first latino american" or "brown skin" emphasized by the media if people would had some trouble with it?

KKK are sorry ass bastards just like the black panthers are too and any other organization that supports racism.
It has to do with stupidity and ignorance, and yes I do believe that there is a difference. But, there are those that believe that they are superior to others and should be the only ones in existence. These people are just very narrow-minded assholes that just "do not get it". However it has been an observation of mine (not that it doesn't exist) that people such as this tend to live in the south and middle part of the US. I grew up in NYC, and live in Miami now and I have noticed that people in the Northeast, and California tend to be more tolerant and don't give a shit about this garbage. However I am not saying that it doesn't happen everywhere, but this has just been an observation. I personally don't care if you are white, black, hispanic, asian, arab, indian, or whatever, if your cool and etc then who cares. Granted there are some in ALL groups that are asshole such as these or any of the extremists that just do not get it.
Problem is, there is always going to be someone that is going to try to force their views and ideologies on someone else. Regardless of whether it makes those affected happy or not.

just my :2 cents:
the kkk exists because of Louis Farrakhan and because of black, asian and latino gangs.Gang members have always been a target of the kkk.

I'm sorry sir but that is not the correct answer.

But don't feel bad, you'll still be going home with a consolation prize consisting of a commemorative glazed plate emblazoned with the beautiful image of a lynched black man with a burning cross in the backround which has been handcrafted by the skilled artisans of the KKK's southern Mississippi clavern.

Thank you for your participation in todays episode of "KKK Trivia".

"KKK Trivia" is brought to you by Bedford Forrests industrial strength nooses - Bedford Forrest nooses, the branch will snap before we ever will, guaranteed or your money back. And by David Duke lighter fluid - David Duke lighter fluid, we make crosses shine a little bit brighter.

All "KKK Trivia" contestants fly Southwest airlines - Southwest, You Are Now Free to Move About The Country.

And finally, remember to help control the pet population; have your pet spayed or neutered.

Have a good day folks. We'll see you tomorrow.:wave2:
another version... nowadays KKK still exist, just cuz it ain't no longer what it used to be back in the days:

welcome to the brand new improved, tolerant version of KKK :1orglaugh
Its so sad that some white people think that ANY OTHER RACE is below them! I REALLY HATE THAT! Am Puertorican and i have all type of friends.. Americans, Mexicans, black friends ( am sorry if i offended u using that word ) Asian friends!!! My question is.. Y DO da KKK still exists! in my opinion i think its a minority in the US. ( correct me if am wrong ) Why do WHITE PEOPLE HATE LATIN or BLACK PEOPLE! is it the color of the skin that makes them better than us!? cause i think that is BS!! :nanner:

Great thread. Fear and using scapegoats as social control is my first thought. Maybe it is some primal urge in certain human beings genetic coding(Hitler), or it could be a learned behavior, but at root organizations such as the Klan exist from a fear of difference and using it for control. This has been happening from a time immemorial in differing degrees and ideologies.

"We have nothing to fear but fear itself!!!" FDR
I'm sorry sir but that is not the correct answer.

But don't feel bad, you'll still be going home with a consolation prize consisting of a commemorative glazed plate emblazoned with the beautiful image of a lynched black man with a burning cross in the backround which has been handcrafted by the skilled artisans of the KKK's southern Mississippi clavern.

Thank you for your participation in todays episode of "KKK Trivia".

"KKK Trivia" is brought to you by Bedford Forrests industrial strength nooses - Bedford Forrest nooses, the branch will snap before we ever will, guaranteed or your money back. And by David Duke lighter fluid - David Duke lighter fluid, we make crosses shine a little bit brighter.

All "KKK Trivia" contestants fly Southwest airlines - Southwest, You Are Now Free to Move About The Country.

And finally, remember to help control the pet population; have your pet spayed or neutered.

Have a good day folks. We'll see you tomorrow.:wave2:

You like to put words in to my mouth it seems. Stop it and I am not kidding at all. Don't make assumptions and stop lieing because it doesn't show your honesty. Your behaviour is flaggerstabbing and quite irrespectful.